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  • Pawn Kind Image Combat Power Additional Info [[{{|action=edit}} edit]]
    Nociosphere Nociosphere.png 800 Age Range: At least 200
    Race: Nociosphere
    Can't Melee Attack
    Hostile To All
    No Old Age Injuries
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Prevent Ideoligion
    Can't Strip
    Immune To Traps
    Doesn't Collide With Pawns
    Ignores Pain Shock
    Fixed Rotation: South
    Abilities: Entity Skip, Heatspikes, Fleshmelter Bolt, Agony Pulse
    Metalhorror Metalhorror.png 300 Age Range: Any
    Race: Metalhorror
    No Old Age Injuries
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Prevent Ideoligion
    ai Avoid Cover?
    Can't Strip
    Lifestages: Larva, Juvenile, Mature
    Revenant Revenant.png 300 Age Range: Any
    Race: Revenant
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Always Dies When Downed
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Immune To Traps
    Doesn't Collide With Pawns
    Starting Hediffs: Horaxian Invisibility
    Disabled Work Tags: Violent
    Sightstealer Sightstealer.png 70 Age Range: Any
    Race: Sightstealer
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Immune To Traps
    Starting Hediffs: Horaxian Invisibility
    Melee Attack Infection Pathways: Entity Attacked
    Noctol Noctol.png 80 Age Range: Any
    Race: Noctol
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Starting Hediffs: Light Exposure
    Melee Attack Infection Pathways: Entity Attacked
    Fleshmass nucleus Fleshmass nucleus.png 100 Age Range: At least 200
    Race: Fleshmass nucleus
    Can't Melee Attack
    Hostile To All
    No Old Age Injuries
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Prevent Ideoligion
    Can't Strip
    Immune To Traps
    Doesn't Collide With Pawns
    Ignores Pain Shock
    Fixed Rotation: South
    Starting Hediffs: Regeneration (10% Severity)
    Gorehulk Gorehulk.png 75 Age Range: Any
    Race: Gorehulk
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Abilities: Gorehulk Spine Launch;
    Devourer Devourer.png 250 Age Range: Any
    Race: Devourer
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Abilities: Devourer Consume Leap
    Chimera Chimera.png 135 Age Range: Any
    Race: Chimera
    Override Death On Downed Chance: 25%
    Ecosystem Weight?: 50%
    Default Faction Type: Entities
  • Fleshbeasts[edit]

  • Pawn Kind Image Combat Power Abilities Tech Additional Info [[{{|action=edit}} edit]]
    Bulbfreak Bulbfreak.png 360 - - Age Range: Any
    Race: Bulbfreak
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Melee Attack Infection Pathways: Entity Attacked
    Override Death On Downed Chance: 90%
    Fingerspike Fingerspike.png 25 SpikeLaunch Fingerspike - Age Range: Any
    Race: Fingerspike
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Melee Attack Infection Pathways: Entity Attacked
    Toughspike Toughspike.png 70 SpikeLaunch Toughspike - Age Range: Any
    Race: Toughspike
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Melee Attack Infection Pathways: Entity Attacked
    Trispike Trispike.png 90 SpikeLaunch Toughspike - Age Range: Any
    Race: Trispike
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Melee Attack Infection Pathways: Entity Attacked
    Override Death On Downed Chance: 90%
    Dreadmeld Dreadmeld.png 650 - Starting Hediffs: Regeneration; Severity: 1 Age Range: Any
    Race: Dreadmeld
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Melee Attack Infection Pathways: Entity Attacked
    Force Death On Downed: true
    Is Boss: true
  • Horaxian[edit]

