Property:Stub Reason

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Section:Missing analysis  +
Missing Analysis and Summary/all mechanics  +
Section:See [[burden]] for similar format and level of detail  +, Section:Currently just a Copy-paste of minor tactics previously on [[Psycasts]] - needs verification, rewriting, formatting, and expansion  +
Needs detail on mechanics e.g. nutrition etc.  +
1) Integrate with relevant pages 2) Two-way links 3) Version history  +
Effect of biome bonus - what are the nutrition multipliers from each biome?  +
Section:Cleanup and frag grenades have a lot of utility and specific use cases not properly represented here  +
Section:Decay rate or isntant decline? Specifical rste from c#, other mechanical detail.  +
Section:Fuel?  +
Section:Heat production, fuel consumption rate, analysis  +
Section:Comparison for under mountain general crop growth  +
Section:general summary  +
General  +
Section:Needs verification with changes but also idnetify cut offs and expand.  +
General stub, missing mechanical detail etc.  +
This page is included in the [[RimWorld_Wiki:To-do#Large projects|Plants project]] - there are a number of factors that are in need of verification and potentially addition to this page. See that page for details  +
Summary analysis  +
Missing summary detail and analysis  +
Section:Does the mandatory wait time between prunings apply to multiple trees or just the one  +
An analysis of factors on recombination time  +, Section:Mathematical relationship between complexity and assembly time, then account for [[Assembly Speed Factor]]  +