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m (Changing some remaining links to the new Animal husbandry page.)
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'''Menus''' are text-based, selectable options and/or commands that provide the action which includes opening specific GUIs and enabling or disabling certain features. Menus can also take the form of options being represented by images and icons. The following menus are found along the bottom edge of the screen.
The first eight menus are bound to hotkeys F1 through F8. (See: [[Controls]])
== Architect ==
The Architect menu is used to designate construction blueprints, give [[orders]] to colonists, and create new [[Zone/Area|zones / areas]].
The following menus are found along the bottom edge of the screen.
== Work ==
The first eight menus are bound to hotkeys F1 through F8. (See: [[Controls]])
[[File:Work priorities.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Example of work priorities and the different work types.]]
From the Work menu you can set the types of work you want your colonists to perform and in what order. However, some colonists cannot perform all tasks, and this will be displayed on the menu as well. For example, a [[Backstories#Medieval lord|medieval lord]] can only access [[research]] and [[firefighting]] whilst a [[Backstories#Colony settler|settler]] can access all [[skills]].
For a full breakdown of work types, the work menu, and the options available, see the [[Work]] page.
The Architect menu is mainly used to designate construction.
== Schedule ==
From the Work menu you can set the tasks you want your colonists to perform, though some colonists cannot perform all tasks. For example [[Backstories#Medieval_lord|nobles]] can only access [[research|research]] and [[firefighting|firefighting]] whilst a [[Backstories#Colony_settler|settler]] can access all skills.
[[File:Restrict menu.png|600px|thumb|right|Example of the schedule menu showing schedule and allowed areas (without royalty)]]
The Schedule screen allows the player to schedule an activity for each colonist, for each hour of a 24-hour day.  Pawns will continue their current task until finished. Only then will a colonist check their schedule and work tabs for other possible assignments. Task lengths vary.
It is possible to get your base working very efficiently by managing who does what job; hover over a skill box to see the colonist's proficiency score out of 20. Each box will also show a colonist's passion for that skill indicated by one or two flames. This will help you decide who you want doing each task. Using the wrong people will slow down your progression. It is a good idea to study your colonists' skills and apply them to their strengths.
==== Anything ====
In standard mode, colonists will either perform a task or not, with tasks on the left ranked more importantly than tasks on the right. In manual mode, each colonist's tasks can be prioritized from 0 (blank) to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest, and blank tasks will not be performed. Properly utilizing manual mode can make sure everyone always has something to do and avoids idle colonists.
The pawn will attempt to [[work]] per their priorities unless their [[needs|need]] to [[Recreation|recreate]] falls below 35%, their need to [[Saturation|eat]] falls below 30%, their need to [[rest]] falls below 30%, or their [[psyfocus]]{{RoyaltyIcon}} falls below the player-assigned threshold. When those thresholds are met, they will instead attempt to fulfill those needs. For this setting, if a pawn is already asleep when this schedule begins, they will not wake up and instead continue to sleep until fully rested.  
Colonists will only perform work in their [[Zone/Area|allowed area]].
Pawns will continue their current work task until finished, so that the need percentages may fall below the threshold, but when looking for the next task the schedule thresholds will be in effect. The current work task can be manually ended by [[Draft|drafting]] and undrafting the pawn.  
Some characters are incapable of certain work and/or certain categories of work (i.e. violent, dumb labor). This is listed under <tt><b>Incapable Of</b></tt> in the character tab. Characters with a skill level 0 in a skill are still capable of performing the relevant task, they will just be ''Extremely'' ineffective and inefficient.
==== Work ====
====Work types====
The pawn will attempt to [[work]] per their priorities unless their need to [[Saturation|eat]] falls below 30% and without regard for sleep or recreation. If a pawn is already asleep when this scheduled activity begins, they will wake up to work. Note that when a pawn's rest need reaches zero, they will eventually fall asleep in their current location (e.g., the ground), regardless of their schedule, and wake up at 20% rest need. The pawn will never recreate.
This task allows a colonist to extinguish fires. Colonists will not extinguish fires that are not both in their allowed area and the home zone.
* Relevant skill: none
* Category: Scary
==== Recreation ====
Patients go to a [[bed|medical bed]] to receive treatment for an immediately life-threatening health condition (i.e. a treatable [[illness]]). It is not advisable to ever disable this or severely lower the priority. See the 'bed rest' task to set the priority for non-disease injuries.
* Relevant skill: none
* Category: none
The pawn will attempt to [[work]] per their priorities unless their [[needs|need]] to [[Recreation|recreate]] falls below 95%, their need to [[Saturation|eat]] falls below 30%, their need to [[rest]] falls below 30%, or their [[psyfocus]]{{RoyaltyIcon}} falls below the player-assigned threshold. When those thresholds are met, they will instead attempt to fulfill those needs. If a pawn is already asleep when this schedule begins, they will not wake up and instead continue to sleep until rested.
Doctors bandage wounds, treat the sick, and perform operations. Doctors also automatically rescue downed colonists. Doctors tend to colonists and colony animals that are resting in a bed.
* Relevant skill: Medicine
* Category: Caring
=====Bed rest=====
==== Sleep ====
This task prescribes a colonist to rest in bed to heal [[Injury|injuries]]. It does not designate a priority for sleep when a colonist need to replenish rest or to recover from a disease.
* Relevant skill: none
* Category: none
The pawn will attempt to [[work]] per their priorities, unless their need to [[Saturation|eat]] falls below 30%, their need to [[rest]] falls below 75%, or their [[psyfocus]]{{RoyaltyIcon}} falls below the player-assigned threshold. When those thresholds are met, they will instead attempt to fulfill those needs. The pawn will wake up to eat if [[Saturation|eat]] falls below 12.5%. The pawn will not sleep past 100% need, but will instead wake up and evaluate the priorities per the schedule and work tab.
Flickers toggle power on [[Power#Appliances|appliances]] and [[Power#Power switch|switches]].
* Relevant skill: none
* Category: none
A pawn scheduled to sleep will not do [[Recreation|recreate]] except if idle.
Wardens feed [[prisoner]]s, chat with them, and try to recruit them, as chosen by the player. Wardens also carry out prisoners releases and executions. These options can be selected for each prisoner on the Prisoner tab found on the inspect pane.
* Relevant skill: Social
* Category: Social
==== Meditate ====
Handlers tame [[animals]]. Handlers rescue wounded animals, [[Animals#Training|train]], feed, milk, shear, and slaughter.
*Relevant skill: Animals
*Category: Animals
Cooks [[butcher table|butcher]] [[animals]], prepare [[meals]] at a [[cook stove]] or [[campfire]], and brew [[beer]].
The pawn will attempt to [[meditate]], preferring to meditate at their assigned [[meditation spot]] {{RoyaltyIcon}} or assigning an unassigned spot to themselves. They will meditate until their [[needs|need]] to [[Saturation|eat]] falls below 30% or their need to [[rest]] falls below 15%. When those thresholds are met, they will instead attempt to fulfill those needs. Meditation counts as Solitary type recreation and their recreation need will fill to 100% if able.  If a pawn is already asleep when this scheduled activity begins, they will wake up to meditate. Note that if a pawn's rest need reaches zero, they will fall asleep regardless of their schedule. All pawns can meditate, not just [[psycast]]ers {{RoyaltyIcon}}, and psycaster pawns will not stop a scheduled meditation even when they have met or exceeded their target [[psyfocus]] {{RoyaltyIcon}} level, i.e. meditation will continue to fill the level up its maximum of 100%, even if the target is set lower.
* Relevant skill: Cooking
* Category: Skilled labor
