Template:Ranged Maximum DPS

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Calculates maximum DPS and average DPS at various ranges for a ranged weapon. This template doesn't return any value, but assigns some variables


  • name is the name of the ranged weapon.
  • armor (optional) is the armor value of the target.
  • accuracyFactor (optional) is the accuracy factor of the ranged weapon determined by quality.
  • damageFactor (optional) is the damage and AP factor of the ranged weapon determined by quality.
  • bandolier (optional) can be specified to simulate heavy bandolier usage. Can be empty or 1.
  • triggerhappy (optional) can be specified to simulate trigger happy trait. Can be empty or 1.

Assigned variables[edit]

  • dps is assigned to maximum DPS, which assumes all shots hit.
  • dpsTouch is assigned to the average DPS at Touch range, which assumes a perfect shooter.
  • dpsShort is assigned to the average DPS at Short range, which assumes a perfect shooter.
  • dpsMedium is assigned to the average DPS at Medium range, which assumes a perfect shooter.
  • dpsLong is assigned to the average DPS at Long range, which assumes a perfect shooter.