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Revision as of 18:52, 8 August 2024 by Arcangelus (talk | contribs)
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Previous Version: Version/1.3.3081
Released on: 5 August 2021
Next Version: Version/1.3.3083
Released on: 7 August 2021

Released on: 6 August 2021

1.3.3082 is up!

  • Fix: Caravan auto-supply ignores negative thoughts from food when calculating the score.
  • Reset biosculpter timers after archonexus resettlement
  • Reset prevent various events from happening too early after new archonexus settlement
  • Add a warning if most of your food does not suit one of your caravaneers diet.
  • Choosing ideo preset no longer continously calls SortStyleCategories but only once outside the loop.
  • Don't list dryads on bed assign dialog.
  • Fix: Enabling disabled core mod after enabling a dlc orders the core mod to be loaded before the DLC.
  • Fix: When enabling mods, they are just added to the list, not taking forceLoadXXX into account
  • Give starting survival meals some veggie ingredients for non-carnivore colonies instead of having no ingredients at all.
  • Fix: Cannot build floor coverings before having save/loaded at least once.
  • Quest lodgers and pawns of non-player ideos are no longer upset if their ideo building is not present.
  • Fix: Stacks of Gauranlen seeds can only designate a single planting cell.
  • Fix: Killing a slave in a slave rebellion causes 'Witnessed ally's death' thought
  • Fix: Potential mod breaking issue in Graphic (GetCopy method arguments).
  • Added sustainer sound while extracting tree. Added a sound when tree finishes extracting. Changed tree replanting designation sound. Added sound while replanting tree.
  • Removed allowed area assignment UI for dryads since they ignore it anyway.
  • Dryads now rest near their connected tree, not in beds or sleeping spots.
  • Moved IsRelic() check to extension method in ReliquaryUtility.
  • Pawns no longer smelt relics, to avoid accidental mishaps.
  • Updated player-created names. Updated two player-created names per request.
  • Fix: NRE when hovering over pawn with no ideoligion with conversion ability.
  • We now reset incident grace periods when starting a new archonexus settlement to make for a smoother start.
  • Upon new archonexus settlement, player now retains research up to classic start.
  • Fix: Techprints retained on archonexus resettlement.
  • Fix: Bloody dominators description typo

Replanting fixes:

  • Fix: Trees to be replanted can be rotated.
  • Fix: Can replant non-trees (bonsai, fibercorn and others tree lovers don't care about).
  • Fix: Trees can be replanted indoors below a roof.
  • Fix: Replanting trees over grass does not remove the grass.
  • Fix: Extract tree designation graphic is too large.
  • Fix: MinifiedTree does not set discarded state after being discarded.
  • Minor improvements to tree replanting code.
  • Fix: Minified tree defs are generated for trees which cannot be extracted.
  • Fix: There is an 'anima tree' in the list of stockpile items