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Revision as of 02:42, 7 October 2014 by Zesty (talk | contribs) (Updated for Alpha 7 damage types)
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Clothes are a kind of gear, mostly for covering up your colonists nudity. They usually offer little in the way of protection when compared to armor.

Name Move Speed[1] Layer[2] Covers Commonality[3] Blunt Piercing Heat Electric Toxic
T-Shirt 0% On Skin Torso, Neck 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Button-Down Shirt 0% On Skin Torso, Neck 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Tribalwear -10%[4] Middle Torso, Neck 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Jacket -3% Shell Torso, Neck 50% 0% 8% 3% 0% 0%
Duster -4% Shell Torso, Neck 50% 0% 7% 7% 0% 0%
Cowboy Hat 0% Overhead Upper Head 70% 3% 3% 0% 0% 0%
  1. Bonus/penalty on movement speed.
  2. What part this armor covers (may be multiple).
  3. Statistic of how common this armor should be.
  4. Likely a bug as of Alpha 7, be wary of it.


A general list of clothing in the game as of Alpha 6:

  • Note: Some articles of clothing have randomized colors. Listed below are example colors.



Basic T-Shirt, most colonists start with this or the buttoned-down shirt.

Button-Down Shirt

Button-Down Shirt.png

A nicer and slightly more formal shirt. Not much different from the T-Shirt



The neolithic raiders are usually dressed in these. Interesting note, you can wear this between your shirt and your duster.



A tough jacket, very slightly better than the duster in blunt protection and a slightly smaller movespeed penalty.



The stylish and tough duster, with a small but notable amount of heat protection.

Cowboy Hat


+15% Social Impact

The only non-armor hat currently in the game. Obvious throw-back to the Western-esque themes of RimWorld.


Oddly enough, several pieces of apparel do not cover the arms. While sleeveless jackets and sleeveless T-Shirts are completely reasonable, the Button-Down Shirt and Duster are also sleeveless. This suggests that the RimWorlds have some sort of fascination with sleeveless apparel (not to mention that they also seem to be barren of any sort of pants/trousers). Massive oversight or a bizarre fashion trend? Who knows.

Clothing Layers

Each item of apparel or utility gear is worn on a specific location of the wearer's body. That location is determined by two things:

  1. The body part groups it covers.
  2. The layer or layers it occupies.

Apparel combinations are limited by layer and coverage - an item cannot be worn with another item that covers the same body parts and on the same layer. Thus, items covering the same parts but on different layers are compatible, as are items on the same layer but with no overlap in coverage. Items that cover multiple layers conflict with items on all layers.

Layers are also used to determine the order in which armor calculations are performed, with the outermost layer's armor applying first, and progressing through the layers until the attack is stopped or there are no more layers.

The layers, from innermost to outermost, are:

  • Skin: The closest layer to the body, and mostly used for apparel below the head.
  • Middle: The second closest layer to the body, and mostly used for apparel below the head.
  • Outer: The third layer from the body, and mostly used for apparel below the head. Note that it will be displayed on the pawn's sprite above all other layers, even though it is considered below the following layers for actual mechanical effects.
  • Belt: Technically the fourth layer. A distinct layer for utility items to allow them to be worn alongside any other apparel but not with each other.
  • Headgear: The fifth layer, and used for headwear. There are several items that cover body parts typically covered by the other layers however, in which case this will be above them.
  • Eyes: The outermost layer. A distinct layer only used for the blindfoldContent added by the Ideology DLC to allow it to be worn alongside headwear.

Which body parts currently have items that occupy each of the layers is shown in the table on the below; layers and body parts which are not currently used by gear were omitted. As such, the hands and feet which are not covered by any apparel or any layer, are omitted.

  • Body Part Group Coverage Skin Middle Outer Headgear Eyes Belt Image
    Full Head Head, Ears, Nose, Jaw, Eyes × Human Body Areas Located.png
    Upper Head Head, Ears ×
    Eyes Eyes ×
    Shoulders Left & Right Shoulders × × ×
    Arms Left & Right Arm × × ×
    Torso Torso × × ×
    Waist Waist ×
    Neck Neck × × × ×
    Legs Left & Right Leg × × ×
  • Examples

    • You can't wear pants as well as tribalwear, since both cover the "skin" layer and cover the legs.
    • You can wear pants and a button-down shirt, since while they both use the "skin" layer they don't cover the same parts.
    • You can wear pants and a duster, since while they both cover the legs pants use the "skin" layer while a duster uses the "outer" layer.