Meditation will be scheduled at any recreation need below 100%. Pawns will sporadically perform other tasks if they continuously meditate at 100% recreation need, indicating that this is behavior similar to other schedules, but with a threshold of 100%, and that the work check can sometimes be met. Meditation is a work task with a duration and like the other schedules, pawns will continue their current work task until finished, so that the need percentages may fall below the threshold, but when looking for the next task the schedule thresholds will be in effect.
Hunters hunt animals [[Orders#Hunt|marked for hunting]], but will require a weapon to do so (you will be notified via message of colonists with the Hunting job that are unarmed).
* Skills: Shooting, Melee
* Category: Violent
{| class=wikitable sortable style="text-align: center;
Constructors build things, smooth floors, repair damaged buildings and structures, and fix broken-down equipment (requires components).
* Relevant skill: Construction
! Schedule !!Rest below !!Recreate below  !! Eat below  !!Wake on schedule change!! Else
* Category: Skilled labor
! [[File:Schedule Anything.png]]
| 30% || 35% || rowspan=5 | 30% food need ||No || Work
! [[File:Schedule Recreation.png]]
| 30% || 95% || No  || Work
! [[File:Schedule Work.png]]
| Never Rest || Never Recreate||Yes || -
! [[File:Schedule Meditate.png]]
| 15% || Always Meditate || Yes || -
! [[File:Schedule Sleep.png]]
| 75% || Only when idle || No || Work
<!--As of A16, Repair was removed; tasks merged into Construct. Not deleting at this time, in case it's brought back.
Early game, colonists may be set to permanent work until basic infrastructure and accommodations are constructed, but permanent work has a high chance of mental breaks.  
Repairers fix buildings and structures that have lost hit points.
* Relevant skill: Construction
* Category: Skilled labor
Growers plant and [[Orders#Harvest Food|harvest]] domestic crops.
* Relevant skill: Growing
* Category: Skilled labor
The ideal schedule for a pawn varies by the [[trait]]s of the pawn. For example, optimists remain cheery despite less recreation time, and pawns with a [[circadian assistant]]{{RoyaltyIcon}} or an efficient [[bed]] do not need as much sleep.
Miners dig out marked sections of stone and minerals.
* Relevant skill: Mining
* Category: Skilled labor
=====Plant cut=====
Psycasters{{RoyaltyIcon}} can have hours of recreation in the morning be replaced with mandatory meditation, as meditation counts as recreation. Recreation can be staggered in larger colonies to minimize the chance of all tables being occupied. Night owls should be sleeping from 10 am to 6 pm inclusive to prevent the "night owl at day" debuff and maximize the "night owl at night" buff.
Plant cutters [[Orders#harvest|harvest]] food from wild plant and [[Orders#cut plants|cut down marked plants]].
* Relevant skill: Technically Growing (listed as 'None' though) (Citation Needed)
* Category: Dumb labor
=== Allowed area ===
Smiths create weapons at the [[smithing bench]].
* Relevant skill: Smithing
* Category: Skilled labor
Each colonist is assigned to an [[Zone/Area#Allowed area|allowed area]]. By default each colonist is set to 'unrestricted' allowing them to do activities anywhere on the map. Clicking the allowed area box on a colonist's row assigns that colonist to that area. The 'Manage allowed areas' button opens a window where allowed areas may be created, deleted, inverted, or renamed. Up to eight allowed areas may be created, not including the home zone.
Tailors craft clothing at the [[tailor's workbench]].
* Relevant skill: Tailoring
* Category: Skilled labor
In [[Events#Toxic_fallout|toxic fallout events]], players can restrict the allowed area of colonists to rooms with a [[roof]] overhead to prevent [[Ailments#Toxic_buildup|toxic buildup]].  
Artists make [[sculptures]] at the [[sculptor's table]].
* Consider scheduling sleep during the [[day]] (11h-18h) for colonists with [[Night owl]] trait.
* Relevant skill: Artistic
* Use [[temporary allowed area|temporary allowed area(s)]].
* Category: Artistic
== Assign ==
Crafters do general low-skilled labor at work stations such as [[stonecutter's table|stonecutting]] and [[electric smelter|smelting]].
{{Stub|section=1|reason=All of these sections are wordy and should be made new pages that redirect}}
* Relevant skill: Crafting
{{Image wanted|section=1|reason=Updated main image, images of the submenus}}
* Category: Skilled labor
[[File:Mainmenu_assign.png|600px|thumb|right|Assign tab displaying most of its features. Note that 'Recruiter' in the 'Current Outfit' tab is a custom outfit.]]
The Assign screen has the following functions:
: Carry materials, items, and corpses to [[stockpile zone|stockpiles]]
: Cremate corpses at the [[crematorium]]
: Burn apparel and drugs at a [[campfire]] or crematorium
: Open [[cryptosleep casket]]s and [[sarcophagus|sarcophagi]]
: Transfer [[wort]] to [[fermenting barrel]]s
: [[Orders#Strip|Strip]] pawns marked for stripping
: Rearm [[deadfall trap|traps]]
* Relevant skill: none
* Category: Dumb labor
=== Threat response ===
Cleaners remove filth such as dirt, blood, and vomit, which would otherwise negatively affect the [[Beauty|beauty]] of a room.
{{stub|section=1|reason=Mechanical details. How close to enemies to flee/attack, will they ignore even when engaged in melee, what about if blocking them in etc}}
* Relevant skill: none
Sets each colonist's behavior when enemies are nearby. This setting is also available on the colonist's inspect pane. Melee colonist in attack mode attack enemies within a radius of 8 cells inclusive pawns. Ranged colonists in attack mode attack enemies within a radius that is approximately 70% of the weapons maximum range up to a max of about 20 cells.
* Category: Dumb labor
{| style="margin-left: 19px;"
|- style="height: 23px;"
| [[File:ReactUndraftedFlee.png|16px]]  || style="vertical-align: bottom; padding-left: .5em;" | Flee (default)
|- style="height: 23px;"
|[[File:ReactUndraftedAttack.png|16px]] || style="vertical-align: bottom; padding-left: .5em;" | Attack
|- style="height: 23px;"
|[[File:ReactUndraftedIgnore.png|16px]] || style="vertical-align: bottom; padding-left: .5em;" | Ignore
=== Treatment options ===
Researchers do research work at a [[research bench]] to unlock new items and building options.
{{See also|Doctoring#Treatment options{{!}}Doctoring}}
* Relevant skill: Research
Sets the best medicine types a [[Work#Doctor|Doctor]] will use when treating, or performing [[surgery]] on, a pawn. The highest tier allowed will always be used, even for minor injuries and treatments. If the requested tier cannot be retrieved by the doctor for any reason, the next tier down will be tried, and so on. The default setting can be adjusted at the "Defaults" button next to the medical quality level on a pawn's health tab.
* Category: Intellectual
'''Note:''' Most [[operation]]s require medicine - if a pawn is set to no medicine, or none is available, the operations in question will not be performed.
The Restrictions screen allows the player to schedule an activity for each colonist, for each hour of a 24 hour day.  Activities include: Anything, Work, Joy, and Sleep.
Also, each colonist is assigned to an [[Zone/Area#Allowed area|allowed area]]. By default each colonist is set to 'unrestricted' allowing them to do activities anywhere on the map. Clicking the allowed area box on a colonist's row assigns that colonist to that area. The 'Manage allowed areas' button opens a window where allowed areas may be created, deleted, or renamed. Up to eight allowed areas may be created.
{| style="margin-left: 19px;"
|- style="height: 23px;"
| [[File:Doctor_care_but_no_medicine.png|16px|link=Medical]]        || style="vertical-align: bottom; padding-left: .5em;" | [[Doctoring|Doctor care]], but no medicine
|- style="height: 23px;"
|[[File:Herbal medicine.png|16px|link=Herbal medicine]]             || style="vertical-align: bottom; padding-left: .5em;" | [[Herbal medicine]]
|- style="height: 23px;"
|[[File:Medicine industrial a.png|16px|link=Medicine]]              || style="vertical-align: bottom; padding-left: .5em;" | [[Medicine]]
|- style="height: 23px;"
|[[File:Glitterworld_medicine.png|16px|link=Glitterworld medicine]] || style="vertical-align: bottom; padding-left: .5em;" | [[Glitterworld medicine]]
=== Outfits ===
The Assign screen has the following functions:
Allows the player to manage [[Clothing|apparel]] profiles. Colonists will automatically don the best apparel possible per their assigned outfit and according to the weather. They will automatically switch out damaged apparel for better apparel, or poor-quality apparel for high-quality apparel.
* '''Threat response:''' Sets each colonist's behavior when enemies are nearby. (This setting is also available on the colonist's inspect pane.)
