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Psychically draw experiences from the victim's mind and transfer them to the invoker, targeting the victim's highest skill. The target will suffer brain damage, causing them to fall into a coma for several days.

Base Stats

Psychic ritual


Required Research
Ritual Duration
10,000 ticks (2.78 mins)
Ritual Cooldown
300,000 ticks (83.33 mins)
Resources to make
Shard 1

Philophagy is a psychic ritual that transfers skill experience from the target's highest skill to the invoker.


The philophagy psychic ritual can be performed once every 300,000 ticks (5 in-game days) at a psychic ritual spot at the cost of Shard 1 Shard, once the Philophagy research project has been completed. Note that this research requires dark study to unlock. The ritual takes 10,000 ticks (4 in-game hours) to complete.


  • Quality increases experience transferred.
  • Base level of skill is taken into account, before modifiers from aptitude genes.Content added by the Biotech DLC
  • Applies a −3 / −6 / −10 guilt thought for participants.[Thought Template] This thought is nullified by the Psychopath traits, being Inhumanized, as well as Psychic rituals: Exalted precept.Content added by the Ideology DLC


Version history[edit]