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Xenotype gene displays
Summary by Harakoni


Harakoni (talkcontribs)

The current standard for displaying xenotype genes i.e. the full copy of the table entry on Genes, isn't hardy/sustainable as they haven't and won't get updated when the genes page is. This has already occurred. The tables are also huge and can't be easily viewed as a whole e.g Yttakin#Summary.

So instead I want to replace them with direct links to the relevant genes. The rough idea is demonstrated on Hussars#Genes. Having both the stacked icon/gene type and the name as links to the relevant page is pretty much set, but everything else formatting wise is up in the air. Alternatives for formatting are welcome. Sortable tables, a big block ala Misc, whatever. Have a preference, let me know.

Feedback/disagreements/ideas for better formatting are welcome.

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