: [[File:ReactUndraftedFlee.png|16px|left]] Flee (default){{clr}}
: [[File:ReactUndraftedAttack.png|16px|left]] Attack{{clr}}
: [[File:ReactUndraftedIgnore.png|16px|left]] Ignore{{clr}}
* '''Outfits:''' Allows the player to manage [[Clothing|apparel]] profiles. Colonists will automatically don apparel according to their assigned outfit using the best apparel possible and according to the season. They will automatically switch out damaged apparel for better apparel, or poor-quality apparel for high-quality apparel. A colonist will not automatically equip a personal shield if they have a ranged weapon equipped. If the player manually assigns apparel, the colonist will never remove it until the manual assignment is cleared. In the Gear tab manually assigned apparel is listed as 'forced'. Forced apparel can be cleared using the 'Clear forced' button on the Assign window.
If the player forces a colonist to wear a piece of apparel, the colonist will never remove it until the manual assignment is cleared, the apparel runs out of HP, or the colonist is forced to wear a different apparel on the same body part. In the Gear tab on the pawn inspect pane, manually assigned apparel is listed as 'forced'. Forced apparel can be cleared using the 'Clear forced' button on the Assign window, allowing colonists to remove them at will.
There are several default outfits as follows:
There are several default outfits as follows:
:* Nudist: Allows only headgear. A nudist does not consider headgear to be clothing and will still get the appropriate mood buff.
:* '''Anything:''' Allows literally any apparel, included [[tainted]] apparel.
:* Worker: Excludes any type of armor but allows most everything else.
:* '''Nudist:''' Allows only untainted headgear and [[utility]] items. A [[nudist]] does not consider those items to be clothing and will still get the appropriate +20 mood buff.
:* Soldier: Includes armor and clothing suited for cold weather.
:* '''Worker:''' Excludes any type of armor but allows most everything else.
:* '''Soldier:''' Includes armor and clothing suited for cold weather.
The player may modify these outfits or create their own.
The player may modify these outfits or create their own.
* '''Drugs:''' Allows the player to edit and set [[Drugs|drug]] policies that can be applied to each colonist.
=== Food restriction ===
{{Stub|section=1|reason=How exactly does food preference work, both generally and for traits such as ascetic and cannibal? Ideoligions too? Will pawns drop a simple meal for a newly cooked lavish meal? Food restrictions list incomplete}}
Food Restrictions allow the player to edit and set food policies for different colonists. The default food restriction policy, named Lavish, allows pawns to consume meals of all qualities, pemmican, chocolate, or raw food (if accessible) and forbids human meat and insect meat.
Hungry Pawns attempt to eat the food that grants them the most mood that they are allowed to eat. If multiple foods grant the same mood the colonist will eat the closest. If the colonist has a meal in their inventory and is starving (below 12.5% food saturation), or if their desired meal is more than approximately 90 cells away, they will eat the meal from their inventory regardless of the inventory meal's quality. After eating, a colonist attempts to refill their food inventory slot with the meal that grants them the most mood allowed by their food restriction.
There are several default food restrictions as follows:
:* '''Lavish:''' All food types allowed.
:* '''Fine:''' All food types except lavish meals, [[carnivore lavish meal]]s, and [[vegetarian lavish meal]]s allowed.
:* '''Simple:''' All food types except [[packaged survival meal]]s, fine meals, [[carnivore fine meal]]s, vegetarian fine meals, lavish meals, carnivore lavish meals, and vegetarian lavish meals allowed.
:* '''Paste:''' All meals disallowed except nutrient paste meals. All other food types allowed.
:* '''Raw:''' [[Chocolate]], [[insect jelly]], [[pemmican]], and all meals disallowed. All other food types allowed, including animal products.
:* '''Nothing:''' All food types disallowed.
:* '''Vegetarian:''' Corpses, raw meat, carnivore fine meals, carnivore lavish meals, pemmican, and [[kibble]], as well as meals with appetizing meat, human meat, or insect meat disallowed. All other food types allowed.
:* '''Carnivore:''' All raw vegetables, vegetarian meals, and other meals with a vegetable ingredient disallowed.
:* '''Cannibal:'''
:* '''Insect meat:''' ?
The player may modify these restriction presets or create their own.
=== Drug policies ===
{{stub|section=1|reason=Insufficient detail on the options and how they're implemented mechanically}}
Allows the player to edit and set [[Drugs|drug]] policies that can be applied to each colonist.
Note: Pawns on a [[Mental break|drug binge]] may ignore these restrictions and take drugs at will. Pawns on a [[mental break|food binge]] may take drugs for recreation regardless of player settings. Pawns with [[chemical fascination]] or [[chemical interest]] traits are treated as always having "Take drugs for recreation" and "Take drugs for addiction" enabled regardless of setting. If a colonist has drug-related trait it is conveniently noted on the drug policy.
Pawns can also be told to keep a certain number of doses for each individual drug type. NOTE: Sometimes colonists do not put appropriate drugs in their inventory and the reason why is currently unknown.
The "For Addiction", "For Recreation" and "Scheduled" check boxes have "OR" functionality. The "Scheduled" options of "Frequency", "Only if mood below" and "Only if recreation below" sliders have "AND" functionality. The "Scheduled" "Frequency" option uses the time since last ingestion and not the time of "last scheduled ingestion".
A drug set to "For Recreation" can be taken anytime the colonist does Recreation. A drug held in inventory will aways be preferred when taken "For Recreation."
There are several default drug policies as follows:
:* '''No drugs:''' No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs for addictions. No drugs for recreation. No drugs scheduled.
:* '''Social drugs:''' No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs except for [[beer]] and [[smokeleaf joint]]s for addictions. Beer and smokeleaf joints available for recreation. No drugs scheduled. Despite also being [[social drugs]], [[ambrosia]] and [[psychite tea]] are excluded from this policy.
:* '''One drink per day:''' No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs except for [[beer]] and [[smokeleaf joint]]s for addictions. Beer and smokeleaf joints available for recreation. Beer scheduled for use once per day, at any recreation or mood level.
:* '''Unrestricted:''' No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs for addictions. All drugs for recreation. No drugs scheduled.
The player may modify these policies or create their own.
=== Carry medicine ===
Players can tell pawns to carry a certain amount of any type of medicine in their inventory, from 0-3. This allows drafted doctors to quickly stabilize a pawn on the battlefield using medicine.
[[File:Animals menu.png|600px|thumb|right|Example of the animals menu with a few pets shown]]
The Animals window lists all the colony animals. Clicking an animal name will center the map to that animal.
The Animals window lists all the colony animals. Clicking an animal name will center the map to that animal.
* A button lists the animal's master, if it has one. Click the button to assign a new master.
* A button lists the animal's master, if it has one. Click the button to assign a new master. Colonists bonded an animal will want to be the master of their bonded animal. They will suffer a mood debuff when the animal's master is not them, but receive a mood buff when they are the handler.
* [[Zone/Area#Allowed_area|Allowed areas]] are also listed here including Unrestricted, [[Home area]], and animal areas. Each animal stays in its assigned area unless its master is drafted.
* [[Zone/Area#Allowed area|Allowed areas]] are also listed here including Unrestricted, [[Home area]], and animal areas. Each animal stays in its assigned area unless its master is drafted. The zone option is not available for farm animals, only displaying which pen an animal is in.
* The <tt>[Manage areas...]</tt> button at the top of the window opens another window to edit allowed areas.
* The <tt>[Manage areas...]</tt> button at the top of the window opens another window to edit allowed areas.
* The <tt>[Manage auto-slaughter...]</tt> button at the top of the window opens another window to adjust the thresholds at which your colonists will automatically slaughter excess animals.
