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Induce a distant archotech to transfer entropy from one person to another. This causes the target to age rapidly while the invoker becomes younger, potentially healing scarring or age-related illnesses. The target will suffer brain damage, causing them to fall into a coma for several days.

Base Stats

Psychic ritual


Required Research
Ritual Duration
10,000 ticks (2.78 mins)
Ritual Cooldown
300,000 ticks (83.33 mins)
Resources to make
Bioferrite 20

Chronophagy is a psychic ritual that de-ages and removes some age related ailments of the invoker while aging the target.


The chronophagy psychic ritual can be performed once every 300,000 ticks (5 in-game days) at a psychic ritual spot at the cost of Bioferrite 20 Bioferrite, once the Chronophagy research project has been completed. Note that this research requires dark study to unlock. The ritual takes 10,000 ticks (4 in-game hours) to complete.


  • The biological age of the invoker is reduced by some number of years, while the target is biologically aged by the same number. The number of years transferred is dependent on the quality of the ritual, as described in the table below.
    • The ritual cannot reduce the Invoker's age below 13.
  • Has a chance[What chance?] to removing one[Verify] of the Invoker's scars. Additionally, if the invoker has an ailment that can be acquired through aging, and is rejuvenated to an age that is below the minimum age of the ailment, then the ailment will be cured. This occurs regardless of how the ailment was acquired. Note that the minimum age is not the first birthday that an ailment can occur.
    • For example, Alzheimer's has a minimum age of 33.6 years. If a pawn receives the ailment on their 34th birthday, they must be rejuvenated to the biological age of 33, the ailment will be removed.
    • Curable ailments and the ages required to remove them are as follows: Alzheimer's at 33 years, Bad back at 39 years, Cataract at 47 years, Carcinoma at 22 years, Dementia at 67 years, Frail at 49 years, Artery blockage at 19 years, Hearing loss at 47 years. Asthma has no minimum reception age, and therefore cannot be cured by chronophagy.
  • Target gain age-related ailments as if they had had each natural birthday, with the associated chances. See the pages of the relevant ailments for the chance to receive them each year.
    • Brain damage is inflicted in the form of a psychic burn, which is affected by the Incoming Damage Multiplier of the pawn.[How much?]
  • Applies a −3 / −6 / −10 guilt thought for participants.[Thought Template] This thought is nullified by the Psychopath traits, being Inhumanized, as well as Psychic rituals: Exalted precept.Content added by the Ideology DLC
Years transfered by Quality


Age Where Chronic Ailments Can First Appear
Age Ailment
20 Artery Blockage
23 Carcinoma
34 Alzheimer's
41 Bad Back
49 Cataracts, Hearing Loss
51 Frail
69 Dementia

There are numerous benefits to not allowing colonists to grow old. The older a pawn is, the higher their chance to develop chronic ailments, and the lower theirFertilityContent added by the Biotech DLC and Immunity Gain Speed. Pawns closer in age have an easier time forming romances, and pawns between 18 and 25 and with partners similar in age to themselves are most likely to engage in lovin'. The transhumanist ideologyContent added by the Ideology DLC includes a need for age reversal after pawns reach age 25.

In general, keeping pawns under the age of 41 protects them from the majority of chronic ailments, although keeping them under 34 also protects from Alzheimer's. Carcinomas can be treated without needing to resort to Healer mech serum or bionic replacements.

Conversely, there are downsides to allowing pawns to become younger than 18 through the use of Chronophagy. Age 13 pawns have numerous statistics lower than a fully grown pawn, notably a Global Work Speed of .83, a move speed of 0.95x, and a higher risk of Overdose and Addiction from reduced body size. Pawns under 16 cannot have children of their own.

For most colonies, Chronophagy will transfer at minimum 4 years of age if the invoker has no psychic sensitivity adjustments and a psychic ritual spot with no void sculptures or shard beacons. At 100% ritual quality, Chronophagy will transfer 25 years of age Chronophagy has a 5 day cooldown, allowing for 12 uses per in-game year, assuming that the colony can also provide a sufficient number of prisoners and produce the required Bioferrite 20 bioferrite per ritual. If bioferrite is in surplus, then Skip Abductions can to provide easy access to prisoners. Not all prisoners will survive numerous Chronophagy rituals especially if they are still suffering from Dark Psychic Shock from skip abduction or already at an old age, but younger prisoners can easily be the target of 2 or more Chronophagy rituals before expiring. Most colonies should find it trivial to keep their members between the ages of 18 and 40, or between 18 and 25 if Transhumanist. A 30 member transhumanist colony can reasonably hit the 7 year range for their pawns by carefully timing rituals so that only 4-5 colonists will require a Chronophagy in any given year.

Version history[edit]

  • Anomaly DLC Release - Added.
  • ? - Description changed from "[...] from one to another. This will cause the invoker's age to decrease by several years, and for the target to age an equal amount. Target will also suffer Psychic Shock." changed to "[...] from one person to another. This causes the target to age rapidly while the invoker becomes younger, potentially healing scarring or age-related illnesses. The target will suffer brain damage, causing them to fall into a coma for several days.". [Verify old version existed]