Biosculpter pod
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Biosculpter pod
An immersion pod full of bioactive gel. It can perform a variety of biological alterations including age reversal and pleasure-giving.
The pod biotunes to its user at the end of a cycle. While biotuned, it cannot be used by anyone else, but cycles will complete 25% more quickly. Biotuning resets if the pod is unused for 80 days.
The pod consumess[sic] 200W of power while working, but only 50W on standby.
Base Stats
- Type
- Building – Ideology (Buildings)
- Mass
- 50 kg
- Beauty
- -5
- HP
- 250
- Flammability
- 50%
- Path Cost
- 42 (24%)
- Size
- 3 × 2
- Minifiable
- True
- Placeable
- True
- Passability
- pass through only
- Cover Effectiveness
- 50%
- Blocks Wind
- True
- Terrain Affordance
- Light
- Power
- -200 W
- Required Research
- Biosculpting
- Skill Required
- Construction 8
- Work To Make
- 28,000 ticks (7.78 mins)
- thingCategories
- BuildingsMisc
The biosculpter pod is a building added by the Ideology DLC that can heal a variety of injuries and even reverse pawn aging. It's very important to colonies with Transhumanist ideoligions, but other colonies can still build and use it.
Biosculpter pods can be constructed once the Biosculpting research project has been completed. Each requires 120 Steel,
4 Components, 28,000 ticks (7.78 mins) of work modified by the construction speed of the builder, and a construction skill of 8.
This section is a stub. You can help RimWorld Wiki by expanding it. Reason: Ideology mechanics relating to it? Does tuning tick down while the pod is minified and/or unpowered? Operating colors? Is cleanliness to speed multiplier linear between (0,100%) and (0.6, 115%) and if so is it linear when dirty? Who can be placed in a pod and how - downed raiders (if so what happens when they come out), prisoners, slaves, do they need to be downed first etc?. |
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Biosculpter pods can perform four different operations on a pawn, however some mechanics are consistent across all options. All cycles consume 5 non-hay nutrition, which must be loaded by haulers prior to selecting and starting a cycle. The pod will glow green when sufficient nutrition has been loaded. Canceling the cycle before it has started won't consume the stored nutrition, but the food cannot be retrieved once loaded. Nutrition is reset if the pod is reinstalled. Foods that inflict a negative moodlet when eaten, such as raw food, human meat, or kibble, can be used without penalty by any occupant regardless of their dietary requirements. Additional cycle ingredients will be retrieved by the pawn initiating the cycle.
Pawns can load themselves into a pod, either by selecting the pawn and using the right-click menu to select a cycle, or automatically for age reversal cycles with the toggle activated. Pawns can load other pawns into the pod.[Detail]
Pawns inside a pod are suspended as if in cryptosleep; for example, disease progression is frozen for the duration of the cycle. Drug highs and tolerances do not decay while in a pod, but the time for scheduled use still progresses. Thus, a pawn may take a dose, get in a pod, have the timer to their next dose tick down, and then take a second scheduled dose while still under the effects of the first. This can turn otherwise safe or low risk drug schedules into dangerous ones and runs the risk of addictions. Food poisoning and toxic buildup similarly do not progress while in the pod.
Biosculpters consume 200W of power when running a cycle, and 50W otherwise. If power is lost, biosculpting will pause until it is restored. If 24 hours pass without power, the cycle is cancelled and pawn is ejected with biosculpting sickness. The remaining time before ejection will be displayed on the pod's info box if selected.
Pawns can also be manually ejected from the pod,[Detail] which will also cause biosculpting sickness.
Conditions that will be or can be healed by a biosculpter cycle will be listed in the confirmation dialog displayed when ordering a pawn to enter or load another into the biosculpter.