The wildlife window lists all non-tamed animals on the map.  Mousing over an animal will point an arrow towards it, and clicking will jump the camera to it.  The screen shows the animal's gender and age, as well as species information about revenge chance and if it is a predator.  There are also buttons to start hunting or taming each animal, which can be clicked and dragged to select multiple at once.
Predator animals will hunt and eat vulnerable animals and colonists.  Checking this menu often and killing any predators that arrive is a good way to keep the map safe. This menu is also useful for scavenging any downed animals nearby, yielding risk-free [[meat]] and [[leather]].
The Research window is used to select the next technology to research. The Research button is also a progress bar of the current research project.
[[File:Research menu.png|600px|thumb|right|Example screenshot of the research menu with a few projects completed]]
The Research window is used to select the next technology to research. The Research icon on the menu bar is also a progress bar of the current research project.
Green boxes are completed research, black boxes are unfinished research, and gray boxes are unavailable research. If the [[Royalty DLC]] is installed, [[techprint]] requiring research will show a x/x box under the name of the research to show the number of techprints applied/needed.
There are five different factions in the game besides your own: Tribes, Outlanders, Pirates, Spacers and MechanoidsEach faction has its own unique characteristics and view of your colony.  By default, only the Outlanders are non-hostile.  However, attacking Outlander forces will cause them to retaliate and become hostile.
The quests menu has different tabs that can show available, active, and historical questsAvailable quests can be accepted here, with most quests having a time limit before expiryThere is also the option to change reward preferences, which allows [[Faction#Faction Relationships|goodwill]] or [[Titles|honour]] to be blocked as a quest reward from each faction.
The tribes are groups of neolithic people with basic weaponry such as bows and spears. They have probably inhabited the planet for a long time. They always wear tribal clothing, which is equivalent in stats to a standard shirtPeople from this faction are usually very hard to recruit (difficulty 80+), though it is possible to do so. Tribe names often have words derived from Spanish, such as 'miñoca', 'legua', etc. They may not seem very strong due to their low level of technology, but they make up for it with sheer numbers. It is not uncommon to see raids of over twenty tribesmen later in the game, even on lower difficulties. This faction is a formidable ally and foe alike. They may not be as dangerous as pirates, but they are not insignificant.
Outlanders use the same equipment and technology as pirates, but do not behave the same. Outlanders by default are non-hostile but can be provoked into hostility. Due to their similarity to your colony they can be considered the standard faction. They often use similar equipment and tactics as normal pirates, but rarely use high level gear such as '''[[R4 Charge Rifle|charge rifles]]''' or '''[[Sniper Rifle|snipers]]'''. Be nice to them and you will be rewarded, but anger them and you basically have another pirate group, except this one can be negotiated with.
Pirates sport modern weapons and gear, though occasionally use advanced gear. It is pretty much impossible to negotiate with them (any attempts to do so result in vitriolic insults being thrown at you over the '''[[Comms console|comm system]]'''). Pirates are the primary source of raids, usually attacking from the sides and occasionally dropping directly on your base. They kidnap incapacitated colonists if you leave them incapacitated and within reach. The Pirates can be considered the bad guys of RimWorld.
Spacers are an off-map faction, similar to mechanoids. They affect your colony in the form of survivors from spaceship disasters, and often require medical attention in the aftermath of whatever they were escaping. Spacers can also often be found within the cryptosleep caskets of ancient ruins. No one knows what scenario forced them into their prolonged sleep, but those daring enough to awaken them should be prepared to defend themselves from an attack as the spacers sometimes lash out in dazed confusion. Sleeping Spacers often wield high-tech weaponry and powerful armor, but managing to subdue them gains skilled allies who will willingly join your colony (recruit difficulty <40).
The Mechanoids are a faction of super-advanced robots, all of which are extremely formidable in combat. They come in two forms:  [[Mechanoid#Centipede|Centipedes]], and [[Mechanoid#Scyther|Scythers]].  Centipedes are the Mechanoids' heavy infantry unit, coming equipped with a [[Minigun|minigun]], [[Inferno Cannon|inferno cannon]], or [[Heavy Charge Blaster|heavy charge blaster]], as well as remarkably tough armor.  Centipedes are capable of dealing a great amount of damage to your colony.  Their primary purpose is to soak up damage from static defenses while suppressing enemy infantry's movements.  They cannot move quickly, so it is often possible to run around it in circles and not get injured.  Use this to your advantage when combating Centipedes.  Scythers are the Mechanoids' light infantry unit, coming equipped with a [[Charge Lance|charge lance]] and lighter, though still durable, armor.  Scythers can deal a great amount of damage per shot with their heavy weapon, and their range means that they can attack [[Improvised Turret|improvised turrets]] without retaliation.  Their primary purpose is to pick off defenses and defenders, while maintaining enough mobility to chase down survivors.  If at all possible, it is best to avoid engaging Scythers head on, as their weapon can do significant and possibly lethal damage in the first shot.  Once killed, all Mechanoids drop metal and leave a mechanoid corpse which can be broken down at a [[Machining table|machining table]] for even more metal. A Mechanoid attack can easily destroy your colony if you are not prepared for it.  They have a decent combat AI that utilizes each unit's strengths, making them a dangerous enemy to face.  Mechanoids can invade from the edge of the map, or they can be dropped directly into an unsuspecting base. Mechanoids are the enemies of the [[Events|"Ancient Ship Crash" event]], in which they will emerge from the wreckage of their ship and attack if a colonist attacks it.
The World interface provides information about the planet that the player has settled on.  By default, the map is centered on the site of your colony, but can be moved via the standard camera keys. Individual colonies and caravans can be selected by clicking on their icons on the map. If the player selects an area, they can receive information through the planet and terrain tab.
The World interface provides information about the planet that the player has settled on.  By default, the map is centered on the site of your colony, but can be moved via the standard camera keys. Individual colonies and caravans can be selected by clicking on their icons on the map. If the player selects an area, they can receive information through the planet and terrain tab.
The planet tab provides both the name of the planet as well as the seed used in world generation.
* Planet tab - provides both the name of the planet as well as the seed used in world generation.
The terrain tab provides information on the biome type, travel times for caravans passing through that area during the various seasons, the stone types (rock chunks), elevation, rainfall, average temperatures, growing times, and time zone.
* Terrain tab - provides information on the biome type, travel times for caravans passing through that area during the various seasons, the stone types (rock chunks), elevation, rainfall, average temperatures, growing times, and time zone.
As of Alpha 16, caravans can be deployed from existing colonies by clicking on the colony and clicking the "form caravan" button at the bottom. The player will then be able to select who and what to bring, as well as which side of the tile that the caravan will exit. Caravans can also be formed by sending drop pods that contain at least one colonist (without a colonist, any items sent to an empty world map tile will be permanently lost, even if an existing caravan is on that tile). After a caravan is formed, the player can select the caravan and right click on the destination and the caravan will begin to move (similar to a drafted colonist). The caravan's speed is based on the terrain, and can change based on the time of the year as well as the health of the colonists in the caravan. Caravans are also capable of splitting and reforming while traveling, and cannot move if they become overburdened. In addition, caravans have a chance of being ambushed by raiders and wild animals, opening a small "sub world" and forcing the members of your caravan to fight. All of the statistics and information about a caravan can be checked and managed through the caravan menu. This is accessed by clicking on the caravan on the world map, or on one of the colonists in the caravan via the character bar at the top.  
