Template talk:True Melee DPS Calculator/doc

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Should we add five more attacks to account for all implants?[edit]

A human has four attacks. Two elbow blades, hand talons, knee spikes and venom talons plus one venom fangs would total nine additional attacks a human could have. Should we make it possible to calculate with all of them installed or would that be overkill? So far four additional attacks can be provided. --Ickputzdirwech (talk) 10:43, 5 January 2024 (UTC)

Proposed Addendum to the documentation[edit]

When I read this doc, it took me a good minute to understand how this template works. After some trial an error, I think I finally understood it. So, I propose the following addendum to the Parameters section to be placed right after the In short part:

A more concise way to present it is:

{{True Melee DPS Calculator|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12}}
1. The weapon or pawn to evaluate. Defaults to {{PAGENAME}}
  • If evaluating a pawn, Fields 2, 3, and 4 will be ignored.
2. Material of the weapon. Defaults to multipliers of 1 for all stats. (Akin to steel)
3. Quality of the weapon. Defaults to multipliers of 1 for all stats (Akin to Normal quality)
4. Pawn using the weapon, aka Wielder. Defaults to no wielder.
  • In the case of no wielder, the weapon being evaluated will be considered by itself.

Fields 5 to 12 are related to the intrinsic/natural attacks of a pawn and attacks given by artificial body parts. To be considered, one of the following need to be true:

  • A Pawn is being evaluated.
  • A Weapon being evaluated with a defined Wielder.

The arguments accepted on these fields are:

  • No argument: An empty argument, or a whitespace character denotes an unmodified natural attack.
  • Artificial body part: The attack granted by the specified artificial body part will be used, replacing a natural attack (if applicable).
  • false: Used to denote attacks whose associated part is missing with no replacement. (ex: The "left fist" attack requires a left hand, but said part is missing)

As such, field 5 to 12 are defined as:

5. Pawn's 1st attack, or replacement/addition from an artificial body part.
6. Pawn's 2nd attack, or replacement/addition from an artificial body part. Requires pawn with at least 1 attack.
7. Pawn's 3rd attack, or replacement/addition from an artificial body part. Requires pawn with at least 2 attacks.
8. Pawn's 4th attack, or replacement/addition from an artificial body part. Requires pawn with at least 3 attacks.
9. Pawn's 5th attack, or replacement/addition from an artificial body part. Requires pawn with at least 4 attacks.
10. Pawn's 6th attack, or replacement/addition from an artificial body part. Requires pawn with at least 5 attacks.
11. An additional attack granted by an artificial body part. Requires pawn with at least 6 attacks.
12. An additional attack granted by an artificial body part. Requires field 11 to be defined.

    Do note that the order in which the attacks of a given pawn are defined matter. For the specific case of a human pawn, we have:

    1. left fist (field 5)
    2. right fist (field 6)
    3. Bite (field 7)
    4. Headbutt (field 8)

    About the human case:

    • Fields 4 to 9 are always considered.
    • Fields 10 to 12 won't be considered unless field 9 is defined (either as an artificial body part or as false).
    • Fields 11 and 12 need a defined Field 10 to be considered.
    • Field 12 requires a defined Field 11, as previously described.

Normally, I would edit first ask later. However, I can't say I fully follow the code of this template. The text above is a mix of the existing documentation and my own experimentation. Also, while clearer to me, it may be too verbose.

I also noticed some quirks, such as the artificial replacement's stats being loaded (in some cases) despite not being considered in the evaluation, but I couldn't say how intentional/relevant that is. --Arcangelus (talk) 16:49, 11 July 2024 (UTC)