Talk:Fine floor

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Aazard suggestion - matched charts for flooring

Aazard suggestion - matched charts for flooring

Aazard (talkcontribs)

Hi, Sorry to use "talk"

I feel like an old man learning to use this wiki system......

Ok so instead of just throwing my own edits in without a check in, I thought I would ask about it.

"Flooring", has a fairly inclusive chart with item, value, cleanliness etc etc "Fine Flooring" has a "less informative" chart.

I believe that matching both to the more inclusive chart would be useful.

Some thoughts that caused this... are hex tiles or spikecore tiles "cleaner", like their non-fine variant, steel tiles? or just as "clean" as a paced tiling or wooden flooring?

Thanks for the time.

Aazard, Rouge Scholar

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

The only thing missing from the fine floor chart are the materials, which is only on Floors because some of the floors aren't constructed normally and need that detail (e.g. smooth stone, burned floors). As those special cases aren't present here, theres no need to add it.

And no, hex tiles and spikecore plates are not cleaner.

Aazard (talkcontribs)

Thank you, Saved the test I had back burnered.

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