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  • Pawn Kind Image Combat Power Additional Info [[{{|action=edit}} edit]]
    Nociosphere Nociosphere.png 800 Age Range: At least 200
    Race: Nociosphere
    Can't Melee Attack
    Hostile To All
    No Old Age Injuries
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Prevent Ideoligion
    Can't Strip
    Immune To Traps
    Doesn't Collide With Pawns
    Ignores Pain Shock
    Fixed Rotation: South
    Abilities: Entity Skip, Heatspikes, Fleshmelter Bolt, Agony Pulse
    Metalhorror Metalhorror.png 300 Age Range: Any
    Race: Metalhorror
    No Old Age Injuries
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Prevent Ideoligion
    ai Avoid Cover?
    Can't Strip
    Lifestages: Larva, Juvenile, Mature
    Revenant Revenant.png 300 Age Range: Any
    Race: Revenant
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Always Dies When Downed
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Immune To Traps
    Doesn't Collide With Pawns
    Starting Hediffs: Horaxian Invisibility
    Disabled Work Tags: Violent
    Sightstealer Sightstealer.png 70 Age Range: Any
    Race: Sightstealer
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Immune To Traps
    Starting Hediffs: Horaxian Invisibility
    Melee Attack Infection Pathways: Entity Attacked
    Noctol Noctol.png 80 Age Range: Any
    Race: Noctol
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Starting Hediffs: Light Exposure
    Melee Attack Infection Pathways: Entity Attacked
    Fleshmass nucleus Fleshmass nucleus.png 100 Age Range: At least 200
    Race: Fleshmass nucleus
    Can't Melee Attack
    Hostile To All
    No Old Age Injuries
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Prevent Ideoligion
    Can't Strip
    Immune To Traps
    Doesn't Collide With Pawns
    Ignores Pain Shock
    Fixed Rotation: South
    Starting Hediffs: Regeneration (10% Severity)
    Gorehulk Gorehulk.png 75 Age Range: Any
    Race: Gorehulk
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Abilities: Gorehulk Spine Launch;
    Devourer Devourer.png 250 Age Range: Any
    Race: Devourer
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Abilities: Devourer Consume Leap
    Chimera Chimera.png 135 Age Range: Any
    Race: Chimera
    Override Death On Downed Chance: 25%
    Ecosystem Weight?: 50%
    Default Faction Type: Entities