Each operation takes between 4 to 25 days to complete, before modifiers. The base values[Cleanliness?] for both normal and transhumanist pawns can be seen by mousing over the cycle's gizmo. They will also be displayed when selecting a cycle from the right click menu.[Per pawn?] The final time is affected by the following modifiers:
- Room Cleanliness - Biosculpter speed scales with cleanliness, with cleaner being faster. 0.6 cleanliness, equivalent to a clean, sterile tiled room, grants a 115% speed-factor.
- Pawns with the Biosculpting: Accelerated precept will have the time for each cycle halved. Note that this precept is mandatory for Transhumanists and is unique to them.
- After an operation is completed, the pod becomes attuned to that colonist. This forbids usage by other colonists for 80 days, but speeds subsequent cycles by 25%. This 80-day time limit is renewed every time the pawn completes a cycle. The time limit does not decay while the pod is powered off.
Circumstances | Cycle Days (Tuned Time) | |||
Medic | Bioregeneration | Age reversal | Pleasure | |
Default | 6 (4.5) | 25 (18.75) | 8 (6) | 4 (3) |
Sterile | 5.22 (3.91) | 21.74 (16.3) | 6.96 (5.22) | 3.48 (2.61) |
Transhumanist | 3 (2.25) | 12.5 (9.38) | 4 (3) | 2 (1.5) |
Transhumanist and Sterile | 2.61 (1.96) | 10.87 (8.15) | 3.48 (2.61) | 1.74 (1.3) |
Conditions that will be or can be healed by a biosculpter cycle will be listed in the confirmation dialog displayed when ordering a pawn to enter or load another into the biosculpter.
Heal all fresh wounds, blood loss, and one random infectious disease
— Tooltip
Medic takes 6 days to complete. It heals all fresh wounds, blood loss and one random disease.
It can cure: Malaria, Sleeping sickness, Flu, Plague, Gut worms, Muscle parasites, and Infections.
A warning will inform the player when attempting to place a pawn in this cycle that would not have any conditions healed.
Heal all fresh wounds, heal one random permanent injury, and restore small missing body parts like fingers and toes.
— Tooltip
Bioregeneration takes 25 days to complete, and additionally costs 2 glitterworld medicine. The Bioregeneration research project must be completed before it can be used. It heals all fresh wounds, one random permanent injury, and restores destroyed or missing minor body parts.
It can heal one of the following permanent injuries: scars (including brain scars), Frail, Cataracts, Blindness, Bad back, Asthma, Hearing loss, and Artery blockages.[Sometimes multiple scars?]
It will restore all of the following body parts: Eye, Ear, Nose, Finger, Toe, and Tongue. It will not heal missing eyes that have been replaced by an artificial part, or if the pawn's ideoligion approves of blindness.
It does not heal: Alzheimer's, Dementia, Toxic buildup, Carcinoma, Chemical damage, Trauma savant,[Verify] missing major body parts (like arms, legs, jaw and lungs), Luciferium need, addictions, diseases or any types of fertility procedures.
A warning will inform the player when attempting to place a pawn in this cycle that would not have any conditions healed.
Age reversal[edit]
Reverse one year of aging.
— Tooltip
Age reversal takes 8 days to complete. It reverses one year of aging, to a minimum colonist age of 13.
Colonists with Transhumanist ideoligions are granted Received age reversal thought, which adds +3 mood for 4 days, but they will expect yearly treatments after the age of 25 and experience a gradually increasing −4/−7/−10 mood penalty without them. Additionally, they can be instructed to automatically receive their yearly age reversal cycle by enabling the “Auto age reverse” toggle on a biotuned pod.
Temporarily reshape the nervous system to deliver elevated levels of happiness for a time.
— Tooltip
Pleasure takes 4 days to complete. It grants Biosculptor Pleasure Cycle thought, giving +15 mood for 12 days.
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For ease of reading, the analysis is broken down into general - analysis of parts consistent accross all cycles, and the analyses for each cycle.
