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| {{Infobox main|resource | | {{Infobox main|resource |
| | name = Dye | | | name = Dye |
− | | image = Dye.png | + | | image = Dye c.png |
| | description = Dye extracted from a tinctoria plant. It can be transformed into various colors to dye apparel. | | | description = Dye extracted from a tinctoria plant. It can be transformed into various colors to dye apparel. |
| <!-- Base Stats --> | | <!-- Base Stats --> |
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| | | |
| Use of dye generally is of questionable mechanical utility, providing at most {{+|2}} mood. However, it can be helpful to make specific pawns or locations immediately identifiable by the player without having to make suboptimal material choices for apparel or buildings, and creative players can of course make good use of its aesthetic properties. | | Use of dye generally is of questionable mechanical utility, providing at most {{+|2}} mood. However, it can be helpful to make specific pawns or locations immediately identifiable by the player without having to make suboptimal material choices for apparel or buildings, and creative players can of course make good use of its aesthetic properties. |
| + | |
| + | == Gallery == |
| + | <gallery> |
| + | Dye.png|One dye |
| + | Dye b.png|Partial stack |
| + | Dye c.png|Full stack |
| + | </gallery> |
| | | |
| == Version history == | | == Version history == |
Latest revision as of 00:33, 29 September 2024
Dye extracted from a tinctoria plant. It can be transformed into various colors to dye apparel.
Base Stats
- Type
- Resources – Plant matter
- Market Value
- 2.65

- Stack Limit
- 75
- Mass
- 0.3 kg
- HP
- 50
- Deterioration Rate
- 1
- Flammability
- 0%
Dye comes from the tinctoria plant. It can be used to to paint walls and other buildings
or dye apparel and hair at the styling station
Dye is obtained by harvesting tinctoria plant. Each fully grown plant yields 1 before modifiers for Storyteller Harvest Yield and the harvesting pawn's Plant Harvest Yield. Note that by default, Storyteller Harvest Yield varies by difficulty.
Color availability[edit]
The below table attempts to catalog all the colors available. However, note that a different selection of colors is available for paint/hair/apparel, that each selection is ordered very differently, and that only the colors available as paint are named in-game.
Color name
Available for
Color code [ExpandCollapse]
Paint |
Hair  |
Apparel  |
(118,49,57) |
#763139 |
hsl(353, 41%, 33%)
Subtle red
(132,84,72) |
#845448 |
hsl(12, 29%, 40%)
(138,51,36) |
#8a3324 |
hsl(8, 59%, 34%)
(163,41,42) |
#a3292a |
hsl(359, 60%, 40%)
(91,41,45) |
#5b292d |
hsl(355, 38%, 26%)
(90,38,60) |
#5a263c |
hsl(334, 41%, 25%)
Dark mauve
(131,78,101) |
#834e65 |
hsl(333, 25%, 41%)
(119,50,80) |
#773250 |
