Hello Harakoni,
I noticed that there was a split of the research page to move the Anomaly DLC's research projects onto their own page (dark study). Unfortunately, the research project links in the 'Acquisition' section of every Anomaly item unlocked through research still point the user towards the original research page. It looks like the text for the 'Acquisition' sections is auto-generated through the {/{/Acquisition}} tag, so this might have to get fixed through that function?
For an example, look at the Hellcat rifle page -- "Acquisition Hellcat rifles can be crafted at a bioferrite shaper once the Bioferrite weaponry research project has been completed. Note that this research requires dark study to unlock." When you hover over the links (on the page) to the Bioferrite weaponry research project, or the dark study link, both direct to the research page, where all those projects were originally recorded.