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Malaria is a potentially fatal disease that can be contracted by colonists in any biome, but is frequent in the jungle.


General symptoms include impaired consciousness, blood filtration - and eventually pain, vomiting, and impaired manipulation. Advanced symptoms include frequent vomiting along with a loss of consciousness, and death. As Malaria affects blood filtration, the pawn's immune system becomes less effective as it progresses.

If left untreated, Malaria can kill the affected person in 2.701 days from discovery. It takes around 3.106 days to develop immunity to Malaria; assuming the affected colonist is rested in an ordinary bed for the whole time, has nothing else affecting blood filtration, is well-fed, and under the age of 40. These figures are calculated assuming 91.35% blood filtration (the 'average' blood filtration throughout all stages of the disease); due to Malaria's nature, there's no reliable way to calculate the time to develop immunity.


Penoxycyline prevents colonists from falling sick to the Malaria, but does nothing to stop an infection already in progress.







This disease is detected immediately. Severity goes up over time, and is slowed by treatment until immunity is reached.

  • Minor - Severity: 0.0 - 0.77
  • Major - Severity: 0.78 - 0.9
  • Extreme - Severity: 0.91 - 0.99
  • Death - Severity: 1


  • When not immune, severity increases by 0.3702 per day.
  • When immune, severity decreases by 0.7297 per day.
  • Immunity increases by a base rate of 0.3145 per day when sick.
  • Treatment slows progression by a maximum of 0.232 per day.


It's especially important that affected colonists are rested while they fight off Malaria due to its effect on Blood Filtration, and that you have plenty of medicine and a skilled doctor in hand. As with any other disease, you'll also want to make sure that the patient is well fed, rests as much as possible, and that they're promptly treated.

Treatment is administered once every 12 hours. On a pawn that constantly rests, with 100% pre-Malaria Immunity Gain Speed, you'll need at least 24% average treatment quality in order to sufficiently slow down Malaria's progress to the point where it doesn't kill the patient. With a hospital bed and vitals monitor, colonists can survive without treatment. However, this is far slower than treatment, even without medicine.


For those with a base immunity gain rate of 37% or less, it will be very difficult to survive malaria. This includes people well past their Life Expectancy, and/or people with severe kidney and liver damage. Even with 100% treatment quality for all treatments and rest in a hospital bed with a vitals monitor connected, they will die without extra care. To save the colonist, you can do one or more of the following:

Version history[edit]

In an earlier version (Alpha 17?) sufficiently good treatment could cause malaria to regress. This combined with the fact that malaria had a hidden stage back then meant that the disease could be "cured" and subsequently reappear several times, until the pawn finally gains immunity.