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Previous Version: Version/1.4.3542
Released on: 9 November 2022
Next Version: Version/1.4.3555
Released on: 22 November 2022

Released on: 15 November 2022

Version 1.4.3548 is up now on the unstable branch!

  • Clarify some biotech ideo-related strings.
  • Remove null genes from custom xenotypes on load.
  • Added build commands for shelves on small shelves and vice versa.
  • Legionaries spawn with needle launchers, a compact version of the needle gun.
  • Tesseron beam grazers have 50% armor penetration.
  • Tweaked mechs' combatPower.
  • Scale threat points generated by colony mechs by their combat power and a curve based on colony wealth.
  • Children have a natural slave suppression offset. 50% at age 3 down to 0 at age 16.
  • Ensure mechs on caravans are unaffected by plague dev gizmo.
  • Xenotype editor is available on the ideoligion creation page.
  • Growth vat: Essential precept lists growth vat speed increase in tooltip.
  • Fix: Bloodfeeders reviled precept "bloodfeeder among us" thought is always active.
  • Fix: Foam turrets are considered threats.
  • Fix: Rename "terrible / great memory" genes to "slow / quick study" to avoid sharing a name with the great memory trait.
  • Fix: Tesseron weapon doesn't assign pawn as instigator of damage.
  • Fix: Pawns in gene extractors are suspended.
  • Fix: Psychic bonds will strain when a pawn is doing a jump ability.
  • Fix: Germline genes report "overridden by xenogene:" when no xenogenes.
  • Fix: Constructoid description mentions removed weapon.
  • Fix: Kid tribalwear requires complex clothing research.
  • Fix: Newly gestated cleansweeper mechs using incorrect texture.
  • Fix: Preferred xenotypes for ideos not working correctly in some circumstances.
  • Fix: "Skill level" in the psychic power ability tooltip.
  • Fix: Skill name in lesson giving/taking report string not translatable.
  • Fix: Carrying thing offset for children.
  • Fix: Manually added "s"-suffix to [soldiers0_kind] strings.
  • Fix: Polux trees cannot be planted without Ideology installed.
  • Fix: Body part group tags debug output not working.
  • Fix: Duplicate genes displaying in extraction message.
  • Fix: When shuffling parents genes into child, list is not cleared, making it always fail after the first attempt.