Unobtainable items

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There are some items in RimWorld that are impossible to obtain by standard means, but can be spawned in using development mode.

Mechanoid Weapons

Mechanoids come equipped with their own class of weapons. While the Charge lance found on Lancers is otherwise available and thus not listed here, no mechanoid will drop their weapon when killed and no other mechanoid weapon is obtainable.


Inferno cannon

An incendiary-shot mini-artillery device. It fires a large incendiary warhead.


Heavy charge blaster

A pulse-charged rapid-fire blaster for area suppressive fire. Heavy cooling allows long, deadly bursts.


Needle gun

A long-range weapon used by mechanoids. Named after its needle-like projectiles, it fires single shots with great accuracy. While it does less damage than charge weapons, it can reach over very long distances.


Thump cannon

A breaching explosive launcher used by mechanoids. It fires a concussion bomb that is extremely effective against walls and structures, but does much less damage to small targets.

Turret Weapons

The following weapons are included with the player-made turrets but will not drop if the turret is deconstructed or destroyed.


Mini-turret gun

A simple automatic gun made to be mounted on a turret.


Uranium slug cannon

A self-loading uranium slug cannon designed to attach to a turret.

Turret autocannon top.png


A self-loading large-bore cannon designed to attach to a turret.

Other Ranged Weapons - Royalty


Inferno cannon (Turret)

An incendiary-shot mini-artillery device. It fires a large incendiary warhead.


Light charge blaster

A pulse-charged rapid-fire blaster for area fire.



An automatic turret-mounted slug-thrower.