  • Pawn Kind Image Combat Power Gear Apparel Weapons Tech Inventory Additional Info [[{{|action=edit}} edit]]
    Underthrall grunt Underthrall grunt.png 55 - Budget: 400~1000
    Robe Robe
    Allow Headgear Chance: 0%
    Naked Chance: 50%
    Available: Ritual mask.png Ritual mask Content added by the Anomaly DLC
    Style Item Tags: Cultist; Weight 5, Factor 1
    Budget: 100~160
    Axe.png Axe Content added by the Royalty DLC, Knife.png Knife, Mace.png Mace, Gladius.png Gladius, Warhammer.png Warhammer Content added by the Royalty DLC, Club.png Club
    Starting Hediffs: Inhumanized
    15% chance for: Flesh tentacle Flesh tentacle
    5% chance for: Bliss lobotomy, Flesh whip Flesh whip
    - Age Range: Any
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Horax Cult
    Disallowed Traits: Psychically deaf
    Required Work Tags: Violent
    Xenotypes: 5% Hussar Hussar, 5% Dirtmole Dirtmole, 2.5% Genie Genie, 2.5% Neanderthal Neanderthal
    Initial Will Range: 0~1
    Initial Resistance Range: 55~65
    Studiable As Prisoner: true
    Is Good Psychic Ritual Invoker: true
    Underthrall gunner Underthrall gunner.png 80 - Budget: 400~1000
    Robe Robe; Ritual mask Ritual mask (Random Style)
    Allow Headgear Chance: 0%
    Naked Chance: 0%
    Style Item Tags: Cultist; Weight 5, Factor 1
    Budget: 400~700
    Revolver.png Revolver, Autopistol.png Autopistol, Machine pistol.png Machine pistol, Pump shotgun.png Pump shotgun, HeavySMG.png Heavy SMG, ChainShotgun.png Chain shotgun... further results
    Starting Hediffs: Inhumanized, Death refusal
    15% chance for: Flesh tentacle Flesh tentacle
    5% chance for: Bliss lobotomy, Flesh whip Flesh whip
    - Age Range: Any
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Horax Cult
    Disallowed Traits: Psychically deaf
    Required Work Tags: Violent
    Xenotypes: 5% Hussar Hussar, 5% Dirtmole Dirtmole, 2.5% Genie Genie, 2.5% Neanderthal Neanderthal
    Initial Will Range: 0~1
    Initial Resistance Range: 55~65
    Studiable As Prisoner: true
    Is Good Psychic Ritual Invoker: false
    Highthrall Highthrall.png 90 - Color:

    Required: Robe Robe; Ceremonial hood Ceremonial hood (Random Style)
    Allow Headgear Chance: 0%
    Style Item Tags: Cultist; Weight 5, Factor 1
    Budget: 300~500
    Nerve spiker.png Nerve spiker Content added by the Anomaly DLC
    Starting Hediffs: Inhumanized, Death refusal, Metalblood 60,000 ticks (1 in-game day)~300,000 ticks (5 in-game days)
    5% chance for: Flesh tentacle Flesh tentacle
    - Age Range: Any
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Horax Cult
    Disallowed Traits: Psychically deaf
    Required Work Tags: Violent
    Xenotypes: 5% Hussar Hussar, 5% Dirtmole Dirtmole, 2.5% Genie Genie, 2.5% Neanderthal Neanderthal
    Initial Will Range: 0~1
    Initial Resistance Range: 55~65
    Studiable As Prisoner: true
    Is Good Psychic Ritual Invoker: true
  • Mutants[edit]

