Talk:Mech recharger

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language feels biased in the wrong direction

Falmingkitter (talkcontribs)

"As active mechs use only 10% of their power per day, and this structure provides a whopping 50% per day"

Is this supposed to be good? "theoretically a single mech recharger can support five always-active mechs" that's less than the bandwidth of a default mechanitor (6) and almost half the capacity of a default solo mechanitor (Starting with Airwire headset, bandwidth of 9). You almost need 2 separate chargers (@ 200W each) to handle the basics. I'll admit I'm incredibly biased and think mechs are underpowered but would anyone object to making the language more neutral?

"As active mechs use 10% of their power per day, and this structure recharges at a rate of 50% per day, theoretically a single mech recharger can support five always-active mechs"

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

I'd disagree that mechs are underpowered, but the recharger definitely isn't great. Go for the edit.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Also your mood page edit hasn't been rejected, it's just edit conflicted and I need time and something other than my phone to check it. I'm so sorry, I know it's been ages but IRL is kicking my ass atm.

Falmingkitter (talkcontribs)

Please don't worry about it, in fact if it's easier for you, you can reject my edit and I'll create a new version to fit around the other edit when I get a chance. Most of the time and effort comes from drafting, as long as I can see a summary of what I wrote re-drafting wont take long at all. Is there a notification if a proposed edit has been rejected?

Reply to "language feels biased in the wrong direction"

Issue with dormant combat mech recharge consistency

Orange (talkcontribs)
Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Dormant is not the same as inactive. But that said, this page was still wrong, it's confused mechanics and the strat for combat mechs. Should be fixed now

Reply to "Issue with dormant combat mech recharge consistency"
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