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Previous Version: Version/1.3.3076
Released on: 31 July 2021
Next Version: Version/1.3.3080
Released on: 4 August 2021

Released on: 3 August 2021

Build 1.3.3079 is up! I'd like to set this one public for everyone if possible!

  • Improvements to classic ideo presed based on feedback.
  • Fix: Rebelling slaves now drop shield belt if they have a ranged weapon
  • Disable apparel requirements for roles if you choose classic ideo.
  • Fix: Rusted car only appears in north orientation.
  • Fix: Bestowing ceremony lands in shuttle without the bestower exiting, making all the escort pawns just leave the map.
  • Rename class PreconfiguredIdeo -> IdeoPreset.
  • Fix: Tooltip not shown for selected ideo preset.
  • Fix: Generated ideo building def gets overriden to a random one during initialization.
  • Adjust classic ideo preset to only have default precepts, no venerated animals, preferred weapons or non-funeral rituals.
  • Increase fade on oil smear art.
  • Improve mole people description.
  • Rework text for ideo presets and move "free ranchers" to strong category.
  • Add more constraints to Empire faction ideo generation. They are no longer proselytizers.
  • Fix: Exception when all slaves die while rebellion likely alert active (not hard crash).
  • Fix: Slave count rebellion factor shown incorrectly to users in tooltips.
  • Fix: Trying to convert humanlike pawn with no ideo (generated with PawnGenerationRequest(forceNoIdeo: true)) causes errors.
  • Increased plant harvest yield stats' max values.
  • Don't list "Cannot remove: Required" float menu option for precepts that have a default. All available options are already listed.
  • Fix: Dryad and Gaumaker pods can spawn over graves.
  • Brighten ideo-related text even further.
  • Ideoligion greyscale text color has a min brightness.
  • Fix: Drafted slaves which rebel dont opportunistically pick up weapons.
  • Fix: Archonexus guitar sound clips play before you close the new archonexus colony start dialog, instead of after like the game start dialog.
  • Fill in the rest of ideo preset tooltips.
  • Adjust slave rebellion likely alert copy to make things a bit more friendly to translators.
  • Fix: trailing newline, null on abandon with no active maps for slave rebellion likely alert