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(Strats for gladiator duel)
(Looks like mud - forestgreen might make it more obviously good?)
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{{Stub|reason=Role change ritual. Also rituals are not ideology-specific mechanics. Should non-ideology related rituals have a separate page? Adapt the empty sections at the bottom of page}}
{{Stub|reason=Rituals are not ideology-specific mechanics. Should non-ideology related rituals have a separate page? Adapt the empty sections at the bottom of page. }}
{{Image wanted}}
{{Image wanted}}
'''Rituals''' are options for [[ideoligions]]. They allow pawns to participate, with a variety of props, in the hope of eliciting some outcome. These outcomes range from simple but significant mood boosts to attracting new recruits to the colony.
'''Rituals''' are primarily options for [[ideoligions]] {{IdeologyIcon}}, with a handful available through other DLC {{RoyaltyIcon}}{{BiotechIcon}}. They allow pawns to participate, with a variety of props, in the hope of eliciting some outcome. These outcomes range from simple but significant mood boosts to attracting new recruits to the colony.
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== Mechanics ==
{{Stub|section=1|reason=General mechanics.}}
Every ritual has a Quality, expressed as a percentage, associated with it. This value is influenced by a set of factors unique to each ritual type and determines the chance of positive and negative outcomes, with some ritual effects scaling to the outcome tier and others applying only at specific tiers.
Do note that Quality is '''not''' the chance of success. 100% Quality only means that the chance of success cannot be improved further.
The exact relationship between quality and success chance is not known, however the following approximation has been created through testing.
Quality expressed as a number between 0 and 1; so 100%=1; 50%=0.5;
* Terrible: 1/(4+(16×Q))
* Boring: 3/(4+(16×Q))
* Fun: 3×Q/(1+(4×Q))
* Unforgettable: Q/(1+(4×Q))
{| class="wikitable" style="margin: auto; text-align:center;"
|x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1
|y1=0.25, 0.178571429, 0.138888889, 0.113636364, 0.096153846, 0.083333333, 0.073529412, 0.065789474, 0.05952381, 0.054347826, 0.05
|y2=0.75, 0.535714286, 0.416666667, 0.340909091, 0.288461538, 0.25, 0.220588235, 0.197368421, 0.178571429, 0.163043478, 0.15
|y3=0, 0.214285714, 0.333333333, 0.409090909, 0.461538462, 0.5, 0.529411765, 0.552631579, 0.571428571, 0.586956522, 0.6
|y4=0, 0.071428571, 0.111111111, 0.136363636, 0.153846154, 0.166666667, 0.176470588, 0.184210526, 0.19047619, 0.195652174, 0.2
|y1Title=Terrible|y2Title=Boring|y3Title=Fun|y4Title=Unforgettable|colors= #80000A, #ff8000, #93c47d, forestgreen}}
{| class="wikitable sortable text-valign:center mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Ritual Outcomes by Quality
! rowspan=2| Ritual<br/>Outcomes !! colspan = 11 |Q
|- style="background-color:#Fa33300"
!0% !! 10% !! 20% !! 30% !! 40% !! 50% !! 60% !! 70% !! 80% !! 90% !! 100%
! Image !! Ritual !! Factors !! Outcomes !! Notes
| 25.00% || 17.86% || 13.89% || 11.36% || {{0}}9.62% || {{0}}8.33% || {{0}}7.35% || {{0}}6.58% || {{0}}5.95% || {{0}}5.43% || {{0}}5.00%
| [[File:Ritual funeral.png|64px]] || Funeral || Participant count (10): +70%<br>Moral guide present: +30% || 5% Terrible: -3<br>15% Lackluster: -1<br>60% Good: +5<br>20% Heartwarming: +8 || If there is no corpse in the grave or sarcophagus, the ritual quality is only increased by 20% by the presence of the moral guide, and only by 60% by a full participant count.
| 75.00% || 53.57% || 41.67% || 34.09% || 28.85% || 25.00% || 22.06% || 19.74% || 17.86% || 16.30% || 15.00%
| || Social Festival || Participant count (10): +25%<br>Leader present: +25%<br>Started at altar: +20%<br>Lectern used: +20%<br>Seats for everyone: +20% || 5% Terrible: -3<br>15% Boring: -1<br>60% Fun: +5<br>20% Unforgettable: +8||  
| {{0}}0.00% || 21.43% || 33.33% || 40.91% || 46.15% || 50.00% || 52.94% || 55.26% || 57.14% || 58.70% || 60.00%
| || Dance party || Participant count (10): +30%<br>Started at lightball: +20%<br>Active loudspeakers (6): +30%<br>Room Impressiveness (120): +20%|| 5% Terrible: -3<br>15% Boring: -1<br>60% Fun: +8<br>20% Unforgettable: +16|| If the party is fun or unforgettable, there is a chance<sup>probability?</sup> that all participants will get +20% [[Global Work Speed]] for 24h. Only available to non-tribals.
| {{0}}0.00% || {{0}}7.14% || 11.11% || 13.64% || 15.38% || 16.67% || 17.65% || 18.42% || 19.05% || 19.57% || 20.00%
=== Ritual roles ===
Every ritual has one or more roles for pawns to fill - some are required for the ritual to occur, such as the gladiators in the [[Rituals#Gladiator duel|gladiator duel]], others are optional and either increase the quality of the ritual, apply the potential bonuses to the attending pawns, or both. Some ritual roles can be filled by multiple pawns at the same time, while others are limited to one pawn.
Some ritual roles have additional requirements, such as the pawn being of the correct ideoligion, being the correct ideoligious [[role]], not being [[downed]], or having sufficient [[capacity]].
Pawns can spectate any ritual, regardless of whether their ideoligion matches that of the ritual itself.
=== Ideoligious ritual additional rewards ===
When creating a ritual for an ideoligion, you have the option of adding a custom additional reward. If the ritual achieves either of the two positive outcomes (fun or unforgettable, or their equivalents), the bonus reward will trigger in addition to the ritual-specific rewards.