{{Main|Caravan}} Caravans can be deployed from existing colonies by clicking on the colony and clicking the "form caravan" button at the bottom left. Caravans can be used to settle in different areas, trading, and attacking hostile outposts.
The caravan menu consists of five tabs. The gear tab displays both the weight of the caravan, as well as which items are being hauled. The social, needs, and health tabs allow you to check the individual statistics of the colonists in the caravans (to see their character stats, click the "info" button next to their name). Finally, the gear tab allows you to equip clothing and weapons to your colonists (very useful for traveling from warm to cold biomes).
Caravans can be used to settle in different areas, attack pirate bands, and trade with other npc colonies (giving you an increased profit since you're making the trip). By default, the maximum amount of colonies that a player can create and maintain at one time is set to 1, with 5 being the hard maximum value that can't be changed(the normal max colony count can be changed in the game settings at any time). These colonies will exist simultaneously and the severity of/type of events that occur will be based on the individual colony's wealth (so 200 man tribal raids shouldn't occur on your new settlement even though your old settlement might be very affluent). If a settlement is abandoned, all items, structures, and resources are lost forever, and the player becomes incapable of re-entering the area.
== Ideology ==
{{Ideology|No category}}
Using this tab, you can view your ideology and the ideologies of other factions. Here you can find options for saving and loading ideologies.
Line 209: Line 227:
* Wealth: This graph has lines depicting total wealth, item wealth, and building wealth.  
* Wealth: This graph has lines depicting total wealth, item wealth, and building wealth.  
* Population: This graph shows the free population and prisoner population.  
* Population: This graph shows the free population and prisoner population.  
* Colonist mood: This graph only displays the average mood of all of the colonists. At the top of the three graphs is a series of colored circles that describe every random event that has occurred. Blue circles are positive or neutral events, yellow circles are negative events, and red circles are attacks. The event circles are chronologically in sync with the graph, so that each event happened at the time specified on the graph. The graphs can be filtered to include only results from the last 300, 100, and 30 days.
* Colonist mood: This graph only displays the average mood of all of the colonists.  
At the top of the three graphs is a series of colored circles that describe every random event that has occurred. Blue or white circles are positive or neutral events, yellow circles are negative events, and red circles are attacks. The event circles are chronologically in sync with the graph, so that each event happened at the time specified on the graph. The graphs can be filtered to include only results from the last 300, 100, and 30 days.
On the History screen, the messages tab shows the last 200 messages and letters you've received, even after you close them. You can pin messages to keep them around longer.
==== Letters ====
* [[Events#Ambrosia_sprout|Ambrosia sprout]] ([[Ambrosia bush]])
* [[Ancient shrine|Ancient danger]]
* [[Animal#Aggression|Animal's revenge]]
* [[Animal self-tamed]]
* [[Blight]]: domesticated plant
* [[Mental_break#Psychotic_wandering_.28Daze.29|Daze]]: [[colonist]]
* [[Death]]: colonist
* [[Disease]]: [[Infection]]
* [[Events#Meteorite|Meteorite]]: material
* Everyone is dead or gone. This story is over. Perhaps someone else will a use for the ruins of this place.
* Gift from ...
* Colonist kidnapped
* [[Mad animal]]
* [[Events#Man in black|Man in black]]
* [[Mental_break#Manhunter|Manhunter]]: domesticated animal
* [[Mental break#Hide in room|Hide in room]]: colonist
* [[Mental_inspiration#Inspired_taming|Inspired taming]]: colonist
* [[Events#Party|Party]]
* [[Events#People arrived|People arrived]]
* [[Raid]]
* New [[recruit]]: colonist
* [[Events#Rare_Thrumbos|Rare Thrumbos]] ([[Thrumbo]])
* [[Quest]] active: ...
* Quest expired: ...
* [[Events#Solar_flare|Solar flare]]
* [[Summer]]
* [[Mental_break#Tantrum|Tantrum]]: colonist
==== Messages ====
* An animal named ... had a mental break (e.g. [[Manhunter]]) because of of [[master]]'s death
* [[Animal husbandry#Taming|Tamed animal]] has started to roam away! He(she) will leave this map unless animal [[handle]]r ropes her back to a pen
* [[Bill]] complete ([[Campfire]])
* [[Colonist]]s [[Construct Success Chance|failed]] while [[Work#Construct|constructing]] a simple wooden bench. Some resources have been wasted
* Colonist is fully healed
* Colonist is no longer inspired
* Colonist is no longer having a [[Mental_break#Tantrum|Tantrum]]
* Colonist has gotten [[food poisoning]] from: [[Simple meal]]. Cause: Dirty cooking area.
* Colonist successfully [[tame]]d an animal. It is now called animal 1
* Critical alert: Colonist needs [[rescue]]
* Critical alert: [[Fire]]
* Critical alert: Major break risk
* [[Fall]] has begun
* [[Food]] has [[Deterioration|deteriorated]] in storage
* [[Rice plant]] died because of cold
* [[Goodwill|Relation]]s with ... have changed from 0 to 1 ([[Trade]]d)
* [[Spring]] has begun
* The [[Trade#By_physical_presence|trade caravan]] from ... is leaving
On the History screen, the Statistics tab contains information about the colony, including the current [[AI Storytellers|Storyteller]] and difficulty scale, total colony wealth, the number of major threats and enemy raids, the total amount of damage taken and colonists killed, and the number of colonists launched into space.
On the History screen, the Statistics tab contains information about the colony, including the current [[AI Storytellers|Storyteller]] and difficulty scale, total colony wealth, the number of major threats and enemy raids, the total amount of damage taken and colonists killed, and the number of colonists launched into space.
[[File:ExampleFactions.png|600px|thumb|right|An example of the different factions with leaders in 1.1]]
There are many different kinds of factions in the game besides your own.  The factions menu shows you the name, leader, and faction type for each faction, as well as their relationship with your colony and other factions.
The Menu is accessed by hitting the esc key or by hitting the corresponding tab at the bottom right of the page.
The Menu is accessed by hitting the ESC key or by hitting the corresponding tab at the bottom right of the page.
The functions are as follows:
The functions are as follows:
*Save - Saves the current game manually
*Save - Saves the current game manually
*Load game - Loads a previously saved game
*Load game - Loads a previously saved game
*Review scenario - Displays the conditions of your current play through
*Review scenario - Displays the conditions of your current playthrough (Does not record the seed used to generate your world map)
*Options - Provides graphics and sound settings for the game
*Options - Provides graphics and sound settings for the game
*Quit to main menu - Returns the user to the title page
*Quit to main menu - Returns the user to the title page
*Quit to OS - Quits the application
*Quit to OS - Quits the application
In a save with [[Permadeath]] enabled, the functions are as follows:
*Review scenario - Displays the conditions of your current playthrough
*Options - Provides graphics and sound settings for the game
*Save and quit to menu - Saves the current game manually, then returns the user to the title page
*Save and quit to OS - Saves the current game manually, then quits the application
== Version history ==
* [[Version/0.10.785|0.10.785]] - Outfit system added. Timetable system added.
* [[Version/0.13.1135|0.13.1135]] - Threat response mode added - Decide how colonists should auto-respond to threats: flee, attack, or ignore.
* Beta 19/1.0 - New main tab: Wildlife. Allows easy counting, finding, and designating of wild animals. Added medical care column to the Assign tab.
* [[Version/1.3.3066|1.3.3066]] -  Wildlife tab refinements
* [[Version/1.3.3287|1.3.3287]] - Fix: [[torture crown]]{{IdeologyIcon}} is automatically allowed by colonists' clothing restrictions.
* [[Version/1.4.3523|1.4.3523]] - Fix: Drug take to inventory in policy can exceed def-defined limit.
[[Category:RimWorld game]]