Note: Drug highs and tolerances do not decay while in a pod, but the time for scheduled use still progresses. Thus a pawn may take a dose, get in a pod, have the timer to their next dose tick down, and then take a second scheduled dose while still under the effects of the first. This can turn otherwise safe or low risk drug schedules into dangerous ones and runs the risk of addictions.
<General value proposition goes here>
The 80 day tuning time is a significant problem if only a limited number of pods can be supported, so it can be tempting to simply deconstruct a tuned pod and use the resulting resources to build a fresh pod. However, due to the 75% loss of resources each time, it quickly becomes more efficient to simply have multiple pods. For every 4 pods deconstructed, 3 could have been built. If space or power is at issue, uninstall the pods or connect them to power via a power switch, but the tuning time is extended while the pod is powered down.
Because of the 80 day delay before the pod can be used by another colonist, some colonies may find it effective to repeatedly biosculpt one colonist, giving them age reversal, all the healing they can accept, and a pleasure cycle all in a row.
If the door is built over the interaction spot, the smallest possible room size that can contain a single biosculpter is a mere 6 tiles. This is perfect for pods reserved for emergency situations, or for a smaller colony as it saves space, cleaning time, and construction resources- the pattern can be repeated by placing pods side-by-side with one door per pod.
As a room's cleanliness stat affects the sculptor's speed, the room's smaller size also makes it cheaper to tile the entire room with sterile tiles. It is important to note that the game does not consider the flooring material underneath a door for a room's cleanliness, but it does consider any dirt or debris in the doorway: a Sterile Tile under the doorway is not needed, but the doorway should still be kept clean for maximum efficiency. You can even leave the door open for faster travel, at risk of allowing raiders easy access to your expensive machinery.
As a bonus, the pawn will be unconscious during biosculpting, so the small room space will have no mood effect.
Age reversal cycle[edit]
For regular ideoligions, age reversal is only important when a colonist is getting close to turning 50 years old biologically (the non-bracketed number listed for their age), or is already 50 or older. While you can do age reversal pre-emptively, it may be worthwhile to hold off unless the colonist has nothing to do for a while. The chance to perform Lovin' is highest between the ages of 16 to 25, with a pawn only 63% as likely to engage in it at age 50, and 20% as likely at age 80. The Lovin' mood boost can be significant, especially when combined with a love enhancer.
Many Ailments have a chance to develop with age. Keeping your colonist young reduces the chance of getting these conditions.
The Chronophagy psychic ritual may provide a more appealing alternative or supplement to Transhumanist colonies looking to address age reversal demands, as it requires significantly less down time and can remove many years at once. Unlike biosculpting however, it requires psychic sensitivity and it cannot scale with colonist count and may not be feasible as the only source of age reversal in very large colonies.
Medic cycles[edit]
Medic cycles can be utilized to heal pawns that have slow wound healing recover faster as their natural recovery will be far slower usually, Yttakin
as a example are prone to getting into social fights and getting long-term injuries from them impacting their overall work efficiency and performance in combat. It can also be utilized to treat long-term diseases that can be a hinderance to a pawn's productiveness to wait out such as sleeping sickness, muscle parasites and gut worms.
Emergency auto-doc[edit]
It can be very helpful to keep a pod with a healing cycle prepared, that isn't bound to any particular colonist.
This can not only save on medicine, but also save the life of a colonist that you might not otherwise have been able to treat in time. Having a waiting pod near your colony defenses allows pawns to rapidly be placed in the pod - as they are effectively suspended as soon as they enter the pod, and all injuries will be healed once the cycle is complete, this effectively guarantees that a pawn that makes it to the pod will survive, even if they had seconds to live. They will also be free of any risk of infection.
The downside to this is the increased healing time over traditional methods. Note that the pod being untuned will increase the length of the cycle, but having only tuned pods significantly increases the number of pods required for emergency treatment.
