Styling station

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Styling station

Styling station

A table with a mirror and styling tools. People can use this to change their look.

Base Stats

BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
15 kg
Path Cost


3 × 1
pass through only
Cover Effectiveness
Terrain Affordance


Work To Make
2,000 ticks (33.33 secs)
Stuff Tags
Metallic, Woody
Resources to make
Stuff 80 + Steel 30
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 40 + Steel 15
Destroy yield
Stuff 20 + Steel 7 - 8

A styling station is a station used to aesthetically edit your pawns added by the Ideology DLC. It allows the styling of hair and beards, as well as the dyeing of apparel, hair and beards.

To use the styling station, select the pawn then right click on the styling station, selecting the "Change style" option.


Constructing a styling station requires Stuff 80 Stuff (Metallic/Woody, 800 for SMVs), Steel 30 Steel and 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) of work.


You will need to grow tinctoria to get dye to change the color of your pawn's apparel and hair. Some pawns have a favorite color, and ideoligions have an associated color - dyeing more than 60% of a pawn's equipped clothing items in either of these colors will give them a mood boost of +1. Which specific items are dyed is not important, only the total number of items equipped and how many of them are dyed.

If a pawn has the same favorite color as their ideoligion color, they will get both buffs for a total of +2.

Apparel made from materials that have a similar color to their desired color(s) will not satisfy them. For example, elephant leather clothes will not give a buff for pawns desiring dark grey. This is because colors have to be nearly identical in shade to be considered indistinguishable by the game, and no material in the base game is indistinguishable from the available desired colors. [Confirmation needed]

Available colors[edit]

  • Color Color name Available for Color code [ExpandCollapse]
    Hair Content added by the Ideology DLC Apparel Content added by the Ideology DLC
    Red Check.png Ex.png (118,49,57) #763139
    Subtle red Check.png Ex.png (132,84,72) #845448
    Auburn Check.png Ex.png (138,51,36) #8a3324
    Scarlet Check.png Ex.png (163,41,42) #a3292a
    Burgundy Check.png Ex.png (91,41,45) #5b292d
    Subtle magenta Check.png Ex.png (101,67,82) #654352
    Purple Check.png Ex.png (99,50,119) #633277
    Muted purple Check.png Ex.png (116,78,131) #744e83
    Deep purple Check.png Ex.png (75,38,90) #4b265a
    Light indigo Check.png Ex.png (144,86,139) #90568b
    Blue Check.png Ex.png (24,65,121) #184179
    Subtle blue Check.png Ex.png (67,81,101) #435165
    Ice blue Check.png Ex.png (140,148,174) #8c94ae
    Marine Check.png Ex.png (38,59,90) #263b5a
    Sky blue Check.png Ex.png (95,133,191) #5f85bf
    Dusk Check.png Ex.png (78,100,131) #4e6483
    Teal Check.png Ex.png (50,118,119) #327677
    Green Check.png Ex.png (89,105,62) #59693e
    Forest green Check.png Ex.png (78,131,105) #4e8369
    Pine green Check.png Ex.png (38,90,64) #265a40
    Swamp green Check.png Ex.png (112,131,78) #70834e
    Olive Check.png Ex.png (118,119,50) #767732
    Dark olive Check.png Ex.png (69,88,36) #455824
    Mustard Check.png Ex.png (163,131,49) #a38331
    Pale lime Check.png Ex.png (166,166,90) #a6a65a
    Wood brown Check.png Ex.png (108,78,55) #6c4e37
    Orange Check.png Ex.png (167,96,39) #a76027
    Pastel red Check.png Ex.png (201,112,112) #c97070
    Pastel pink Check.png Ex.png (241,192,218) #f1c0da
    Pastel blue Check.png Ex.png (126.164,204) #7ea4cc
    Pastel green Check.png Ex.png (161,213,180) #a1d5b4
    Pastel yellow Check.png Ex.png (204,204,100) #cccc64
    Pastel orange Check.png Ex.png (191,137,33) #bf8921
    Cream Check.png Ex.png (195,192,176) #c3c0b0
    Limestone Check.png Ex.png (158,153,135) #9e9987
    Marble Check.png Ex.png (132,135,132) #848784
    Sandstone Check.png Ex.png (126,104,94) #7e685e
    Check.png Ex.png (26,26,26) #1a1a1a
    Check.png Check.png (51,51,51) #333333
    Check.png Check.png (245,245,245) #f5f5f5
    Check.png Check.png (191,86,86) #bf5656
    Check.png Check.png (191,86,86) #ff7373
    Check.png Ex.png (79,71,66) #4f4742
    Check.png Ex.png (77,51,26) #4d331a
    Check.png Ex.png (237,202,156) #edca93
    Check.png Check.png (148,115,67) #947343
    Check.png Check.png (191,149,86) #bf9556
    Check.png Check.png (255,199,115) #ffc773
    Check.png Check.png (132,148,67) #849443
    Check.png Check.png (227,255,115) #e3ff73
    Check.png Check.png (83,148,67) #539443
    Check.png Check.png (107,191,86) #6bbf56
    Check.png Check.png (143,255,115) #8fff73
    Check.png Check.png (86,191,128) #56bf80
    Check.png Check.png (115,255,171) #73ffab
    Check.png Check.png (67,148,148) #439494
    Check.png Check.png (86,191,191) #56bfbf
    Check.png Check.png (115,255,255) #73ffff
    Check.png Check.png (115,171,255) #73abff
    Check.png Check.png (83,67,148) #534394
    Check.png Check.png (107,86,191) #6b56bf
    Check.png Check.png (143,115,255) #8f73ff
    Check.png Check.png (132,67,148) #844394
    Check.png Check.png (170,86,191) #aa56bf
    Check.png Check.png (227,115,255) #e373ff
    Check.png Check.png (148,67,115) #944373
    Check.png Check.png (191,86,149) #bf5695
    Check.png Check.png (255,115,99) #ff73c7
    Ex.png Check.png (128,128,128) #808080
    Ex.png Check.png (192,192,192) #c0c0c0
    Ex.png Check.png (148,74,74) #944a4a
    Ex.png Check.png (148,67,67) #944343
    Ex.png Check.png (132,83,47) #84532f
    Ex.png Check.png (170,191,86) #aabf56
    Ex.png Check.png (67,148,99) #439463
    Ex.png Check.png (61,129,131) #3d8183
    Ex.png Check.png (67,99,148) #436394
    Ex.png Check.png (86,128,191) #5680bf
  • Analysis[edit]