Latest revision as of 12:21, 23 July 2024

Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
Menus Architect Work Schedule Assign Animals Wildlife Research Quests World History Factions Menu

Menus are text-based, selectable options and/or commands that provide the action which includes opening specific GUIs and enabling or disabling certain features. Menus can also take the form of options being represented by images and icons. The following menus are found along the bottom edge of the screen. The first eight menus are bound to hotkeys F1 through F8. (See: Controls)


The Architect menu is used to designate construction blueprints, give orders to colonists, and create new zones / areas.



Example of work priorities and the different work types.

From the Work menu you can set the types of work you want your colonists to perform and in what order. However, some colonists cannot perform all tasks, and this will be displayed on the menu as well. For example, a medieval lord can only access research and firefighting whilst a settler can access all skills.

For a full breakdown of work types, the work menu, and the options available, see the Work page.


Example of the schedule menu showing schedule and allowed areas (without royalty)

The Schedule screen allows the player to schedule an activity for each colonist, for each hour of a 24-hour day. Pawns will continue their current task until finished. Only then will a colonist check their schedule and work tabs for other possible assignments. Task lengths vary.


The pawn will attempt to work per their priorities unless their need to recreate falls below 35%, their need to eat falls below 30%, their need to rest falls below 30%, or their psyfocusContent added by the Royalty DLC falls below the player-assigned threshold. When those thresholds are met, they will instead attempt to fulfill those needs. For this setting, if a pawn is already asleep when this schedule begins, they will not wake up and instead continue to sleep until fully rested.

Pawns will continue their current work task until finished, so that the need percentages may fall below the threshold, but when looking for the next task the schedule thresholds will be in effect. The current work task can be manually ended by drafting and undrafting the pawn.


The pawn will attempt to work per their priorities unless their need to eat falls below 30% and without regard for sleep or recreation. If a pawn is already asleep when this scheduled activity begins, they will wake up to work. Note that when a pawn's rest need reaches zero, they will eventually fall asleep in their current location (e.g., the ground), regardless of their schedule, and wake up at 20% rest need. The pawn will never recreate.


The pawn will attempt to work per their priorities unless their need to recreate falls below 95%, their need to eat falls below 30%, their need to rest falls below 30%, or their psyfocusContent added by the Royalty DLC falls below the player-assigned threshold. When those thresholds are met, they will instead attempt to fulfill those needs. If a pawn is already asleep when this schedule begins, they will not wake up and instead continue to sleep until rested.


The pawn will attempt to work per their priorities, unless their need to eat falls below 30%, their need to rest falls below 75%, or their psyfocusContent added by the Royalty DLC falls below the player-assigned threshold. When those thresholds are met, they will instead attempt to fulfill those needs. The pawn will wake up to eat if eat falls below 12.5%. The pawn will not sleep past 100% need, but will instead wake up and evaluate the priorities per the schedule and work tab.