None of the additional rewards can be applied to the funeral ritual. {{Check Tag|Verify}}
<div style="margin: auto; text-align:center;">
{| {{STDT| sortable text-valign:top}}
| || Drum party || Participant count (10): +30%<br>Started at campfire: 20%<br>Drums (6): +30%<br>Room Impressiveness (120): +20%|| 5% Terrible: -3<br>15% Boring: -1<br>60% Fun: +8<br>20% Unforgettable: +16|| If the party is fun or unforgettable, there is a chance<sup>probability?</sup> that all participants will get +20% [[Global Work Speed]] for 24h. Only available to tribals.
! Reward !! Description !! Required Meme
| [[File:Ritual skylantern festival.png|64px]] || Skylantern festival ||  Participant count (10): +100% || 5% Terrible: -3<br>15% Unimpressive: -1<br>60% Beautiful: +6<br>20% Unforgettable: +10|| Each participant makes a skylantern out of {{icon small|wood}} 4 [[wood]]. If the festival is beautiful or unforgettable, friendly visitors might see them and arrive with a gift.<sup>probability?</sup>
! '''None'''
| ''Adding an additional reward is optional.'' || ''Any''
| || Christmas tree<br>Symbol burning<br>Smokeleaf circle<br>Cannibal feast || Participant count (10): +80%<br>Room Impressiveness (120): +20% || 5% Terrible: -3<br>15% Boring: -1<br>60% Fun: +5<br>20% Unforgettable: +8||Destroys the ritual target.
! '''Psyfocus recharge''' {{RoyaltyIcon}}
| ''The psyfocus of all participants will be recharged to full. ''
* The [[psyfocus]] of all participants with a [[psylink]], regardless of role, is set to 100%.
** There is no effect on pawns without [[psylink]].
| ''Any''
| [[File:Ritual scarification.png|64px]] || Scarification || Participant count (10): +25%<br> Moral guide present: +20%<br>Started at altar: +20%<br>Lectern used: +15%<br>Seats for everyone: +20%|| 5% Terrible: -2<br>15% Boring: -1<br>60% Satisfying: +1<br>20% Spectacular: +3||Scarifies the subject. Only available with the Pain is Virtue meme.
! '''Nearby faction goodwill'''
| ''You will gain goodwill from the nearest faction base.''
* Gain [[goodwill]] from the [[faction]]{{Check Tag|Non-hostile?|What if the closest faction base is a perma-hostile faction like pirates?}} that owns the nearest [[faction base]]{{Check Tag|Verify|Check work sites & quest maps}} to the site of the ritual.{{Check Tag|Verify|E.g. If I have two colonies, can they affect different factions, if I do this on a non-colony map (e.g. ambush or site map) }}.
** The amount of goodwill gained depends on the quality of the ritual - {{+|10}} for Fun and {{+|20}} for Unforgettable.{{Check Tag|Verify Numbers}}
| ''Any''
| [[File:Ritual blinding.png|64px]] || Blinding ceremony || Participant count (10): +25%<br> Moral guide present: +20%<br>Started at altar: +20%<br>Lectern used: +15%<br>Seats for everyone: +20%|| 5% Terrible: -2<br>15% Boring: -1<br>60% Satisfying: +1<br>20% Spectacular: +3||Blinds the subject. If the ceremony is satisfying or spectacular, the blinded person may get a [[psycasts|psylink]] upgrade or unlock a new psychic power.<sup>probability?</sup> Only available with the Blindsight meme.
! '''Random recruit'''
| ''50% chance of random recruit of the same ideoligion joining your colony.''
* A 50% chance that a pawn of your ideoligion will join from the map edge.{{Check Tag|Detail needed|What pawnkind? What Equipment? How Soon? etc}}
| ''Any''
| [[File:Ritual animal sacrifice.png|64px]] || Animal sacrifice || Participant count (10): +25%<br>Moral guide present: +25%<br>Started at altar: +20%<br>Lectern used: +15%<br>Seats for everyone: +15% || 5% Terrible: -3<br>15% Boring: -1<br>60% Satisfying: +5<br>20% Spectacular: +8|| If the sacrifice is satisfying or spectacular, there is a 5% (satisfying) or 10% (spectacular) chance that a random participant gains an [[inspiration]]. Only available with the Human Primacy meme.
! '''Discover ancient complex'''
| ''You will discover the location of an ancient complex nearby.''
* Grants an [[ancient complex]] quest.
* Won't trigger if you already know the location of any type of unexplored complex.{{Check Tag|All types?|Including relic hunt. Not sure about random quest ones.}} The ritual window will warn you if that is the case.
| ''Any''
| [[File:Ritual gladiator duel.png|64px]] || Gladiator duel || Participant count (10): +20%<br>Leader present: +20%<br>Duelist dies: +100%<br>Weapon used: +60% || 5% Terrible: -3<br>15% Boring: -1<br>60% Good: +5<br>20% Unforgettable: +8|| The two necessary escorts count towards the participant count. Spectators gain 1000 melee experience, gain a mood boost<sup>separate from the usual mood boost?</sup>, and fill their recreation bars.<sup>verify</sup> The duelists also gain the mood effect from ritual quality. Duelists must be [[Incapable|capable]] of violence Only available with the Pain is Virtue, Cannibal, Supremacist, or Raider memes.
! '''Farm animals wander in'''
| ''A group of farm animals will be attracted and join the colony.''
|  [[File:Ritual public execution.png|64px]] || Prisoner execution || Participant count (10): +80%<br>Started at altar: +20% || 15% Awkward: -1<br>65% Satisfying: +6<br>20% Spectacular: +8 || Participating [[slaves]] are fully suppressed. Can be performed by all ideologions.
* A group{{Check Tag|How many?|Ideally include range}} of tamed farm animals{{Check Tag|Which animals?|Which animals are included?}} will join from the map edge.
