Template:Apparel Suppression Note/doc

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Just standardizes the spiel about what the Suppression effects provided by some apparel and the way that effect is applied..

First variable is necessary and contains the offset. Second is optional and allows a name to be specified.


A cowboy hat has a slave suppression offset of −5%. When worn by a slave,Content added by the Ideology DLC this acts as an offset to the rate at which the slave loses suppression.Content added by the Ideology DLC Note that by default, slaves lose between −5% and −20% suppression per day depending on their current level of suppression. This loss rate stacks additively with all sources of slave suppression offset, with a minimum of 0% loss per day.

A slave body strap has a slave suppression offset of +15%. When worn by a slave,Content added by the Ideology DLC this acts as an offset to the rate at which the slave loses suppression.Content added by the Ideology DLC Note that by default, slaves lose between −5% and −20% suppression per day depending on their current level of suppression. This loss rate stacks additively with all sources of slave suppression offset, with a minimum of 0% loss per day.

A slave collar has a slave suppression offset of +15%. When worn by a slave,Content added by the Ideology DLC this acts as an offset to the rate at which the slave loses suppression.Content added by the Ideology DLC Note that by default, slaves lose between −5% and −20% suppression per day depending on their current level of suppression. This loss rate stacks additively with all sources of slave suppression offset, with a minimum of 0% loss per day.