Template:Weapon Material Table Row/doc

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This template is only ever called as part of Template:Weapon Material Table. It uses the variables defined in that template to render a single row of the table.

Example usage[edit]

This template isn't designed to be used in isolation, so as an example we'll show {{Weapon Material Table|Ikwa}}

Material table

  • Material DPS[1] AP[1] Handle (Blunt) Handle (Poke) Head (Stab) Edge (Cut) HP Value [ExpandCollapse]
    Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2]
    Wooden Ikwa 3.79 10.98% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 37.5% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 37.5% 6 2s 8.8% 3 12.5% 6 2s 8.8% 3 12.5% 65 73 Silver
    Bioferrite Ikwa 8.33 24.38% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 12.5% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 12.5% 19.5 2s 28.6% 9.75 37.5% 19.5 2s 28.6% 9.75 37.5% 200 83 Silver
    Golden Ikwa 5.34 15.63% 9 2s 13% 4.5 12.5% 9 2s 13% 4.5 12.5% 11.25 2s 16.5% 5.63 37.5% 11.25 2s 16.5% 5.63 37.5% 60 5015 Silver
    Plasteel Ikwa 9 21.08% 8.1 1.28s 11.7% 6.33 12.5% 8.1 1.28s 11.7% 6.33 12.5% 16.5 1.28s 24.2% 12.89 37.5% 16.5 1.28s 24.2% 12.89 37.5% 280 490 Silver
    Silver Ikwa 5.91 17.28% 9 2s 13% 4.5 12.5% 9 2s 13% 4.5 12.5% 12.75 2s 18.7% 6.38 37.5% 12.75 2s 18.7% 6.38 37.5% 70 520 Silver
    Steel Ikwa 6.75 19.75% 9 2s 13% 4.5 12.5% 9 2s 13% 4.5 12.5% 15 2s 22% 7.5 37.5% 15 2s 22% 7.5 37.5% 100 113 Silver
    Uranium Ikwa 7.16 23.03% 13.5 2.42s 19.5% 5.58 12.5% 13.5 2.42s 19.5% 5.58 12.5% 16.5 2.42s 24.2% 6.82 37.5% 16.5 2.42s 24.2% 6.82 37.5% 250 335 Silver

    Assuming Normal quality, for the effect of other qualities, see Quality.

    1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Note: This is the actual base average derived from the melee verb system updated in 1.1.2610, it may sometimes disagree with the listed value in the in-game infobox.
      It may also change depending on the stats and the melee verbs available to the wielder
    2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Chance for attack to be selected, assuming only the weapon's attack verbs are considered. It may change depending on the melee verbs available to the wielder

    Material table

  • Material DPS[1] AP[1] Handle (Poke) Edge (Cut) HP Value [ExpandCollapse]
    Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2]
    Wooden Axe 3.79 10.98% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 75% 6 2s 8.8% 3 25% 65 78 Silver
    Bioferrite Axe 8.33 24.38% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 25% 19.5 2s 28.6% 9.75 75% 200 101 Silver
    Golden Axe 5.34 15.63% 9 2s 13% 4.5 25% 11.25 2s 16.5% 5.63 75% 60 5025 Silver
    Plasteel Axe 9 21.08% 8.1 1.28s 11.7% 6.33 25% 16.5 1.28s 24.2% 12.89 75% 280 505 Silver
    Silver Axe 5.91 17.28% 9 2s 13% 4.5 25% 12.75 2s 18.7% 6.38 75% 70 525 Silver
    Steel Axe 6.75 19.75% 9 2s 13% 4.5 25% 15 2s 22% 7.5 75% 100 120 Silver
    Uranium Axe 7.16 23.03% 13.5 2.42s 19.5% 5.58 25% 16.5 2.42s 24.2% 6.82 75% 250 350 Silver

    Assuming Normal quality, for the effect of other qualities, see Quality.

    1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Note: This is the actual base average derived from the melee verb system updated in 1.1.2610, it may sometimes disagree with the listed value in the in-game infobox.
      It may also change depending on the stats and the melee verbs available to the wielder
    2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Chance for attack to be selected, assuming only the weapon's attack verbs are considered. It may change depending on the melee verbs available to the wielder