| [[File:LeaderSpeech.png|64px]] || Leader speech || Participant count (10): +40%<br>Room impressiveness (120): +20<br>Leader's Social Impact (150%): +40% || 5% Terrible: -8<br>15% Uninspiring: -4<br>60% Encouraging: +5<br>20% Inspirational: +8 || The speech quality will also affect the listeners' opinions of the leader, with a terrible speech resulting in a -30 opinion, an uninspiring speech resulting in a -15 opinion, an encouraging speech in a +20 opinion, and an inspirational speech in a +40 opinion.
| <ul><li>[[Rancher]]</li><li>[[Animal personhood]]</li><li>[[Nature primacy]]</li></ul>
| [[File:Trial.png|64px]] || Trial || Participant count (20): +60%<br>Leader's Negotiation Ability * 0.25<br>Defendant's Negotiation Ability * -0.25|| 50% Exonerated<br>50% Convicted || If the defendant is convicted, they are considered guilty for 15 days for the purpose of arrest, banishment, and executions. If the defendant has a mental break during the trial, their [[Negotiation Ability]] is effectively set to 0.
| [[File:ConversionRitual.png|64px]] || Conversion ritual || Participant count (10): +40%<br>Room impressiveness (120): +20%<br>Moral guide's Social Impact (150%): +30%<br>Convertee's Expectations (Very Low): +10%, (Sky High): -30%|| 5% Terrible<br>15% Ineffective<br>60% Effective: +3<br>20% Masterful: +6 || The convertee's certainty is offset by an amount depending on ritual quality: terrible: +20%; ineffective: +12%; effective: -30%; masterful: -100%.
| || Tree connection || Participant count (10): +100% ||  || The connector will start with 25-45% connection strength, depending on ritual quality.
{| class="wikitable"
! Image !! Ritual !! Factors !! Outcomes !! Notes
! '''Gauranlen pod sprout'''
| ''A [[Gauranlen pod]] will sprout at a random location on the map, if it can.''
* Cannot spawn in extreme biomes.{{Check Tag|Detail Needed|Where? What radius? When? Etc}}
| <ul><li>[[Tree connection]]</li><li>[[Nature primacy]]</li></ul>
| || Bestowing Ceremony || Participant count (24): +60%<br>Room Impressiveness (170): +40% ||Bonus mood for 6 days:<br>  5% Terrible: -3<br>15% Unimpressive: -1<br>60% Honourable: +3<br>20% Grandiose: +6 || Bonus honor based on number of gathered spectators{{Check Tag|Verify|Based on in-game description}}. The bonus does not depend on outcome quality. Provides 1-3 honor {{Check Tag|Verify|Provide exact values}} <br> Requires [[Quests#.3CPAWN_NAME.3E.27s_.3CNEW_TITLE.3E_Ceremony|New title's ceremony quest]] to start.  
! '''Insect jelly'''
| ''Insect jelly deposits will be deposited from underground.''
| || Throne Speech || Participant count (10): +40%<br>Organizer's social impact(150%): +40%{{Check Tag|Verify|Guessing based on few in-game observations and other rituals}}  <br>Room Impressiveness (120): +20% ||Bonus mood for 8 days:<br>  5% Terrible: -8<br>15% Uninspiring: -4<br>60% Encouraging: +5<br>20% Inspirational: +10 || If the speech is inspiring, participants may acquire [[Inspirations]] <br> The speech quality will also affect the listeners' opinions of the speaker, up to +40 opinion at inspirational{{Check Tag|Verify|Probably same values as Leader's Speech}}.<br> 10 days cooldown on [[Begin Throne Speech]] ability. <br>Expected ritual duration: 2 hours
* The amount of [[insect jelly]] received depends on the quality of the ritual - 26 for Fun and 40 for Unforgettable.{{Check Tag|Verify Numbers}}
* {{Check Tag|Detail Needed|Where? What radius? When? Etc}}
* Note: The [[Insectoid]] faction must be enabled.
| <ul><li>[[Tunneler (meme)|Tunneler]]</li></ul>
== Overview table ==
{{stub|section=1|reason=Childbirth ritual goes here}}
{{Ritual table}}
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! Image !! Ritual !! Factors !! Outcomes !! Notes
== Funeral ==
== Analysis ==
=== Funeral ===
This is the only ritual involving the (possible) non-player caused death. It is generally considered the worst ritual, as it requires the death of a pawn - an expensive cost when other rituals are available with the same effects.
This is the only ritual involving the (possible) non-player caused death. It is generally considered the worst ritual, as it requires the death of a pawn - an expensive cost when other rituals are available with the same effects.
== Social festival ==
== Dance party ==
=== Social festival ===
=== Dance party ===
This is tied with "drum party" for the most "success bonuses" and shortest cooldown.
This is tied with "drum party" for the most "success bonuses" and shortest cooldown.
== Drum party ==
=== Drum party ===
This is tied with "dance party" for the most "success bonuses" and shortest cooldown.
This is tied with "dance party" for the most "success bonuses" and shortest cooldown.
== Skylantern festival ==
== Christmas tree ==
=== Skylantern festival ===
== Symbol burning ==
== Smokeleaf circle ==
=== Christmas tree ===
== Cannibal feast ==
== Scarification ==
=== Symbol burning ===
== Blinding ceremony ==
== Animal sacrifice ==
=== Smokeleaf circle ===
== Gladiator duel ==
The ritual indirectly results in your colonists getting the [[Smokeleaf joint#Stoned on smokeleaf|stoned on smokeleaf]] condition, which applies to them for approximately 18 hours. This results in a -30% consciousness debuff, making participants slow and ineffective workers or combatants. An unforgettable festival gives only a +8 mood buff (plus a short-lived mood buff from Stoned on Smokeleaf), so it is less effective for mood than dance or drum festivals. Furthermore, costing {{Icon small|Smokeleaf leaves}} 150, the [[Burnbong]] is the equivalent of 37.5 smokeleaf joints.
