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Isolate devourers by baiting them to jump through closing doors
Digesting explosive animals

Isolate devourers by baiting them to jump through closing doors

Quandangv (talkcontribs)

When dealing with a herd of devourers, you can open a door briefly and close it. An eager devourer will jump through the closing door. It will be isolated for you to kill

Maple653 (talkcontribs)

okay might be worth noting but might also be a strategy too micromanagy and the main flaw with it would be that other devourers would likely try destroying the door cause they saw someone go through it, so you attempting to isolate them would probably not work very well because again that the door would eventually get destroyed.

Quandangv (talkcontribs)

I agree that it's micromanagy, but the other devourers won't attack the door. I've tried it many times before, they behave more like manhunting animals, attacking random structures, than breachers.

Maple653 (talkcontribs)

If a boomrat or boomalope is swallowed and dies, does it still explode and set fire to the devourer?

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