Bio-Regeneration cycles[edit]
Bio-regeneration can be extremely valuable, especially for scars on the torso, neck, and head, which can't be replaced by bionics. treating these scars would otherwise require a rare Healer mech serum or a permanent commitment to luciferium, it is also helpful to save on advanced components or to treat Body purist scars and missing small limbs without replacing the entire arm or leg. It is worth noting Chronophagy can also heal scars and age-related ailments much faster then bio-regeneration albeit it can't restore limbs, requires the age to be lowered to a certain amount to treat age ailments and is limited to pawns with psychic sensitivity, unlike biosculpter pods chronophagy can heal dementia, alzheimers and carcinomas. As chronophagy is limited by colony rather than by resources or by pawn, it may also be preferable to use it for its intended use and supplement with a biosculpter pod for scars and minor issues.
Pleasure cycle[edit]
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Pleasure cycles are generally not worth the four days of inactivity, stuck in a pod. It only provides 12 days of +15 mood. By the time you have gotten the technology to use biosculpter pods, you should already have developed better mood management options, such as psychite tea, which provides a +12 mood buff for a small amount of easily acquirable psychoid leaves. This may be worth it if all the factors used to reduce cycle time are used however. More detailed analysis is needed.
Pleasure cycle as a time saver[edit]
The pleasure cycle is the shortest cycle, taking only 4 days when untuned, but still biotunes the pod. Meanwhile tuning reduces the length of the bioregeneration cycle from 25 days to 18.75, or a 6.25 day reduction. Therefore, if the pod is untuned, it is 2.25 days faster to use the pleasure cycle and then a bioregeneration cycle, than it is to perform bioregeneration cycle alone.
As all the biosculpting time reductions are multiplicative, this combination is always faster when using an untuned pod, however the quantitative difference may shrink. For example, the combination only saves transhumanists in a sterile room 0.98 days instead of 2.25.
Healing method table
Some injuries and health conditions will not naturally heal or cannot be immediately cured by treatment. In these cases, transplantation, artificial body parts, healer mech sera, luciferium or biosculpter pods may help, but each has its own unique list of what it can and cannot cure.
The full comparison table between healing methods is collapsed due to length. Expand to view.
- ^Both Heals both relevant organs if condition is present in both.
- ^One Heals only one organ, even if condition is present in both.
- ^Prev This option prevents the acquisition of new cases of this condition, independent of whether or not it cures existing cases.
- ^IGS While this option does not outright cure these diseases, the increase to Immunity Gain Speed can hasten their healing and/or help prevent fatal cases.
- ^Note 1 This only heals the pawn it is applied to. The other pawn that gained duplicate sickness with this pawn must be separately healed.
- ^Note 2 This condition can only be cured before it reaches its final stage, "crumbled mind". Once it has, it becomes permanently incurable.
Version history[edit]
- Ideology DLC Release - Added.
- 1.3.3067 - Now plays a sound when nutrition is added.
- 1.3.3069 - Reduce nutrition required for biosculpting from 20 to 10 for healing and age reversal cycles.
- 1.3.3074 - Fix: Pawns under 18 can use age reversal.
- 1.3.3076 - Cancelling a cycle before it has started now won't consume nutrition.
- 1.3.3080 - Now ejects pawns when uninstalled, previously could be exploited to "pokeball" colonists, suspending them safely and indefinitely.
- 1.3.3087 - Biosculpter timers reset after archonexus resettlement.
- 1.3.3101 - Added copy/paste gizmos for biosculpter nutrition settings. Now lists what can or will be cured in the tooltip. Split "Healing" cycle into "Medic" and "Bioregeneration" cycles. Added a new research project requiring multianalyzer and biosculpting that enables bioregeneration cycle. Medic cycle treats short-term wounds, while bioregeneration can heal permanent scars, age-related conditions, and some smaller missing limbs. Age reversal cycle duration 10 -> 8 days. Nutrition requirements of healing and age reversal 10 -> 5.