A pawn scheduled to sleep will not do recreate except if idle.


The pawn will attempt to meditate, preferring to meditate at their assigned meditation spot Content added by the Royalty DLC or assigning an unassigned spot to themselves. They will meditate until their need to eat falls below 30% or their need to rest falls below 15%. When those thresholds are met, they will instead attempt to fulfill those needs. Meditation counts as Solitary type recreation and their recreation need will fill to 100% if able. If a pawn is already asleep when this scheduled activity begins, they will wake up to meditate. Note that if a pawn's rest need reaches zero, they will fall asleep regardless of their schedule. All pawns can meditate, not just psycasters Content added by the Royalty DLC, and psycaster pawns will not stop a scheduled meditation even when they have met or exceeded their target psyfocus Content added by the Royalty DLC level, i.e. meditation will continue to fill the level up its maximum of 100%, even if the target is set lower.

Meditation will be scheduled at any recreation need below 100%. Pawns will sporadically perform other tasks if they continuously meditate at 100% recreation need, indicating that this is behavior similar to other schedules, but with a threshold of 100%, and that the work check can sometimes be met. Meditation is a work task with a duration and like the other schedules, pawns will continue their current work task until finished, so that the need percentages may fall below the threshold, but when looking for the next task the schedule thresholds will be in effect.

Schedule Rest below Recreate below Eat below Wake on schedule change Else
Schedule Anything.png 30% 35% 30% food need No Work
Schedule Recreation.png 30% 95% No Work
Schedule Work.png Never Rest Never Recreate Yes -
Schedule Meditate.png 15% Always Meditate Yes -
Schedule Sleep.png 75% Only when idle No Work

Early game, colonists may be set to permanent work until basic infrastructure and accommodations are constructed, but permanent work has a high chance of mental breaks.

The ideal schedule for a pawn varies by the traits of the pawn. For example, optimists remain cheery despite less recreation time, and pawns with a circadian assistantContent added by the Royalty DLC or an efficient bed do not need as much sleep.

PsycastersContent added by the Royalty DLC can have hours of recreation in the morning be replaced with mandatory meditation, as meditation counts as recreation. Recreation can be staggered in larger colonies to minimize the chance of all tables being occupied. Night owls should be sleeping from 10 am to 6 pm inclusive to prevent the "night owl at day" debuff and maximize the "night owl at night" buff.

Allowed area[edit]

Each colonist is assigned to an allowed area. By default each colonist is set to 'unrestricted' allowing them to do activities anywhere on the map. Clicking the allowed area box on a colonist's row assigns that colonist to that area. The 'Manage allowed areas' button opens a window where allowed areas may be created, deleted, inverted, or renamed. Up to eight allowed areas may be created, not including the home zone.

In toxic fallout events, players can restrict the allowed area of colonists to rooms with a roof overhead to prevent toxic buildup.


Assign tab displaying most of its features. Note that 'Recruiter' in the 'Current Outfit' tab is a custom outfit.

The Assign screen has the following functions:

Threat response[edit]

Sets each colonist's behavior when enemies are nearby. This setting is also available on the colonist's inspect pane. Melee colonist in attack mode attack enemies within a radius of 8 cells inclusive pawns. Ranged colonists in attack mode attack enemies within a radius that is approximately 70% of the weapons maximum range up to a max of about 20 cells.

ReactUndraftedFlee.png Flee (default)
ReactUndraftedAttack.png Attack
ReactUndraftedIgnore.png Ignore

Treatment options[edit]

Sets the best medicine types a Doctor will use when treating, or performing surgery on, a pawn. The highest tier allowed will always be used, even for minor injuries and treatments. If the requested tier cannot be retrieved by the doctor for any reason, the next tier down will be tried, and so on. The default setting can be adjusted at the "Defaults" button next to the medical quality level on a pawn's health tab.

Note: Most operations require medicine - if a pawn is set to no medicine, or none is available, the operations in question will not be performed.

Doctor care but no medicine.png Doctor care, but no medicine
Herbal medicine.png Herbal medicine
Medicine industrial a.png Medicine
Glitterworld medicine.png Glitterworld medicine


Allows the player to manage apparel profiles. Colonists will automatically don the best apparel possible per their assigned outfit and according to the weather. They will automatically switch out damaged apparel for better apparel, or poor-quality apparel for high-quality apparel.

If the player forces a colonist to wear a piece of apparel, the colonist will never remove it until the manual assignment is cleared, the apparel runs out of HP, or the colonist is forced to wear a different apparel on the same body part. In the Gear tab on the pawn inspect pane, manually assigned apparel is listed as 'forced'. Forced apparel can be cleared using the 'Clear forced' button on the Assign window, allowing colonists to remove them at will.

There are several default outfits as follows:

  • Anything: Allows literally any apparel, included tainted apparel.
  • Nudist: Allows only untainted headgear and utility items. A nudist does not consider those items to be clothing and will still get the appropriate +20 mood buff.
  • Worker: Excludes any type of armor but allows most everything else.
  • Soldier: Includes armor and clothing suited for cold weather.

The player may modify these outfits or create their own.

Food restriction[edit]

Food Restrictions allow the player to edit and set food policies for different colonists. The default food restriction policy, named Lavish, allows pawns to consume meals of all qualities, pemmican, chocolate, or raw food (if accessible) and forbids human meat and insect meat.

Hungry Pawns attempt to eat the food that grants them the most mood that they are allowed to eat. If multiple foods grant the same mood the colonist will eat the closest. If the colonist has a meal in their inventory and is starving (below 12.5% food saturation), or if their desired meal is more than approximately 90 cells away, they will eat the meal from their inventory regardless of the inventory meal's quality. After eating, a colonist attempts to refill their food inventory slot with the meal that grants them the most mood allowed by their food restriction.

There are several default food restrictions as follows:

  • Lavish: All food types allowed.
  • Fine: All food types except lavish meals, carnivore lavish meals, and vegetarian lavish meals allowed.
  • Simple: All food types except packaged survival meals, fine meals, carnivore fine meals, vegetarian fine meals, lavish meals, carnivore lavish meals, and vegetarian lavish meals allowed.
  • Paste: All meals disallowed except nutrient paste meals. All other food types allowed.
  • Raw: Chocolate, insect jelly, pemmican, and all meals disallowed. All other food types allowed, including animal products.
  • Nothing: All food types disallowed.
  • Vegetarian: Corpses, raw meat, carnivore fine meals, carnivore lavish meals, pemmican, and kibble, as well as meals with appetizing meat, human meat, or insect meat disallowed. All other food types allowed.
  • Carnivore: All raw vegetables, vegetarian meals, and other meals with a vegetable ingredient disallowed.
  • Cannibal:
  • Insect meat: ?

The player may modify these restriction presets or create their own.

Drug policies[edit]

Allows the player to edit and set drug policies that can be applied to each colonist.

