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Miscellaneous gears, capacitors, circuit boards, tubes, wheels, sensors, wires, chips, processors, and other electronic and industrial parts. Necessary for assembling complex machines or electronics.

Base Stats

Crafted resources
Market Value
32 Silver
Stack Limit
0.6 kg
Deterioration Rate


Crafted At
Fabrication bench
Skill Required
Crafting 8
Work To Make
5,000 ticks (1.39 mins)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Resources to make
Steel 12

Components are materials required to build and repair electrical devices, as well as produce firearms, armor, and ship parts.


Components can be crafted at a fabrication bench, each requiring Steel 12 Steel, 5,000 ticks (1.39 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter, and a crafting skill of 8.

They can also be obtained by:


Compacted machinery in game

Compacted machinery tiles have 2,000 health each, making them slower to mine than stone or many ores, but still significantly faster than uranium and plasteel ore. They can be found in small veins, ranging from 3 to 6 tiles in size. Each mined block has a base yield of 2 components, however this is modified by factors such as the Difficulty setting and the mining yield of the pawn.


Components are used in the following crafting recipes:

  • Product Ingredients Type [Expand]
  • Components are also used for repairing component breakdowns. Every so often, electrical devices may become dysfunctional, until they are replaced with a new component. See List of affected buildings for the full list.

    Components will deteriorate when left outside.


    For large portions of the game, before you get fabrication benches, components will be limited. You will be stuck with ship chunks and compacted machinery, and once that runs out, trade is all you have left. Almost every electrical device in the game uses components, so they present a very real bottleneck to most colonies. In the late game, components remain in high demand because they are used to create advanced components. With Fabrication, your colony can still be limited by the steel required to make components.

    You should always keep a couple components (3-5) in reserve, in case your devices breakdown. If your geothermal generator breaks down, for instance, then you'll be out of power until you can replace them.

    Acquisition analysis[edit]

    • Conserve your components. Often, the simplest way to have components is to not use them. Don't build unnecessary power generators. Hydroponics are unnecessary if you can just use sun lamps and soil. "Rerolling" weapons for quality consumes a lot of components.
    • ABC - (Always) Buy Components. Traders are, for a significant part of the game, the only renewable source of components. Excess food, leathers, drugs, and other resources can be used to buy components. Even if you have a large stash right now, your component supply can run out surprisingly quickly. Even when you have Fabrication, trade allows you to turn excess and otherwise useless resources into useful components.
    • Research Fabrication quickly. Fabrication is an important and useful technology, but requires Microelectronics and Multi-analyzer before it is available. You will also need to buy or obtain 2 advanced components before you can build the actual fabrication bench. You may want to research other technologies, like Machining and Gas Operation, before you dive straight into Fabrication. As mentioned above, you will also need steel to make components, and steel can run out quickly.
    The preferred way to get steel is using a ground-penetrating scanner and deep drills. Once you have the ground scanner, deep drills, and a fabrication bench, obtaining components should be much less of an issue. Note that the process of crafting components takes a chunk of time on its own.
    • Long-range mineral scanner. Unlike the ground-penetrating scanner, the long-range mineral scanner can find components directly. Every scan brings 100 - 140 components (before Mining Yield and difficulty), ready to be used. Note that the long-range scanner requires its own research and 2 advanced components to make. In addition, colonists must travel to and from this deposit; the weight of components can be an issue.


    • In the code, components are called "ComponentIndustrial"

    Version history[edit]