=== Cannibal feast ===
=== Scarification ===
Is a ritual that will add scarification to a random part of the person who will get the scarification will get a mood buff of 'Got scarified' depending on what intensity of scarification in the ideology.
=== Blinding ceremony ===
This ritual causes significant pain, enough to incapacitate a Wimp. If the target gets incapacitated by the painshock, the ritual will be canceled. Giving a Wimp target go-juice before the ritual will prevent painshock and allow the ritual to proceed.
=== Animal sacrifice ===
Animal sacrifice does not cause the violent death penalty for butchering, and is thus an alternative to slaughtering.
=== Gladiator duel ===
This ritual always has 100% quality if one of the fighters dies. There are a number of ways to maximize the chances of that happening:
This ritual always has 100% quality if one of the fighters dies. There are a number of ways to maximize the chances of that happening:
* Give the fighters [[go-juice]] or [[yayo]]. Getting downed by pain shock will end the ritual with a lower score. This is only available on slaves.
* Give the fighters [[go-juice]] or [[yayo]]. Getting downed by pain shock will end the ritual with a lower score. A [[war mask]], [[veil]], or [[cultist mask]] would also help. You can also use [[Painblock]].
* Place a single melee weapon in the ring. One of the duelists will have an advantage and there will be a {{+|20%}} ''Weapon used'' quality bonus even if nobody dies.
* Place a single melee weapon in the ring. One of the duelists will have an advantage and there will be a {{+|20%}} ''Weapon used'' quality bonus even if nobody dies. Note that duelists must have a [[manipulation]] [[capacity]] greater than 0% to pick up a weapon. [[Body part weapons]] do not count for this bonus.  
* Choose one fighter with a high and the other with a low [[Melee]] skill to give the first one an advantage.
* Choose one fighter with a high and the other with a low [[Melee]] skill to give the first one an advantage.
* Remove '''one''' of the weaker fighter's hands. Do not remove both as pawns with 0% Manipulation cannot participate in the ritual.
* Remove '''one''' of the weaker fighter's hands. Do not remove both as pawns with 0% Manipulation cannot participate in the ritual.
Strip both gladiators before battle to prevent any clothes becoming [[tainted]] when they die.
You can also minimize the chance of that happening:
* You'll want to increase the [[pain]] level and lower the [[pain shock threshold]]. Give the fighters a [[torture crown]] or a [[mindscrew]]. Maybe some scars. Send a couple wimps to fight. Send a couple people that are already close to being downed, with no injuries to critical organs or the head.
* If you do give them weapons, give them something blunt with low maximum damage, like a wood [[club]].
* Give them some serious armor.
Strip both gladiators before battle to prevent any clothes becoming [[tainted]] when they die. You can also pre-equip them with [[tainted]] clothes so that's not a problem.
As adding the [[Ideoligion#Raider|Raider]] or [[Supremacist]] memes to an ideoligion automatically adds the Gladiator Duel ritual, it can be used to exceed the normal limit of 6 rituals. Simply have 6 non-gladiator duel rituals already enabled, and add the relevant meme either at creation or using a fluid ideoligion. Note that if you remove a ritual at any time, you will have to restart the process as it will still attempt to impose the 6 ritual limit.
[[Wild man|Wild men]] cannot be used in gladiator duels, even if imprisoned.
[[Child]]{{BiotechIcon}} [[slave]]s cannot be used, nor can child [[prisoner]]s.
=== Prisoner execution ===
Execute a prisoner. Increases the suppression of [[slaves]]
=== Trial ===
=== Conversion ritual ===
Reduce a pawns [[certainty]], or outright convert a pawn to your ideoligion.
=== Tree connection ===
== Prisoner execution ==
== Version history ==
== Trial ==
* [[Version/1.3.3066|1.3.3066]] - Throne speeches have been re-tooled into rituals.
== Conversion ritual ==
* [[Version/1.3.3067|1.3.3067]] - Fix: After a gladiator duel, the downed prisoner will be carried back to their bed but they won't actually be put in the bed, they will remain downed on top of the bed instead. Fix: Typo on anima tree linking ritual.
== Tree connection ==
* [[Version/1.3.3101|1.3.3101]] - Fix: [[Wild man|Wild person]] can be used in gladiator duels, causes manhunter revenge. Wild man prisoners are no longer allowed to be used as duelists.  Fix: Duelists can pick up weapons during the duel even if they have no manipulation capacity.
* [[Version/1.3.3117|1.3.3117]] - Ritual setup dialog now says what ideoligion the ritual comes from. Fix: Ritual timings are 1 day off. Pawns of any ideo can now spectate any ritual, even if it's not of their own ideo.
* [[Version/1.3.3200|1.3.3200]] - Fix: Blood from scarification is from cutter, not cuttee. Fix: Psyfocus ritual reward does not recharge psyfocus to max.
* [[Version/1.4.3523|1.4.3523]] - Fix: Ritual spectators will stand on beds or in doorways.
* [[Version/1.4.3555|1.4.3555]] - Fix: Prisoners can refuse to attend their own execution due to temperature in the ritual area.
* [[Version/1.4.3580|1.4.3580]] - Fix: Duels continue indefinitely if the duelists don't have beds.
* [[Version/1.5.4062|1.5.4062]] - Fix: Pawns can be rescued in rituals. Fix: Required roles can leave rituals.
[[Category:Game mechanics]]
[[Category:Game mechanics]]