Note: Pawns on a drug binge may ignore these restrictions and take drugs at will. Pawns on a food binge may take drugs for recreation regardless of player settings. Pawns with chemical fascination or chemical interest traits are treated as always having "Take drugs for recreation" and "Take drugs for addiction" enabled regardless of setting. If a colonist has drug-related trait it is conveniently noted on the drug policy.

Pawns can also be told to keep a certain number of doses for each individual drug type. NOTE: Sometimes colonists do not put appropriate drugs in their inventory and the reason why is currently unknown.

The "For Addiction", "For Recreation" and "Scheduled" check boxes have "OR" functionality. The "Scheduled" options of "Frequency", "Only if mood below" and "Only if recreation below" sliders have "AND" functionality. The "Scheduled" "Frequency" option uses the time since last ingestion and not the time of "last scheduled ingestion".

A drug set to "For Recreation" can be taken anytime the colonist does Recreation. A drug held in inventory will aways be preferred when taken "For Recreation."

There are several default drug policies as follows:

  • No drugs: No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs for addictions. No drugs for recreation. No drugs scheduled.
  • Social drugs: No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs except for beer and smokeleaf joints for addictions. Beer and smokeleaf joints available for recreation. No drugs scheduled. Despite also being social drugs, ambrosia and psychite tea are excluded from this policy.
  • One drink per day: No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs except for beer and smokeleaf joints for addictions. Beer and smokeleaf joints available for recreation. Beer scheduled for use once per day, at any recreation or mood level.
  • Unrestricted: No drugs to be kept in inventory. All drugs for addictions. All drugs for recreation. No drugs scheduled.

The player may modify these policies or create their own.

Carry medicine[edit]

Players can tell pawns to carry a certain amount of any type of medicine in their inventory, from 0-3. This allows drafted doctors to quickly stabilize a pawn on the battlefield using medicine.


Example of the animals menu with a few pets shown

The Animals window lists all the colony animals. Clicking an animal name will center the map to that animal.

  • A button lists the animal's master, if it has one. Click the button to assign a new master. Colonists bonded an animal will want to be the master of their bonded animal. They will suffer a mood debuff when the animal's master is not them, but receive a mood buff when they are the handler.
  • Allowed areas are also listed here including Unrestricted, Home area, and animal areas. Each animal stays in its assigned area unless its master is drafted. The zone option is not available for farm animals, only displaying which pen an animal is in.
  • The [Manage areas...] button at the top of the window opens another window to edit allowed areas.
  • The [Manage auto-slaughter...] button at the top of the window opens another window to adjust the thresholds at which your colonists will automatically slaughter excess animals.


The wildlife window lists all non-tamed animals on the map. Mousing over an animal will point an arrow towards it, and clicking will jump the camera to it. The screen shows the animal's gender and age, as well as species information about revenge chance and if it is a predator. There are also buttons to start hunting or taming each animal, which can be clicked and dragged to select multiple at once.

Predator animals will hunt and eat vulnerable animals and colonists. Checking this menu often and killing any predators that arrive is a good way to keep the map safe. This menu is also useful for scavenging any downed animals nearby, yielding risk-free meat and leather.


Example screenshot of the research menu with a few projects completed

The Research window is used to select the next technology to research. The Research icon on the menu bar is also a progress bar of the current research project. Green boxes are completed research, black boxes are unfinished research, and gray boxes are unavailable research. If the Royalty DLC is installed, techprint requiring research will show a x/x box under the name of the research to show the number of techprints applied/needed.


The quests menu has different tabs that can show available, active, and historical quests. Available quests can be accepted here, with most quests having a time limit before expiry. There is also the option to change reward preferences, which allows goodwill or honour to be blocked as a quest reward from each faction.


The World interface provides information about the planet that the player has settled on. By default, the map is centered on the site of your colony, but can be moved via the standard camera keys. Individual colonies and caravans can be selected by clicking on their icons on the map. If the player selects an area, they can receive information through the planet and terrain tab.


  • Planet tab - provides both the name of the planet as well as the seed used in world generation.
  • Terrain tab - provides information on the biome type, travel times for caravans passing through that area during the various seasons, the stone types (rock chunks), elevation, rainfall, average temperatures, growing times, and time zone.


Caravans can be deployed from existing colonies by clicking on the colony and clicking the "form caravan" button at the bottom left. Caravans can be used to settle in different areas, trading, and attacking hostile outposts.


Using this tab, you can view your ideology and the ideologies of other factions. Here you can find options for saving and loading ideologies.



On the History screen, the graph tab shows a historical graph. There are three different graphs:

  • Wealth: This graph has lines depicting total wealth, item wealth, and building wealth.
  • Population: This graph shows the free population and prisoner population.
  • Colonist mood: This graph only displays the average mood of all of the colonists.

At the top of the three graphs is a series of colored circles that describe every random event that has occurred. Blue or white circles are positive or neutral events, yellow circles are negative events, and red circles are attacks. The event circles are chronologically in sync with the graph, so that each event happened at the time specified on the graph. The graphs can be filtered to include only results from the last 300, 100, and 30 days.


On the History screen, the messages tab shows the last 200 messages and letters you've received, even after you close them. You can pin messages to keep them around longer.






On the History screen, the Statistics tab contains information about the colony, including the current Storyteller and difficulty scale, total colony wealth, the number of major threats and enemy raids, the total amount of damage taken and colonists killed, and the number of colonists launched into space.


An example of the different factions with leaders in 1.1

There are many different kinds of factions in the game besides your own. The factions menu shows you the name, leader, and faction type for each faction, as well as their relationship with your colony and other factions.


The Menu is accessed by hitting the ESC key or by hitting the corresponding tab at the bottom right of the page.

The functions are as follows:

  • Save - Saves the current game manually
  • Load game - Loads a previously saved game
  • Review scenario - Displays the conditions of your current playthrough (Does not record the seed used to generate your world map)
  • Options - Provides graphics and sound settings for the game
  • Quit to main menu - Returns the user to the title page
  • Quit to OS - Quits the application

In a save with Permadeath enabled, the functions are as follows:

  • Review scenario - Displays the conditions of your current playthrough
  • Options - Provides graphics and sound settings for the game
  • Save and quit to menu - Saves the current game manually, then returns the user to the title page
  • Save and quit to OS - Saves the current game manually, then quits the application

Version history[edit]

  • 0.10.785 - Outfit system added. Timetable system added.
  • 0.13.1135 - Threat response mode added - Decide how colonists should auto-respond to threats: flee, attack, or ignore.
  • Beta 19/1.0 - New main tab: Wildlife. Allows easy counting, finding, and designating of wild animals. Added medical care column to the Assign tab.
  • 1.3.3066 - Wildlife tab refinements
  • 1.3.3287 - Fix: torture crownContent added by the Ideology DLC is automatically allowed by colonists' clothing restrictions.
  • 1.4.3523 - Fix: Drug take to inventory in policy can exceed def-defined limit.