Neurosis pulse

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Neurosis pulse

Neurosis pulse

Perform a psychic ritual that makes everyone in the region work faster but become more irritable.

Base Stats

Psychic ritual


Required Research
Neurosis pulse
Ritual Duration
10,000 ticks (2.78 mins)
Ritual Cooldown
300,000 ticks (83.33 mins)
Resources to make
Bioferrite 30

Neurosis pulse is a psychic ritual that improves global work speed of pawns[Humans only?] on the map at the time of casting[Verify] as well as reducing their recreation need, at the expense of their mood.


The neurosis pulse psychic ritual can be performed once every 300,000 ticks (5 in-game days) at a psychic ritual spot at the cost of Bioferrite 30 Bioferrite, once the Neurosis pulse research project has been completed. Note that this research requires dark study to unlock. The ritual takes 10,000 ticks (4 in-game hours) to complete.


  • Effect duration ranges from 1 day at 0% ritual quality to 25 days at 100% quality.
  • Mental break threshold +8%
  • Global work speed ×150%
  • Recreation fall rate ×50%
  • −4 Neurosis pulse mood, scaled by Psychic sensitivity of each pawn, up to −7.[Verify capping?]


Version history[edit]