Latest revision as of 21:27, 5 September 2024

Rituals are primarily options for ideoligions Content added by the Ideology DLC, with a handful available through other DLC Content added by the Royalty DLCContent added by the Biotech DLC. They allow pawns to participate, with a variety of props, in the hope of eliciting some outcome. These outcomes range from simple but significant mood boosts to attracting new recruits to the colony.


Every ritual has a Quality, expressed as a percentage, associated with it. This value is influenced by a set of factors unique to each ritual type and determines the chance of positive and negative outcomes, with some ritual effects scaling to the outcome tier and others applying only at specific tiers.

Do note that Quality is not the chance of success. 100% Quality only means that the chance of success cannot be improved further.

The exact relationship between quality and success chance is not known, however the following approximation has been created through testing.

Quality expressed as a number between 0 and 1; so 100%=1; 50%=0.5;

  • Terrible: 1/(4+(16×Q))
  • Boring: 3/(4+(16×Q))
  • Fun: 3×Q/(1+(4×Q))
  • Unforgettable: Q/(1+(4×Q))
Ritual Outcomes by Quality
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Terrible 25.00% 17.86% 13.89% 11.36% 09.62% 08.33% 07.35% 06.58% 05.95% 05.43% 05.00%
Boring 75.00% 53.57% 41.67% 34.09% 28.85% 25.00% 22.06% 19.74% 17.86% 16.30% 15.00%
Fun 00.00% 21.43% 33.33% 40.91% 46.15% 50.00% 52.94% 55.26% 57.14% 58.70% 60.00%
Unforgettable 00.00% 07.14% 11.11% 13.64% 15.38% 16.67% 17.65% 18.42% 19.05% 19.57% 20.00%

Ritual roles[edit]

Every ritual has one or more roles for pawns to fill - some are required for the ritual to occur, such as the gladiators in the gladiator duel, others are optional and either increase the quality of the ritual, apply the potential bonuses to the attending pawns, or both. Some ritual roles can be filled by multiple pawns at the same time, while others are limited to one pawn.

