RimWorld Wiki talk:Community portal

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Formatting guideline for Biome guides[edit]

Discuss what would you expect from Biome specific guides, the content, the parameters in which it shall be focused on, what it must have and what nots. How would you give points based on a score system to determine whether an article shall be part of the Community with members consentient by including it in mainspace or if it shall remain a user exclusive article that solely exposes the views of a single person rather everybody. LongRangeMineralScanner.pngYoshida Keiji(Let's talkBeer b.png)LongRangeMineralScanner.png 12:43, 21 January 2019 (UTC)

Thoughts for the future (frontpage, templates, SMW)[edit]

Since this wiki doesn't have an Admin noticeboard, this talk page appears to be the best spot to raise issues or thoughts.


Yesterday PigeonGuru prompted me about the intent of the image uploads, and I touched on some more topics, including an idea for changing the frontpage. This is (probably) the page new users see first. Hope I don't step on any toes here, but I do think it could be improved. It's usually a good idea to have a brief intro or summary of the game, and those links to policy and consent and suchlike looks a little off for the frontpage, at least in such a prominent position. I see there have been quite some storms in here with edit wars, so that is probably why, but maybe it could be placed elsewhere?

My background is from Gamepedia, a wiki farm for gaming wikis, where I happened to take the lead in changing lots of stuff on the Pillars of Eternity wiki, including transitioning it from Semantic Mediawiki (SMW) to Cargo. Their sort-of default design for wikis is a dynamic setup that alters where segments are placed on the frontpage based on the width of the user's browser, using fairly simple Javascript in the .js file. I would like to try out something similar here as well -- if that is something that would be agreeable to the leadership. First in my own userspace of course. I'm not a design or CSS wizard, so it takes me time, but I'd like to try it out nevertheless. But I'd like to hear some feedback or ideas for how it can be done.

RimWorld is a dark-themed game with, suffice to say, some pretty darn dark behaviours at times (like the hats meme). I'm not sure how much extra work it would be, how badly if would affect tables and so on, but it might be fitting with a dark-coloured theme for the wiki as well, to better reflect the look in-game. Unfortunately the game doesn't really have much art assets to go on in terms of UI (it is very basic with boxes and suchlike), but otherwise we could have used some of that here, for infoboxes, stylised headings and the like. Any thoughts about this? Would it be a total no-go? I did look through the history of the frontpage a few weeks back, and it looked to have had basically the same design from the start. Have people sort of built brick by brick since then, or was it decided to have it like that, and we shouldn't change it?

I don't think there was much of a "decision" regarding the frontpage, nobody just ever bothered changing it. I'm in favour of having a short description of the game on the frontpage. As far as the theme for RimWorld, it's as light or dark as the player wants to make it. Some colonies are all rainbows and kittens, others consist of nothing but organ-harvesting psychopaths. It reflects more on the player than on the game. --Mehni (talk) 18:06, 12 July 2019 (UTC) P.S. Welcome, and thank you for your additions.


Dear Cthulu... I've been sat here for hours trying to wrap my puny head around it, and it still doesn't make all that much sense. Like the main author Spdskatr says in the Define/doc: This template defines the stats for an item that, after a long and confusing chain of transclusions, will end up in Template:Infobox/Thing.

There are loads of templates that do various things, including tiny stuff like closing a table, or making a heading. The chain-transclusions make it very hard to read and understand for regular users, or even quite experienced ones like myself. There are some errors here and there on pages, and many others still use the infobox main template instead, but given the above, it's hard to try to fix things. For all I know, it will break something else.

It is honestly tempting to start anew (and copying the relevant bits of code) instead of keep banging my head against the wall and not really getting anywhere. If we were to start over, I'd suggest to use one template for each thing instead of super-templates with loads of sub-templates and chaining. It's much easier to deal with both for users and staff -- because it's more easily understood. This is kind of a nightmare example, but imagine trying to wrap your head around this as a new user :D

Another dark horse here, however, is the SMW. That too is hard to get a good grip on, because it appears to be dealt with in other templates as well. More chaining.


That brings me to another possibility: Using Cargo instead of SMW. Especially on the management/overview side, it is much better to use than SMW. Essentially it's a MySQL database, so it's easy to get an overview of everything, instead of the complex setup of triplets from SMW, and no proper database or table where users or admins can look at the data, check it, and fix it. Managing both the templates and the data would be easier.

