User talk:Bacaniel

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Re: maintenance banners
Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Saw your edit summary re: removing the image wanted banner, and no, you did the right thing. If the request has been filled since the banner was placed then feel free to remove it.

Now if you disagree with a request that someone else has made or think its unnecessary, thats when you might go to the talk page first.

For example, on waterskip the removed questions come up fairly often in RW communities, so they make sense to answer specifically even if the answer is "no" because a user can't necessarily the difference between "not a thing so not covered" and "wiki is incomplete".

Anyway, just wanted to touch base. You're absolutely killing it lately, so its about time I said hi anyway. Im one of the mods around here, so feel free to hmu if you have any issues.

Bacaniel (talkcontribs)

Gotcha, I'll go back and clarify the removed questions. And yeah, I'll feel free to ask if I have any questions. Additionally, I'd also like to request your feedback on any of the pages I've done so far in terms of formatting, syntax, language, etc. - if there's something I could be doing better, I'd rather find out sooner and have less rewriting to do on my part. Cheers!

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

To be honest I try not to micromanage editors and I've been really impressed with the quality of your edits so far, so I'm struggling to come up with any meaningful criticism.

You have a strong grasp of the tone and necessary content, you either have a really good understanding of the game mechanics or do testing before editing (or both) rather than assuming, you've been polite and responsive to changes and con-crit, you're using the various templates where appropriate (even where the "rules" are not properly explained to editors - like not using the DLC icon on a page tagged as that DLC), you put the license on the images you upload. Idk how you go with template editing or #ask calls but thats not everyones kettle of fish anyway. The only thing that comes to mind besides the above is to categorise your images when you upload them. You can explore the image categories here: Category: Images.

Sorry if thats not particularly helpful, but at least you know you're on the right track, haha

Bacaniel (talkcontribs)

Understood. On the subject of categorizing images, am I to understand that screenshots of a mechanically informative nature such as the AoE radii that I've been creating should be tagged as Image - Graphics, and screenshots that aren't specially curated to display some such specific technical information should be tagged as Image - Screenshots?

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Yup thats basically it. Nominally, they could be tagged as both so long as they are just screenshots of the game, and some of them are, but the most important thing is that 1) Graphics are in Category: Images - Graphics so they can be found, referred to, and used, and 2) that all images are correctly categorized in at least one category that isn't a maintenance category (e.g. Category: Stubs) or a DLC category (e.g. Category: Royalty) otherwise they get lost and we end up with duplicates/wasted work etc. and can't do meaningful audits of the images to identify issues.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Unfortunately theres a certain amount of organizational inertia - I came to the wiki in 2020 but its been going since ~2013. So things were implemented at different times, in different ways, and have only been updated piecemeal. Since becoming a (and for a long while, the only) mod I've tried to get things in order but theres still a lot that could be better. So if you have ideas about how to implement changes that you think will improve things, or don't think how we do things is the best way, always open to new ideas. The guidelines are only guidelines - they're there for a reason but they're not gospel.

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