Some ritual roles have additional requirements, such as the pawn being of the correct ideoligion, being the correct ideoligious role, not being downed, or having sufficient capacity.

Pawns can spectate any ritual, regardless of whether their ideoligion matches that of the ritual itself.

Ideoligious ritual additional rewards[edit]

When creating a ritual for an ideoligion, you have the option of adding a custom additional reward. If the ritual achieves either of the two positive outcomes (fun or unforgettable, or their equivalents), the bonus reward will trigger in addition to the ritual-specific rewards.

None of the additional rewards can be applied to the funeral ritual. [Verify]

Reward Description Required Meme
None Adding an additional reward is optional. Any
Psyfocus recharge Content added by the Royalty DLC The psyfocus of all participants will be recharged to full.
  • The psyfocus of all participants with a psylink, regardless of role, is set to 100%.
    • There is no effect on pawns without psylink.
Nearby faction goodwill You will gain goodwill from the nearest faction base.
  • Gain goodwill from the faction[Non-hostile?] that owns the nearest faction base[Verify] to the site of the ritual.[Verify].
    • The amount of goodwill gained depends on the quality of the ritual - +10 for Fun and +20 for Unforgettable.[Verify Numbers]
Random recruit 50% chance of random recruit of the same ideoligion joining your colony.
  • A 50% chance that a pawn of your ideoligion will join from the map edge.[Detail needed]
Discover ancient complex You will discover the location of an ancient complex nearby.
  • Grants an ancient complex quest.
  • Won't trigger if you already know the location of any type of unexplored complex.[All types?] The ritual window will warn you if that is the case.
Farm animals wander in A group of farm animals will be attracted and join the colony.
  • A group[How many?] of tamed farm animals[Which animals?] will join from the map edge.
Gauranlen pod sprout A Gauranlen pod will sprout at a random location on the map, if it can.
  • Cannot spawn in extreme biomes.[Detail Needed]
Insect jelly Insect jelly deposits will be deposited from underground.
  • The amount of insect jelly received depends on the quality of the ritual - 26 for Fun and 40 for Unforgettable.[Verify Numbers]
  • [Detail Needed]
  • Note: The Insectoid faction must be enabled.

Overview table[edit]

Image Ritual Factors Outcomes Notes
Ritual funeral.png Funeral Participant count (10): +70%
Moral guide present: +30%
5% Terrible: -3
15% Lackluster: -1
60% Good: +5
20% Heartwarming: +8
If there is no corpse in the grave or sarcophagus, the ritual quality is only increased by 20% by the presence of the moral guide, and only by 60% by a full participant count.
Social festival.png Social festival Participant count (10): +25%
Leader present: +25%
Started at altar: +20%
Lectern used: +20%
Seats for everyone: +20%
5% Terrible: -3
15% Boring: -1
60% Fun: +5
20% Unforgettable: +8
Dance party.png Dance party Participant count (10): +30%
Started at lightball: +20%
Active loudspeakers (6): +30%
Room Impressiveness (120): +20%
5% Terrible: -3
15% Boring: -1
60% Fun: +8
20% Unforgettable: +16
If the party is fun or unforgettable, there is a chance[Probability?] that all participants will get +20% Global Work Speed for 24h. Only available to non-tribals.
Drum party.png Drum party Participant count (10): +30%
Started at campfire: 20%
Drums (6): +30%
Room Impressiveness (120): +20%
5% Terrible: -3
15% Boring: -1
60% Fun: +8
20% Unforgettable: +16
If the party is fun or unforgettable, there is a chance[Probability?] that all participants will get +20% Global Work Speed for 24h. Only available to tribals.
Ritual skylantern festival.png Skylantern festival Participant count (10): +100% 5% Terrible: -3
15% Unimpressive: -1
60% Beautiful: +6
20% Unforgettable: +10
Each participant makes a skylantern out of Wood 4 wood. If the festival is beautiful or unforgettable, friendly visitors might see them and arrive with a gift.[Probability?]
Christmas tree ritual.png
Symbol burning.png
Smokeleaf circle.png
Cannibal feast.png
Christmas tree