Usually SMW is also a drain on performance, though I don't know if that is the case here. As usual there are lots more property+query pages than content pages (and outdated entities), but we're not talking about millions here, so it may be manageable.

I'm hesitant to suggest it ofc, because it's not a small task. I did it for Pillars of Eternity, alone, and it almost broke me, sapped me of energy. But having done it, I can use much of that code base (it largely remains intact I see, although I've not been active there for a year or two, and resigned as a wiki guardian).

All in all this wouldn't be small matters of course, and a lot of work, but I do think it would benefit the wiki, and probably make it easier to update pages now that 1.0 is out, and there are likely to be fewer mass-changes going forward.

Would be grand to hear some feedback about these ideas from the staff, ideally including Zesty. If it's not agreeable by others, either as a whole or the individual ideas, then say so and we can end the discussion here.

Thanks, Pangaea (talk) 11:40, 11 July 2019 (UTC)

(Brief draft here that can be deleted later)
Obviously needs a ton of changes as the colours are all messed up, but perhaps it gives a rough idea of what I had in mind? Imgur image of draft. Wanted to test out using the background from the game as the background here (I seriously love that image, it really sets the mood for the game). The central content div is slightly transparent so the background image is visible, but without distorting the reading experience too much (Well, that's the end goal). Happy accident that the logo fits fairly well in the top left corner. Not sure what that gradient is about, but that should be altered as well so the whole logo shows. --Pangaea (talk) 19:06, 11 July 2019 (UTC)
Interesting. Tried to check how quickly pages are generated by using Edit -> Show preview and looking at the parser stuff on the bottom. Pages that use the Define template is routinely about 1.0 to 1.2 seconds slower than pages that use the infobox main template. Yet both contain similar amounts of SMW data. So it seems like it's the template that slows thing down, and not necessarily SMW. See if you get similar results. It's a pretty big difference when one type of page generates in 0.3-ish seconds, and another type in 1.5 seconds. Pangaea (talk) 12:03, 12 July 2019 (UTC)

Uploading images doesn't work even after 10 edits[edit]

Hi, y'all. I joined the wiki today because I saw a few missing images for buildings from the Royalty expansion, and wanted to upload the assets I found to help the community out. I saw there was a 10-page edit requirement before you can create new pages (which images are apparently included in). I've edited 10 pages (more than just changing a piece of punctuation for most of it (^: ) but still can't upload images.

Unfortunately the upgrading of user privileges is automated and annoyingly slow. I think an administrator could do it manually, but by its likely to have resolved itself by the time they see and respond to this. Give it time and should allow you to do it. Personally I think the user account requirements are a little overbearing and act as disincentives to casual editors but there's not much I can do to fix them. In the mean time, if I can help let me know. Side note, don't forget to sign your posts with 4 ~'s like this:~~~~ Harakoni (talk) 05:01, 27 September 2020 (UTC)
Roger that! Thank you Kfsass (talk) 05:57, 27 September 2020 (UTC)
Btw, good work on Body Parts. I've never had cause to look closely at it, and god it was a mess Harakoni (talk) 06:21, 27 September 2020 (UTC)
Aw, you're too kind! I was a copy-editor for my school's yearbook and currently am for my company's newsletter; god knows I've spent enough time benefiting from this wiki to give some of my skills back. I'm still working up the gumption to tackle the page on supported mods... which still references 1.1 😂😭 Kfsass (talk) 22:33, 28 September 2020 (UTC)

Greetings, from the unofficial Rimworld Discord server![edit]

We're currently experiencing an issue with troubleshooter burnout, due to people coming into the server and refusing to read any of the pins or FAQ information, sometimes refusing to do as we ask to help figure out their issues, and just a general flood that is starting to overwhelm our volunteers.

It's been proposed during discussions about the issue, that we put something on the internet that is actually searchable, such as on a wiki or what have you, to facilitate people potentially doing basic troubleshooting tasks themselves, before coming to us with the issue. We were hoping you'd be amenable to having a page created on the official wiki, specifically for modding troubleshooting. The hope is that, with something people can actually look up themselves, it would stem the tide a little, or at least give us something outside the Discord to point at. How say you all, if I may inquire?

