Talk:Crashed ship parts

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Loot nerfed, not "deconstruct-able"?

Loot nerfed, not "deconstruct-able"?

Summary by Harakoni

Deconstruct issue identified, confirmed destruction leavings. Page updated

Albedo (talkcontribs)

Cleaned this up, and tested against a defoliator ship event. I could not "deconstruct" the ship at all, altho' there is a (greyed out) button that continually says "must defeat Mech cluster first". Can anyone confirm this is a bug, or WAI? (Edit - to be clear, I saved the event, and destroyed the Mechs - many times, and in diff ways. The button stayed grey regardless.)

More, upon ~destroying~ the ship part, I only got:

  • 60 steel
  • 10 plasteel
  • 1 component
  • 1 advanced component

(vs. * 100 steel, 35 plasteel, 9 slag, 4 comp's & 1 adv'd comp, as previously listed). Doesn't ~seem~ part of any bug, since it's not "half" the listed values (normally Destroying gives half the Deconstruction values). Any confirmation on the loot changes?Albedo (talk) 02:08, 18 April 2022 (UTC)

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Some buildings have manually set "killedLeavings" that don't use the automatic calculation. For crashed ship parts, per the xml, destroying them should yield 4 steel slag chunks + the 60 steel, 10 plasteel, 1 adv comp, 1 comp you report.

Wrt the button, its a bug either way as it should either not be there at all OR should activate at some point AND/OR should not say to defeat the "mech cluster" and should instead state some other condition. Try testing it without royalty enabled and see if anything changes. (new colony, and use do incident in dev mode, so you don't have to damage an existing save).

iirc only ship chunks, not crashed ship parts, are meant to be deconstructable, but I can't say for sure. Things change over time.

Albedo (talkcontribs)
I can decon it if I'm in God Mode, but it leaves nothing (God Mode typically leaves the usual 1/2), so that points to it being "not defined" for decon', so yeah, a bug. Will edit to reflect what we know.Albedo (talk) 03:57, 18 April 2022 (UTC)
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