Healer mech serum

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Healer mech serum

Healer mech serum

A one-use super-dose of mechanites tuned to heal health conditions. The mechanites will target and heal the single worst health condition affecting someone at any given time. Works even on health conditions that would otherwise be incurable. The mechanites can even transmute themselves into organic matter, forming new limbs or organs as needed.

Base Stats

Exotic item
Tech Level
Market Value
1300 Silver
Stack Limit
0.2 kg
Deterioration Rate
Path Cost
14 (48%)

The healer mech serum is an item that can heal almost every health condition.


Healer mech serums cannot be crafted, nor can it be bought from traders. Instead they can only be found in ancient shrines or acquired as a reward for performing quests. Note that quest rewards are selected with a weighted random generator, so there is no way to guarantee access to a serum in a given play-through. Anecdotally, it is often reported that the increased number of reward options added by the DLC dilute the reward pool with more options.


Healer mech serums will heal a single health condition. It removes the most "severe" health problem, in a specific order. If there are no healable conditions, the serum will still be consumed. Pawns can be directed to use a serum on themselves or others.

The serum will heal these conditions in the following order:

  1. Missing limbs, hands, and feet (Not fingers/ toes)
    • Legs
    • Shoulders/arms
    • Spine
  2. Whole body ailments
  3. Brain ailments
  4. Scars on the brain
  5. Missing organs
  6. Ailments in other parts
  7. Drug addiction
  8. Scars on other parts
  9. Injuries

Organs that occur in pairs (kidneys, eyes, ears) will always be healed in pairs (e.g. the serum would cure a cataract in both eyes, not just one). Replacements, however, occur individually.


Below are the conditions which the serum cannot treat:

  • Luciferium need
  • Drug tolerances
  • Anesthetic
  • Fertility Procedures: Tubal Ligation, Implanted IUD, Vasectomy
  • Crumbled mind Content added by the Anomaly DLC

To regrow a missing body part, the artificial part has to be removed first (by surgery) before the serum is applied.


Firstly, don't expect to find more than a handful of these serums during a playthrough, if even that many. Use it wisely: most missing limbs and failed organs can be replaced, either with artificial or natural parts. Serums should be saved for situations where all other treatments fail, such as brain damage, or when a pawn would certainly die otherwise.

Conditions are treated in a strict order. An infection (Major, developed immunity) will be cured over Alzheimer's, even though the former is virtually harmless. Blood loss and toxic buildup are cured before scars are. Do not apply the serum unless absolutely certain it will heal the correct condition.


  • Great for colonists with brain damage, dementia and frailty. These can be quite crippling, and most other ways to treat them come with significant downsides (see below).
  • Repair shattered spines or pelvises to allow colonists to function again (the former can however also be fixed with a bionic spine).
  • Immediately end a colonist's catatonic break, at quite a cost. Do so when the colonist is absolutely vital to your colony's operations -- this should be a very rare occasion.
  • This is the only option to fix certain Social penalties in the base game, such as the Disfigured debuff from a missing nose.


Many permanent conditions like Dementia or Alzheimer's can be cured with other methods, which all have some other form of cost. For a full comparison of what can and can't be healed by these methods, see the Healing method table below.

  • Killing the pawn and applying a resurrector mech serum, an item of the same rarity as the healer mech serum. It can also cause adverse side-effects, including the fatal psychosis (which ironically, requires a healer mech serum to treat).
  • Luciferium, which will cause immediate hard dependence on the drug. It requires constant intake; while it does provide significant stat buffs, luciferium is expensive, and withdrawal is fatal.
  • Biosculpter pods.Content added by the Ideology DLC The Bioregeneration cycle can heal many conditions (less than lucifierium), which costs 2 glitterworld medicine, up to 25 days in a clean room to complete, and dedicated research.
  • Scarless gene.Content added by the Biotech DLC This either requires the scarless genepack and an archite capsule, or has the price of becoming a sanguophage. It can also be obtained from game start.

Healing method table

Some injuries and health conditions will not naturally heal or cannot be immediately cured by treatment. In these cases, transplantation, artificial body parts, healer mech sera, luciferium or biosculpter podsContent added by the Ideology DLC may help, but each has its own unique list of what it can and cannot cure.

The full comparison table between healing methods is collapsed due to length. Expand to view.

Version history[edit]

  • 0.18.1722 - Added as Healer mechanite superdose. At that time it could treat injuries and ailments, but could not treat some conditions, notably diseases.
  • Beta 19/1.0 - Function was expanded such that it can now treat nearly all health conditions.
  • 1.2.2753 - Fix: Healer mech serum heals love
  • 1.3.3200 - Restored the healing message displayed after using a healer mech serum.
  • 1.4.3641 - Fix: Psychic suppression targeted by healer mech serum.
  • 1.5.4062 - Fix: Gene loss shock is healed before scars and injuries when using healing serum.