Hope you're all safe and well. Trisscar

Edit: I should mention we'd be the ones maintaining it, not expecting yall to take on more work outta the blue. Figured asking permission was an idea though. XD

The wiki hosts a number of pages about modding (though some are admittedly outdated) and guides are common as well. I see no reason it shouldn't be on here, ultimately the wiki is meant to be an aid to the user base. Any pages will still be under the normal rules and moderation ofc and dedicated wikis like the SoS2 and Bestiary wikis are still better places for actual mod content, but what this proposes seems sound.
You won't have page creation privileges yet because you're a new user (you need a min num of edits, can't change that on my end), so I've created your user page so you can experiment. If you have a specific page you'd like created, let me know by linking it here, or stickking something on my talk page. It should probably be the in Modding Tutorials namespace, for example Modding Tutorials/Example page name. :Lastly you can sign posts with 4 ~'s like this ~~~~ Harakoni (talk) 20:33, 13 December 2020 (UTC) Wiki Mod.
Ahh aight, thanks much. I'll get the troubleshooters talking about what we want in there and get to editing shortly. Trisscar (talk) 02:40, 15 December 2020 (UTC)Trisscar
Good luck and if you have any issues don't hesitate to ask Harakoni (talk) 05:10, 15 December 2020 (UTC)

Extensions and MediaWiki out of date[edit]

I'm a little surprised that the wiki hasn't been updated with more recent versions of extension and core software. Almost all the extensions I checked out, plus the MediaWiki version itself, is around 4 years out of date. Don't know if that has security implications too, but something should probably be done about it?

Secondly, and this is just a small point really given all that could be done here, but I noticed a note about cover on many pages, such as autocannon turret. That note is incorrect, because that isn't how cover works for those items/buildings. The cover that is mentioned in definitions if the cover you get behind that "thing", it's not the cover that thing gets itself. I saw a video reference about a bloke shooting at a miniturret or whatever, which was supposed to show that the cover is incorrect. But that isn't how the whole thing works. You always needed sandbags to protect autocannons and such, and that hasn't changed I suppose (not played since 1.0 version). But try to cover behind an autocannon (cross your fingers it doesn't blow up), and it should give you cover protection. The percentage depends on the angle iirc, but it is 50% in the game files. Pangaea (talk) 16:21, 14 September 2022 (UTC)

User:Pangaea - the need to update is known about, the issue is that it is not something the active staff can do. Tynan has been made aware, and hopefully it will be resolved. Thanks for pointing it out though.
As for the cover bug from turrets, you've misunderstood the issue being described. There are two distinct concepts here. There is:
  1. The cover the turret itself provides when a pawn stands behind it. This works fine and it will provide the cover that is listed in its definitions, in the infobox in game, and on the wiki page (though as you say, actually doing so might be ill advised given it might explode; And
  2. The cover something like sandbags provides TO the turret itself. This does not work. Placing a turret behind sandbags does not protect the turret (except for "wild" shots but those are by far the minority). This is contrary to expectations AND to the accuracy percentages you get when you select a drafted pawn, and then mouse over the turret. The game tells you that turrets benefit fully from cover, but empirical testing demonstrates that is not the case.
We might need to make that clearer. If this was confusing to you, it is likely confusing to others. Harakoni (Wiki Moderator) (talk) 07:08, 22 September 2022 (UTC)
Thank you for the thorough reply. In that case I misunderstood what you/the wiki tried to convey with those notes about turrets. Think I also saw mention of it recently in the 1.4 discussion, that this may be partly solved. I wasn't aware that it didn't work correctly, and assumed turrets benefited from cover. I haven't built a single one since I started playing again in 1.3, so had no real-life experience. About the updates, I'm aware this has to be done by the admins, and hopefully that gets done by whomever Tynan has in charge of such tasks. I also want to add that the wiki as a whole isn't well-suited for mobile reading, which for better or worse, has become important these days. I'm sure there must be extensions for that, so if you have a line to Tynan or others in charge, please mention that as well. Pangaea (talk) 14:33, 9 October 2022 (UTC)

Screen reader content[edit]

For screen reader (blind) users, please give distinguishing info. The alt text for the resource icons like Plasteel should be eg "Plasteel icon" not just "Plasteel", otherwise it's confusing.

Alternatively, don't use both — just use the icon like a currency symbol — so it just reads "Plasteel 15" with an icon for sighted and text for screen reader, not "Plasteel 15 Plasteel" (read & copied as "Plasteel 15 Plasteel") like it does now. That's like writing "$15 dollars". Saizai (talk) 10:19, 2 December 2022 (UTC)