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on fully researching techs via techprints

1 (talkcontribs)

i tested this ingame, and it seems like it consistently takes 26 techprints to research a 2000-cost tech which requires a techprint (including the inital techprint to unlock it) this ignores prerequisites and doesn't require a better research bench to perform

I6vaY44.png is the best proof i can give for this, although it's not too difficult to replicate what i did, just starting a custom scenario with 26 techprints of one type, building a simple research bench and applying them all.

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Camacam (talkcontribs)

From game experience, I can confirm that a research bench that normally requires power does not have to be powered to apply techprints. Is this information significant enough to add to the main page, or does the current phrase, "research bench of any sort," already imply it?

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

No, that was a good thing to point out. Added it to the page just now.

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