Symbol burning

Smokeleaf circle

Cannibal feast
Participant count (10): +80%
Room Impressiveness (120): +20%
5% Terrible: -3
15% Boring: -1
60% Fun: +5
20% Unforgettable: +8
Destroys the ritual target.
Ritual scarification.png Scarification Participant count (10): +25%
Moral guide present: +20%
Started at altar: +20%
Lectern used: +15%
Seats for everyone: +20%
5% Terrible: -2
15% Boring: -1
60% Satisfying: +1
20% Spectacular: +3
Scarifies the subject. Only available with the Pain is Virtue meme.
Ritual blinding.png Blinding ceremony Participant count (10): +25%
Moral guide present: +20%
Started at altar: +20%
Lectern used: +15%
Seats for everyone: +20%
5% Terrible: -2
15% Boring: -1
60% Satisfying: +1
20% Spectacular: +3
Blinds the subject. If the ceremony is satisfying or spectacular, the blinded person may get a psylink upgrade or unlock a new psychic power.[Probability?] Only available with the Blindsight meme.
Ritual animal sacrifice.png Animal sacrifice Participant count (10): +25%
Moral guide present: +25%
Started at altar: +20%
Lectern used: +15%
Seats for everyone: +15%
5% Terrible: -3
15% Boring: -1
60% Satisfying: +5
20% Spectacular: +8
If the sacrifice is satisfying or spectacular, there is a 5% (satisfying) or 10% (spectacular) chance that a random participant gains an inspiration. Only available with the Human Primacy meme.
Ritual gladiator duel.png Gladiator duel Participant count (10): +20%
Leader present: +20%
Duelist dies: +100%
Weapon used: +60%
5% Terrible: -3
15% Boring: -1
60% Good: +5
20% Unforgettable: +8
The two necessary escorts count towards the participant count. Spectators gain 1000 melee experience, gain a mood boost[Separate from the usual mood boost?], and fill their recreation bars.[Verify] The duelists also gain the mood effect from ritual quality. Duelists must be capable of violence. Only available with the Pain is Virtue, Cannibal, Supremacist, or Raider memes.
Ritual public execution.png Prisoner execution Participant count (10): +80%
Started at altar: +20%
15% Awkward: -1
65% Satisfying: +6
20% Spectacular: +8
Participating slaves are fully suppressed. Can be performed by all ideologions.
LeaderSpeech.png Leader speech Participant count (10): +40%
Room impressiveness (120): +20
Leader's Social Impact (150%): +40%
5% Terrible: -8
15% Uninspiring: -4
60% Encouraging: +5
20% Inspirational: +8
The speech quality will also affect the listeners' opinions of the leader, with a terrible speech resulting in a -30 opinion, an uninspiring speech resulting in a -15 opinion, an encouraging speech in a +20 opinion, and an inspirational speech in a +40 opinion.
Trial.png Trial Participant count (20): +60%
Leader's Negotiation Ability * 0.25
Defendant's Negotiation Ability * -0.25
50% Exonerated
50% Convicted
If the defendant is convicted, they are considered guilty for 15 days for the purpose of arrest, banishment, and executions. If the defendant has a mental break during the trial, their Negotiation Ability is effectively set to 0.
ConversionRitual.png Conversion ritual Participant count (10): +40%
Room impressiveness (120): +20%
Moral guide's Social Impact (150%): +30%
Convertee's Expectations (Very Low): +10%, (Sky High): -30%
5% Terrible
15% Ineffective
60% Effective: +3
20% Masterful: +6
The convertee's certainty is offset by an amount depending on ritual quality: terrible: +20%; ineffective: +12%; effective: -30%; masterful: -100%.
Tree connection ritual.png Tree connection Participant count (10): +100% The connector will start with 25-45% connection strength, depending on ritual quality.
Bestowing ceremony.png Bestowing Ceremony Participant count (24): +60%
Room Impressiveness (170): +40%
Bonus mood for 6 days:
5% Terrible: -3
15% Unimpressive: -1
60% Honorable: +3
20% Grandiose: +6
Bonus honor based on number of gathered spectators and room impressiveness. The bonus does not depend on outcome. Provides 1 honor above 30% ritual quality, 2 above 60% and 3 above 90% quality.
Requires New title's ceremony quest to start.
Speech.png Throne Speech Participant count (10): +40%
Organizer's social impact(150%): +40%[Verify]
Room Impressiveness (120): +20%
Bonus mood for 8 days:
5% Terrible: -8
15% Uninspiring: -4
60% Encouraging: +5
20% Inspirational: +10
If the speech is inspiring, participants may acquire Inspirations
The speech quality will also affect the listeners' opinions of the speaker in the same way as a leader speech, up to +40 opinion at inspirational.
10 days cooldown on Begin Throne Speech ability.
Expected ritual duration: 2 hours
Child birth.png Child birth Loved one present: +5%
Mother's age (peaks at 20-30): +50%
Doctor's medicine skill (20): +25%
Indoors: +5%
Room cleanliness (0.6): +10%
Bed health effects (5): +5%
2.5% Stillborn
7.5% Sick
90% Healthy
There is a chance the mother will die during birth: 20% at 0% quality, 5% at 20% quality and 0% above 90% quality. This is independent of the stillbirth chance.
A successful birth gives the mother a +8 [name] was born healthy thought for 15 days, while a stillbirth gives her a −15 Stillbirth thought for 10 days.