- 1.3.3117 - Bioregeneration cycle now requires 2 glitterworld medicine. Integrated artwork for bioregeneration cycle gizmo, previously it used the healing cycle artwork. Pawns no longer get diseases while in the pod. Conditions that will be or can be healed by a cycle now listed in confirmation dialog. We now warn the player if they are trying to put a pawn in a regeneration or medic cycle that would not heal any conditions.
- 1.3.3159 -
- Added “Auto age reverse” option.
- All cycles now take 5 nutrition, and nutrition must be loaded before a cycle is selected instead of after. Extra cycle ingredients are collected and carried to the pod by the pawn initiating the cycle.
- It now only requires a single player action to start a pawn on a biosculpter cycle.
- Now glow green when nutrition is loaded and they’re ready for cycle selection.
- Biotuned cycles 25% faster.
- Biotuning now occurs upon cycle completion instead of upon entry.
- Power consumption 150W all the time -> 200W if a cycle is running, 50W otherwise.
- Minify time increased.
- Age reversal demanded alert will fire 1 day after age reversal deadline (instead of 5 days before) if a pawn has a pod with Auto age reverse enabled. This reduces spam.
- Nutrition no longer ejected if a cycle is cancelled.
- If biosculpter loses power while occupied, we don't animate and we now show how long until eject in inspect string.
- Pleasure cycle mood bonus +10 -> +15.
- Biotuning duration 60 days -> 80 days
- Deconstruct yield 50% -> 25%.
- Construct cost
3 components ->
4 components.
- No longer heal missing eyes if the pawn's ideoligion approves of blindness.
- No longer removes Gastro-analyzer.
- Fix: Biosculpter nutrition not incremented if same food def added to pod before and after biosculpter update.
- 1.3.3200 - Show biosculpter cycle duration for both normal and transhumanist pawns in cycle button's tooltip. When you r-click on a biosculpter with a pawn selected, we now show biosculpter cycles' durations in the context menu.
- 1.3.3287 - Fix: Blindness from resurrector mech serum is not cured by biosculpter regen cycle.
- 1.4.3523 - Fix: Hay is listed as possible nutrition in biosculpter pods. Fix: SetBiotuned() method resets the biosculpter timer.
- 1.4.3523 or later - Minimum age reduction age reduced from 18 to 13. Moved from Misc to new Ideology architect tab.
- 1.4.3535 or earlier - Description changed from "An immersive pod equipped with a biosculpting fluid injector and attached control system. It can perform a variety of biological alterations including age reversal and pleasure-giving. Each pod becomes biotuned to its user, and cannot be used by anyone else. Biotuning resets after 60 days. Believers in transhumanism believe biosculpter pods are of critical importance in their quest to transcend normal human physical limitations." changed to "An immersion pod full of bioactive gel. It can perform a variety of biological alterations including age reversal and pleasure-giving. The pod becomes biotuned to its user at the end of a cycle. While biotuned, it cannot be used by anyone else, but cycles will complete 25% more quickly. Biotuning resets if the pod is unused for 80 days."
- 1.4.3535 or later - "An immersion pod full of bioactive gel. It can perform a variety of biological alterations including age reversal and pleasure-giving. The pod becomes biotuned to its user at the end of a cycle. While biotuned, it cannot be used by anyone else, but cycles will complete 25% more quickly. Biotuning resets if the pod is unused for 80 days." to "An immersion pod full of bioactive gel. It can perform a variety of biological alterations including age reversal and pleasure-giving. The pod biotunes to its user at the end of a cycle. While biotuned, it cannot be used by anyone else, but cycles will complete 25% more quickly. Biotuning resets if the pod is unused for 80 days. The pod consumess[sic] 200W of power while working, but only 50W on standby."
- 1.4.3555 - Fix: Right clicking injured pawns can cause usage of un-researched bioregeneration cycle.
- 1.4.3580 - Fix: Second sentence of the biosculpter age reversal complete message begins in lower case.
- 1.4.3613 - Fix: Pawn auto-uses age reversal after changing from Transhumanist to Non-Transhumanist ideoligion.