Topic on Talk:Unnatural corpse

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Article says the study time resets when the corpse respawns after being destroyed. This wasn't the case for me - I had my ghouls consume the corpse, it respawned probably around a day later (as opposed to the 3 hours mentioned) and my study time was *not* reset

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

This is on me, my edit was really vague. By study time I meant time until you could do dark study again (i.e you could study, butcher, then study again as soon as it respawns), not the total study done in progressing the "unnatural body quest line" so to speak.

Does that align with your experience?

Mithril475 (talkcontribs)

that aligns with my experience, sorry for the confusion

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

No it's not at all your fault, it's mine. Thanks for clarifying. hopefully it's a little clearer on the page now but feel free to have a stab at improving it.

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