Draw animals

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Draw animals

Draw animals

Create a psychic pulse which will draw a distant herd of animals into the local area. You can then hunt or make use of them as you choose. If not done correctly, this may attract scaria-infected manhunters.

Base Stats

Psychic ritual


Required Research
Draw animals
Ritual Duration
10,000 ticks (2.78 mins)
Ritual Cooldown
600,000 ticks (166.67 mins)
Resources to make
Bioferrite 10

Draw animals is a psychic ritual that causes a group of animals to enter the map upon which it is cast, with the risk of them arriving as manhunters.


The draw animals psychic ritual can be performed once every 600,000 ticks (10 in-game days) at a psychic ritual spot at the cost of Bioferrite 10 Bioferrite, once the Draw animals research project has been completed. Note that this research requires dark study to unlock. The ritual takes 10,000 ticks (4 in-game hours) to complete.


  • Causes a herd[Detail] of animals[Detail] to enter the map.[Detail]
  • Ritual quality dependent chance for drawn animals to be manhunters infected with scaria. The chance is per herd, not per individual member of the herd i.e. either all animals will be manhunters or none will be. Deliberately conducting a poor quality ritual to summon manhunters can be helpful if the player needs to deal with another threat such as sieges and mech clusters.
Manhunter chance by Quality


Version history[edit]

  • Anomaly DLC Release - Added.
  • ? - Description changed from "[...] which draws a distant herd of animals to the local area. [...]" changed to "[...] which will draw a distant herd of animals into the local area. [...]". [Verify old version existed]