See Reproduction#Quality and Reproduction#Outcomes for detail



This is the only ritual involving the (possible) non-player caused death. It is generally considered the worst ritual, as it requires the death of a pawn - an expensive cost when other rituals are available with the same effects.

Social festival[edit]

Dance party[edit]

This is tied with "drum party" for the most "success bonuses" and shortest cooldown.

Drum party[edit]

This is tied with "dance party" for the most "success bonuses" and shortest cooldown.

Skylantern festival[edit]

Christmas tree[edit]

Symbol burning[edit]

Smokeleaf circle[edit]

The ritual indirectly results in your colonists getting the stoned on smokeleaf condition, which applies to them for approximately 18 hours. This results in a -30% consciousness debuff, making participants slow and ineffective workers or combatants. An unforgettable festival gives only a +8 mood buff (plus a short-lived mood buff from Stoned on Smokeleaf), so it is less effective for mood than dance or drum festivals. Furthermore, costing Smokeleaf leaves 150, the Burnbong is the equivalent of 37.5 smokeleaf joints.

Cannibal feast[edit]


Is a ritual that will add scarification to a random part of the person who will get the scarification will get a mood buff of 'Got scarified' depending on what intensity of scarification in the ideology.

Blinding ceremony[edit]

This ritual causes significant pain, enough to incapacitate a Wimp. If the target gets incapacitated by the painshock, the ritual will be canceled. Giving a Wimp target go-juice before the ritual will prevent painshock and allow the ritual to proceed.

Animal sacrifice[edit]

Animal sacrifice does not cause the violent death penalty for butchering, and is thus an alternative to slaughtering.

Gladiator duel[edit]

This ritual always has 100% quality if one of the fighters dies. There are a number of ways to maximize the chances of that happening:

  • Give the fighters go-juice or yayo. Getting downed by pain shock will end the ritual with a lower score. A war mask, veil, or cultist mask would also help. You can also use Painblock.
  • Place a single melee weapon in the ring. One of the duelists will have an advantage and there will be a +20% Weapon used quality bonus even if nobody dies. Note that duelists must have a manipulation capacity greater than 0% to pick up a weapon. Body part weapons do not count for this bonus.
  • Choose one fighter with a high and the other with a low Melee skill to give the first one an advantage.
  • Remove one of the weaker fighter's hands. Do not remove both as pawns with 0% Manipulation cannot participate in the ritual.

You can also minimize the chance of that happening:

  • You'll want to increase the pain level and lower the pain shock threshold. Give the fighters a torture crown or a mindscrew. Maybe some scars. Send a couple wimps to fight. Send a couple people that are already close to being downed, with no injuries to critical organs or the head.
  • If you do give them weapons, give them something blunt with low maximum damage, like a wood club.
  • Give them some serious armor.

Strip both gladiators before battle to prevent any clothes becoming tainted when they die. You can also pre-equip them with tainted clothes so that's not a problem.

As adding the Raider or Supremacist memes to an ideoligion automatically adds the Gladiator Duel ritual, it can be used to exceed the normal limit of 6 rituals. Simply have 6 non-gladiator duel rituals already enabled, and add the relevant meme either at creation or using a fluid ideoligion. Note that if you remove a ritual at any time, you will have to restart the process as it will still attempt to impose the 6 ritual limit.

Wild men cannot be used in gladiator duels, even if imprisoned.

ChildContent added by the Biotech DLC slaves cannot be used, nor can child prisoners.

Prisoner execution[edit]

Execute a prisoner. Increases the suppression of slaves


Conversion ritual[edit]

Reduce a pawns certainty, or outright convert a pawn to your ideoligion.

Tree connection[edit]

Version history[edit]

  • 1.3.3066 - Throne speeches have been re-tooled into rituals.
  • 1.3.3067 - Fix: After a gladiator duel, the downed prisoner will be carried back to their bed but they won't actually be put in the bed, they will remain downed on top of the bed instead. Fix: Typo on anima tree linking ritual.
  • 1.3.3101 - Fix: Wild person can be used in gladiator duels, causes manhunter revenge. Wild man prisoners are no longer allowed to be used as duelists. Fix: Duelists can pick up weapons during the duel even if they have no manipulation capacity.
  • 1.3.3117 - Ritual setup dialog now says what ideoligion the ritual comes from. Fix: Ritual timings are 1 day off. Pawns of any ideo can now spectate any ritual, even if it's not of their own ideo.
  • 1.3.3200 - Fix: Blood from scarification is from cutter, not cuttee. Fix: Psyfocus ritual reward does not recharge psyfocus to max.
  • 1.4.3523 - Fix: Ritual spectators will stand on beds or in doorways.
  • 1.4.3555 - Fix: Prisoners can refuse to attend their own execution due to temperature in the ritual area.
  • 1.4.3580 - Fix: Duels continue indefinitely if the duelists don't have beds.
  • 1.5.4062 - Fix: Pawns can be rescued in rituals. Fix: Required roles can leave rituals.