User talk:Fyaun

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Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Regarding [these] edits, can I confirm that the duration doesn't scale with sensitivity? Because it was tagged so whichever one was false would get deleted, but neither was. Just want to double check that I'm not misunderstanding the summary, given the edit.


Fyaun (talkcontribs)

Wow it was really late and I messed up... first I wrote the summary of what I tested, but forgot to actually make the edits, so the summary message was lost. Then I made a second edit with the changes and referred to the lost summary.

I tested and neither duration nor magnitude of Burden scale with sensitivity of caster or target, I removed both the tags but I meant to remove the entire sentence as well. lol.

Going to do another quick test to confirm and then I'll edit the page again.

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