hsl(333, 41%, 33%)
Subtle magenta
(101,67,82) |
#654352 |
hsl(333, 20%, 33%)
(99,50,119) |
#633277 |
hsl(282, 41%, 33%)
Subtle purple
(90,72,97) |
#5a4861 |
hsl(283, 15%, 33%)
Muted purple
(116,78,131) |
#744e83 |
hsl(283, 25%, 41%)
Deep purple
(75,38,90) |
#4b265a |
hsl(282, 41%, 25%)
(108,52,97) |
#6c3461 |
hsl(311, 35%, 31%)
(128,73,125) |
#7d497d |
hsl(300, 26%, 39%)
Light indigo
(144,86,139) |
#90568b |
hsl(305, 25%, 45%)
(24,65,121) |
#184179 |
hsl(214, 67%, 28%)
Subtle blue
(67,81,101) |
#435165 |
hsl(215, 20%, 33%)
Ice blue
(140,148,174) |
#8c94ae |
hsl(225, 17%, 62%)
(38,59,90) |
#263b5a |
hsl(215, 41%, 25%)
Sky blue
(95,133,191) |
#5f85bf |
hsl(216, 43%, 56%)
(78,100,131) |
#4e6483 |
hsl(215, 25%, 41%)
(38,89,90) |
#26595a |
hsl(181, 41%, 25%)
Bright moss
(78,130,131) |
#4e8283 |
hsl(181, 25%, 41%)
(50,118,119) |
#327677 |
hsl(180, 41%, 33%)
(89,105,62) |
#59693e |
hsl(82, 26%, 33%)
(74,110,80) |
#4a6e50 |
hsl(130, 20%, 36%)
Faded green
(86,93,76) |
#565d4c |
hsl(84, 10%, 33%)
Forest green
(78,131,105) |
#4e8369 |
hsl(150, 25%, 41%)
Pine green
(38,90,64) |
#265a40 |
hsl(150, 41%, 25%)
Swamp green
(112,131,78) |
#70834e |
hsl(81, 25%, 41%)
Muddy green
(96,97,72) |
#606148 |
hsl(62, 15%, 33%)
Marsh green
(130,131,78) |
#82834e |
hsl(61, 25%, 41%)
(50,119,84) |
#327754 |
hsl(149, 41%, 33%)
Subtle viridian
(74,94,84) |
#4a5e54 |
hsl(150, 12%, 33%)
(118,119,50) |
#767732 |
hsl(60, 41%, 33%)
Dark olive
(69,88,36) |
#455824 |
hsl(81, 42%, 24%)
(163,131,49) |
#a38331 |
hsl(43, 54%, 42%)
Pale lime
(166,166,90) |
#a6a65a |
hsl(60, 30%, 50%)
Faded brown
(86,76,57) |
#564c39 |
hsl(39, 20%, 28%)
Subtle brown
(101,88,67) |
#655843 |
hsl(37, 20%, 33%)
Light brown
(131,110,78) |
#836e4e |
hsl(36, 25%, 41%)
Dark brown
(90,69,38) |
#5a4526 |
hsl(35, 41%, 25%)
Dirt brown
(119,91,50) |
#775b32 |
hsl(35, 41%, 33%)
Burnt umber
(90,58,32) |
#5a3a20 |
hsl(26, 48%, 24%)
Wood brown
(108,78,55) |
#6c4e37 |
hsl(26, 33%, 32%)
(167,96,39) |
#a76027 |
hsl(26, 62%, 40%)
Pastel red
(201,112,112) |
#c97070 |
hsl(360, 45%, 61%)
Pastel pink
(241,192,218) |
#f1c0da |
hsl(328, 64%, 85%)
Pastel blue
(126,164,204) |
#7ea4cc |
hsl(210, 43%, 65%)
Pastel green
(161,213,180) |
#a1d5b4 |
hsl(141, 38%, 73%)
Pastel yellow
(204,204,100) |
#cccc64 |
hsl(60, 50%, 60%)
Pastel orange
(191,137,33) |
#bf8921 |
hsl(39, 71%, 44%)
(184,184,184) |
#b8b8b8 |
hsl(360, 0%, 72%)
(195,192,176) |
#c3c0b0 |
hsl(50, 14%, 73%)
Light gray
(166,166,166) |
#a6a6a6 |
hsl(360, 0%, 65%)
(158,153,135) |
#9e9987 |
hsl(46, 11%, 57%)
(132,135,132) |
#848784 |
hsl(120, 1%, 52%)
(126,104,94) |
#7e685e |
hsl(18, 15%, 43%)
(105,95,97) |
#695f61 |
hsl(348, 5%, 39%)
Dark gray
(81,81,81) |
#515151 |
hsl(360, 0%, 32%)
(70,70,70) |
#464646 |
hsl(360, 0%, 27%)
(60,60,60) |
#3c3c3c |
hsl(360, 0%, 24%)
(26,26,26) |
#1a1a1a |
hsl(360, 0%, 10%)
(51,51,51) |
#333333 |