  • Pawn Kind Image Combat Power Gear Apparel Tech Additional Info [[{{|action=edit}} edit]]
    Shambler swarmer Shambler swarmer.png 40 HP: 20~40%
    Avg. Quality: Poor
    Budget: 0~100
    Allow Headgear Chance: 0%
    Available: BowlerHat.png Bowler hat, Tuque.png Tuque, CowboyHat.png Cowboy hat, GasMask.png Gas mask Content added by the Biotech DLC, Broadwrap.png Broadwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC, Headwrap.png Headwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC, Visage mask.png Visage mask Content added by the Ideology DLC, Parka.png Parka, Pants.png Pants, T-Shirt.png T-shirt, Button-Down Shirt.png Button-down shirt, Tribalwear.png Tribalwear
    Ignore Seasons
    Ignore Pollution
    Ignore Faction Apparel Stuff Requirements
    - Age Range: Any
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Is Good Breacher: true
    Xenotypes: 10% Dirtmole Dirtmole, 5% Hussar Hussar, 2.5% Waster Waster, 2.5% Pigskins Pigskins, 2.5% Impid Impid, 2.5% Genie Genie, 2.5% Yttakin Yttakin
    Initial Will Range: 0~1
    Initial Resistance Range: 7~12
    Mutant: Shambler
    Generate Initial Non Family Relations: false
    Melee Attack Infection Pathways: Entity Attacked
    Shambler soldier Shambler soldier.png 45 HP: 20~40%
    Avg. Quality: Poor
    Budget: 200~3000
    Available: PsychicFoilHelmet.png Psychic foil helmet, KevlarHelmet.png Flak helmet, M1Helmet.png Simple helmet, ArmorVest.png Flak vest, Flak pants.png Flak pants
    Ignore Seasons
    Ignore Pollution
    Ignore Faction Apparel Stuff Requirements
    Budget: 1000~2000
    ?% chance to have one of the following: Health item prosthetic.png Painstopper, Health item prosthetic.png Joywire, Health item prosthetic.png Cochlear implant, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic heart, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic leg, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic arm, Health item prosthetic.png Knee spike Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item prosthetic.png Venom talon Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item prosthetic.png Elbow blade Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item prosthetic.png Venom fangs Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item prosthetic.png Hand talon Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item prosthetic.png Power claw, Health item bionic.png Bionic tongue, Health item bionic.png Aesthetic nose Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item bionic.png Bionic ear... further results
    Age Range: Any
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Is Good Breacher: true
    Xenotypes: 10% Dirtmole Dirtmole, 5% Hussar Hussar, 2.5% Waster Waster, 2.5% Pigskins Pigskins, 2.5% Impid Impid, 2.5% Genie Genie, 2.5% Yttakin Yttakin
    Initial Will Range: 0~1
    Initial Resistance Range: 7~12
    Mutant: Shambler
    Generate Initial Non Family Relations: false
    Melee Attack Infection Pathways: Entity Attacked
    Shambler gorehulk Shambler gorehulk.png 75 - - - Age Range: Any
    Race: Gorehulk
    Default Faction Type: Entities
    Immune To Game Condition Effects
    Abilities: Gorehulk Spine Launch
    Mutant: Shambler
    Ghoul Ghoul.png 90 HP: 20~40%
    Avg. Quality: Poor
    Budget: 0~100
    Allow Headgear Chance: 0%
    Available: BowlerHat.png Bowler hat, Tuque.png Tuque, CowboyHat.png Cowboy hat, GasMask.png Gas mask Content added by the Biotech DLC, Broadwrap.png Broadwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC, Headwrap.png Headwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC, Visage mask.png Visage mask Content added by the Ideology DLC, Parka.png Parka, Pants.png Pants, T-Shirt.png T-shirt, Button-Down Shirt.png Button-down shirt, Tribalwear.png Tribalwear
    Ignore Seasons
    Ignore Pollution
    Ignore Faction Apparel Stuff Requirements
    Budget: 9999~9999
    20% chance to have at most 3 of the following: Health item ghoul.png Ghoul barbs Content added by the Anomaly DLC, Health item ghoul.png Ghoul plating Content added by the Anomaly DLC, Health item ghoul.png Metalblood heart Content added by the Anomaly DLC, Health item ghoul.png Corrosive heart Content added by the Anomaly DLC, Health item ghoul.png Adrenal heart Content added by the Anomaly DLC
    Age Range: Any
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Player Colony
    Is Good Breacher: true
    Xenotypes: 10% Dirtmole Dirtmole, 5% Hussar Hussar, 2.5% Waster Waster, 2.5% Pigskins Pigskins, 2.5% Impid Impid, 2.5% Genie Genie, 2.5% Yttakin Yttakin
    Initial Will Range: 0~1
    Initial Resistance Range: 7~12
    Mutant: Ghoul
    Generate Initial Non Family Relations: false
  • Player[edit]

  • Pawn Kind Image Combat Power Gear Apparel Weapons Tech Inventory Additional Info [[{{|action=edit}} edit]]
    Researcher Player researcher.png 30 Quality: Always Normal Budget: 750~1200

    Required: Lab coat Lab coat
    Allow Headgear Chance: 0%
    Available: BowlerHat.png Bowler hat, Tuque.png Tuque, CowboyHat.png Cowboy hat, GasMask.png Gas mask Content added by the Biotech DLC, Parka.png Parka, Pants.png Pants, T-Shirt.png T-shirt, Button-Down Shirt.png Button-down shirt
    Ignore Seasons
    Ignore Pollution
    - Budget: 50~800
    Disallowed: Mindscrew Mindscrew
    3% chance to have one of the following: Medicine industrial a.png Denture, Woodlog a.png Wooden hand, Woodlog a.png Wooden foot, Woodlog a.png Peg leg, Health item prosthetic.png Cochlear implant, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic heart, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic arm, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic leg, Health item prosthetic.png Drill arm Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item prosthetic.png Field hand Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item bionic.png Aesthetic nose Content added by the Royalty DLC
    - Age Range: Any
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Research Expedition
    Backstories: Cryptosleep (100% Commonality)
    Is Fighter: false
    Pregnancy Chance: 6%
    Chemical Addiction Chance: 6%
    Initial Will Range: 0~0
    Initial Resistance Range: 13~21