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The Assign screen allows to set policies to control your pawn's use of colony resources. It has the following sections:

Assign tab displaying most of its features.


Only present if the Ideology DLC is active,[Ideoligion inactive?] this column indicates the pawn's Ideoligion with each ideoligion's icon, and allows the pawn list to be sorted by it. Pressing the icon will open up the ideoligion menu with the details of the selected ideoligion.


Only present if the Biotech DLC is active, this column indicates the pawn's xenotype with each xenotype's icon, and allows the pawn list to be sorted by it.

Hostility response[edit]

Sets each colonist's behavior when enemies are nearby. This setting is also available on the colonist's inspect pane. Melee colonist in attack mode attack enemies within a radius of 8 cells inclusive pawns. Ranged colonists in attack mode attack enemies within a radius that is approximately 70% of the weapons maximum range up to a max of about 20 cells. Pawns incapable of violence will have "Attack" as an option.

ReactUndraftedFlee.png Flee (default)
ReactUndraftedAttack.png Attack
ReactUndraftedIgnore.png Ignore

Medical care[edit]

Default Medical settings.

Sets the best medicine types a Doctor will use when treating, or performing surgery on, a pawn. The highest tier allowed will always be used, even for minor injuries and treatments. If the requested tier cannot be retrieved by the doctor for any reason, the next tier down will be tried, and so on. The default setting can be adjusted at the "Defaults" button next to the medical quality level on a pawn's health tab.

Note: Most operations require medicine - if a pawn is set to no medicine, or none is available, the operations in question will not be performed.

No medical care.png No medical care
Doctor care but no medicine.png Doctor care, but no medicine
Herbal medicine.png Herbal medicine or worse
Medicine industrial a.png Industrial-tech Medicine or worse
Glitterworld medicine.png Best quality medicine
Change Defaults

Apparel policies[edit]

Apparel policies table.

Allows the player to manage apparel profiles. Colonists will automatically don the best apparel possible per their assigned outfit and according to the weather. They will automatically switch out damaged apparel for better apparel, or poor-quality apparel for high-quality apparel.

If the player forces a colonist to wear a piece of apparel, the colonist will never remove it until the manual assignment is cleared, the apparel runs out of HP, or the colonist is forced to wear different apparel on the same body part. In the Gear tab on the pawn inspect pane, manually assigned apparel is listed as 'forced'. Forced apparel can be cleared using the 'Clear forced' button on the Assign window, allowing colonists to remove them at will.

There are several default outfits as follows:

  • Anything: Allows literally any apparel, included tainted apparel.
  • Nudist: Allows only untainted headgear and utility items. A nudist does not consider those items to be clothing and will still get the appropriate +20 mood buff.
  • Worker: Excludes any type of armor but allows most everything else.
  • Soldier: Includes armor and clothing suited for cold weather.

The player may modify these outfits or create their own.

Food policies[edit]

Food policies

Food policies allow the player to edit and set food policies for different colonists. The default food restriction policy, named Lavish, allows pawns to consume meals of all qualities, pemmican, chocolate, or raw food (if accessible) and forbids human meat and insect meat.

Hungry Pawns attempt to eat the food that grants them the most mood that they are allowed to eat. If multiple foods grant the same mood the colonist will eat the closest. If the colonist has a meal in their inventory and is starving (below 12.5% food saturation), or if their desired meal is more than approximately 90 cells away, they will eat the meal from their inventory regardless of the inventory meal's quality. After eating, a colonist attempts to refill their food inventory slot with the meal that grants them the most mood allowed by their food restriction.

There are several default food restrictions as follows:

  • Lavish: All food types allowed, except hemogen packs.Content added by the Biotech DLC
  • Fine: All food types except lavish meals, carnivore lavish meals, vegetarian lavish meals, and hemogen packsContent added by the Biotech DLC allowed.
  • Simple: All food types except packaged survival meals, fine meals, carnivore fine meals, vegetarian fine meals, lavish meals, carnivore lavish meals, vegetarian lavish meals, and hemogen packsContent added by the Biotech DLC allowed.
  • Paste: Hemogen packsContent added by the Biotech DLC and all meals disallowed except nutrient paste meals. All other food types allowed.
  • Raw: Chocolate, insect jelly, pemmican, hemogen packs,Content added by the Biotech DLC and all meals disallowed. All other food types allowed, including other animal products.
  • Nothing: All food types disallowed.
  • Vegetarian: Corpses, raw meat, carnivore fine meals, carnivore lavish meals, pemmican, kibble, and hemogen packsContent added by the Biotech DLC as well as meals with appetizing meat, human meat, or insect meat disallowed. All other food types allowed.
  • Carnivore: Human meat, humanlike corpses, all raw vegetables, plants, plant matter, vegetarian fine meals, vegetarian meals, hay, baby food,Content added by the Biotech DLC hemogen packsContent added by the Biotech DLC are disallowed as well as otherwise vegetarian meals and meals with human or insect meat . All other food types allowed.
  • Cannibal: Non-humanlike corpses, ambrosia, all raw food except for human meat, plants, plant matter, vegetarian fine meals, vegetarian meals, hay, baby food,Content added by the Biotech DLC hemogen packsContent added by the Biotech DLC are disallowed as well as otherwise vegetarian meals and meals with appetising or insect meat. All other food types allowed.
  • Insect meat: Human meat, non-insectoid corpses, all raw vegetables, all raw meat except for insect meat, plants, plant matter, vegetarian fine meals, vegetarian meals, hay, baby food,Content added by the Biotech DLC hemogen packsContent added by the Biotech DLC are disallowed as well as otherwise vegetarian meals and meals with appetising or human meat. All other food types allowed.

The player may modify these restriction presets or create their own.

Drug policies[edit]

Drug policies tab.

Allows the player to edit and set drug policies that can be applied to each colonist.

Note: Pawns on a drug binge may ignore these restrictions and take drugs at will. Pawns on a food binge may take drugs for recreation regardless of player settings. Pawns with chemical fascination or chemical interest traits are treated as always having "Take drugs for recreation" and "Take drugs for addiction" enabled regardless of setting. If a colonist has drug-related trait it is conveniently noted on the drug policy.

Pawns can also be told to keep a certain number of doses for each individual drug type. NOTE: Sometimes colonists do not put appropriate drugs in their inventory and the reason why is currently unknown.

The "For Addiction", "For Recreation" and "Scheduled" check boxes have "OR" functionality. The "Scheduled" options of "Frequency", "Only if mood below" and "Only if recreation below" sliders have "AND" functionality. The "Scheduled" "Frequency" option uses the time since last ingestion and not the time of "last scheduled ingestion".

A drug set to "For Recreation" can be taken anytime the colonist does Recreation. A drug held in inventory will aways be preferred when taken "For Recreation."

There are several default drug policies as follows:

  • No drugs: No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs for addictions. No drugs for recreation. No drugs scheduled.
  • Social drugs: No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs except for beer and smokeleaf joints for addictions. Beer and smokeleaf joints available for recreation. No drugs scheduled. Despite also being social drugs, ambrosia and psychite tea are excluded from this policy.
  • One drink per day: No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs except for beer and smokeleaf joints for addictions. Beer and smokeleaf joints available for recreation. Beer scheduled for use once per day, at any recreation or mood level.
  • Unrestricted: No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs for addictions. All drugs for recreation. No drugs scheduled.

The player may modify these policies or create their own.

Reading policies[edit]

Reading policies tab.

There are several default food restrictions as follows:

  • Anything: Allows the pawn to read any type of book, regardless of associated skill, research or mental break risk.
  • Textbooks: Allows the pawn to read only textbooks, but places no limitations on selection beyond the type.
  • Schematics: Allows the pawn to read only schematics, but places no limitations on selection beyond the type.
  • Novels: Allows the pawn to read only novels, but places no limitations on selection beyond the type.
  • Tomes:Content added by the Anomaly DLC Allows the pawn to read only tomes,Content added by the Anomaly DLC but places no limitations on selection beyond the type.
  • None: Does not allow the pawn to read any book type.

Carry medicine[edit]

Players can tell pawns to carry a certain amount of any type of medicine in their inventory, from 0-3. This allows drafted doctors to quickly stabilize a pawn on the battlefield using medicine.

Herbal medicine.png Herbal medicine
Medicine industrial a.png Medicine
Glitterworld medicine.png Glitterworld medicine

Version history[edit]

  • 0.10.785 - Outfit system added. Timetable system added.
  • 0.13.1135 - Threat response mode added - Decide how colonists should auto-respond to threats: flee, attack, or ignore.
  • 1.3.3200 - Food restrictions are automatically applied to pawns from ideoligions that require a specific food type. Added food restrictions for meat or veg only meals, insect meat, and cannibal food.
  • 1.3.3287 - Fix: torture crownContent added by the Ideology DLC is automatically allowed by colonists' clothing restrictions.
  • 1.4.3523 - Fix: Drug take to inventory in policy can exceed def-defined limit.
  • Sometime after 1.4.3580 - Outfits renamed to apparel policies and food restriction renamed to food policies.
  • ? - Reading policies added.
  • ? - Threat response renamed to Hostility response added.