    Outside of its obvious aesthetic benefits, use of styling station is of questionable mechanical utility, providing at most +2 mood with a minor but not negligible investment of time and resources. However, it can be helpful to make specific pawns identifiable by the player without having to make suboptimal apparel or material choices.

    The styling station gains a bit more use if the player regularly converts prisoners. If the pawn's hairstyle does not match one approved by their ideology, they will gain a −2 mood penalty until they can change their hairstyle. Pawns will automatically attempt to change to a valid hairstyle when possible, or the player can manually order them to do so.

    Stats table

  • Styling station Styling station Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 005,000 ticks (1.39 mins) 240 60% 135 Silver
    Gold Gold 20 001,800 ticks (30 secs) 72 32% 8,065 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel 0 004,400 ticks (1.22 mins) 336 0% 795 Silver
    Silver Silver 6 002,000 ticks (33.33 secs) 84 32% 865 Silver
    Steel Steel 0 002,000 ticks (33.33 secs) 120 32% 215 Silver
    Uranium Uranium 0 003,800 ticks (1.06 mins) 300 0% 550 Silver
    Wood Wood 0 001,400 ticks (23.33 secs) 78 80% 158 Silver
  • Version history[edit]

    • Ideology DLC Release - Added.
    • 1.3.3067 - Dyeing hair now requires dye
    • 1.3.3072 - You can no longer change the color of lodgers' apparel if they refuse to change their apparel at all. Added darker black hair color option. Fix: Women constantly using the styling station to get a beard that they are not allowed to have.
    • 1.3.3074 - Allow black color to be selected for apparel coloring.
    • 1.4.3613 - Fix: Styling station can instantly change hair and tattoo styles by pressing Escape or Enter while the dialog is open.