Property:Recode Reason

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
It'd be really nice if the template actually supported the console options it claims too, specifically the ones added by [[Console edition]] and steam deck too.  +
Section:automate a nutrition/work calculation with hard numbers: total work and split into Cook work and planter work; and nutrition/day/tile  +
Selectable columns to make manageable table sizes? may run into template size limits.  +
Section:Add a toggle to hide all the places that are just "Blah - exists" or "Blah = this planet type" - alternatively reformatting such that they don't get their own row without being more interesting  +
Not dark mode friendly - some potential in turning it into a wikitable using header text cells as that draws colors from the skins, but needs development  +
Effective maximum, see Min comfy temp for example, and add to Stat template  +
Section:Consider Merge wastepacks into main table and replacing section with intrapage link to table. Discussion welcome  +
1) Hardcoded charge blaster turret 2) Hard coded class  +
Consider adding health scale given disparity in values  +
Section:Section commented out due to unknown, unvalidated source. Ideally a full guide for VCS needs to be written  +
1) Make collapsible 2) Sanguophage uses a bunch of special options - add these  +
Adding beam as stop gap to fix bugs but may need investigation as to what is appropriate choice for beam tagged weapons  +
Section:Automated table  +
Standardize with other Navs  +
Standardize with other Navs  +
Add fleshmass (e.g. [[ Fleshbulb]] and [[Flesh sack]]) things in a "related" sub section to facilitate interlinking  +
Standardize with other Navs  +
Standardize with other Navs  +
Automation  +
Section:Uses manual and direct image calls instead of icon templates  +