hsl(360, 0%, 20%)
(245,245,245) |
#f5f5f5 |
hsl(360, 0%, 96%)
(191,86,86) |
#bf5656 |
hsl(360, 45%, 54%)
(191,86,86) |
#ff7373 |
hsl(360, 100%, 73%)
(79,71,66) |
#4f4742 |
hsl(23, 9%, 28%)
(77,51,26) |
#4d331a |
hsl(29, 50%, 20%)
(237,202,156) |
#edca93 |
hsl(36, 71%, 75%)
(148,115,67) |
#947343 |
hsl(35, 38%, 42%)
(191,149,86) |
#bf9556 |
hsl(36, 45%, 54%)
(255,199,115) |
#ffc773 |
hsl(36, 100%, 73%)
(132,148,67) |
#849443 |
hsl(71, 38%, 42%)
(227,255,115) |
#e3ff73 |
hsl(72, 100%, 73%)
(83,148,67) |
#539443 |
hsl(108, 38%, 42%)
(107,191,86) |
#6bbf56 |
hsl(108, 45%, 54%)
(143,255,115) |
#8fff73 |
hsl(108, 100%, 73%)
(86,191,128) |
#56bf80 |
hsl(144, 45%, 54%)
(115,255,171) |
#73ffab |
hsl(144, 100%, 73%)
(67,148,148) |
#439494 |
hsl(180, 38%, 42%)
(86,191,191) |
#56bfbf |
hsl(180, 45%, 54%)
(115,255,255) |
#73ffff |
hsl(180, 100%, 73%)
(115,171,255) |
#73abff |
hsl(216, 100%, 73%)
(83,67,148) |
#534394 |
hsl(251, 38%, 42%)
(107,86,191) |
#6b56bf |
hsl(252, 45%, 54%)
(143,115,255) |
#8f73ff |
hsl(252, 100%, 73%)
(132,67,148) |
#844394 |
hsl(288, 38%, 42%)
(170,86,191) |
#aa56bf |
hsl(288, 45%, 54%)
(227,115,255) |
#e373ff |
hsl(288, 100%, 73%)
(148,67,115) |
#944373 |
hsl(324, 38%, 42%)
(191,86,149) |
#bf5695 |
hsl(324, 45%, 54%)
(255,115,99) |
#ff73c7 |
hsl(324, 100%, 73%)
(128,128,128) |
#808080 |
hsl(360, 0%, 50%)
(192,192,192) |
#c0c0c0 |
hsl(360, 0%, 75%)
(148,74,74) |
#944a4a |
hsl(360, 33%, 44%)
(148,67,67) |
#944343 |
hsl(360, 38%, 42%)
(132,83,47) |
#84532f |
hsl(25, 47%, 35%)
(170,191,86) |
#aabf56 |
hsl(72, 45%, 54%)
(67,148,99) |
#439463 |
hsl(143, 38%, 42%)
(61,129,131) |
#3d8183 |
hsl(181, 36%, 38%)
(67,99,148) |
#436394 |
hsl(216, 38%, 42%)
| Moderate blue |
| |  | (86,128,191) | #5680bf | hsl(216, 45%, 54%) |
Even a small field of tinctoria will rapidly provide an excess of dye for dyeing. Clothes aren't dyed often, and hair even less, so there is little need to stockpile more than a stack or two for any purposes other than painting a large section of a base. Stockpiles of dye should generally be kept next to the styling station to minimize walking time.
Use of dye generally is of questionable mechanical utility, providing at most +2 mood. However, it can be helpful to make specific pawns or locations immediately identifiable by the player without having to make suboptimal material choices for apparel or buildings, and creative players can of course make good use of its aesthetic properties.
Version history[edit]
- Ideology DLC release - Added
- 1.3.3067 - Now used for dying hair
- 1.3.3080 - Dye now deteriorates.
- 1.4.3523 - Moved from Ideology DLC to Core. Now used in the new painting system: Paint walls, floors, and some furniture and buildings with dye harvested from the tinctoria crop.
- Unknown (some 1.4 between 3523 and 3704)- Dye market value changed from 0 to 2.65