Turret pack

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Turret pack

Turret pack

A wearable pack that allows the user to deploy a battery-powered turret. The pack contains a propulsion device, letting the user launch the turret a short distance. These turrets are effective for flanking and distracting enemies. However, the turret's limited AI can't be directly controlled, so it can cause friendly fire incidents. The turret battery lasts for several hours.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Market Value
235 Silver
3 kg



Ranged Combat

60 ticks (1 sec)
22.9 tile(s)


Crafted At
Machining table
Required Research
Turret pack
Work To Make
10,000 ticks (2.78 mins)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Resources to make
Steel 70 + Components 2

The turret pack is a single-use utility item added by Anomaly DLC. It allows the user to deploy a small, short lived tactical turret to shoot at their enemies.


Turret packs can be crafted at a machining table once the Turret pack research project has been completed. Each requires Steel 70 Steel, Component 2 Components and 10,000 ticks (2.78 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.


When equipped, a turret pack is worn in the waist utility slot. Pawns that are incapable of violence can equip, but not use, the pack. Once the wearer is drafted, it can be manually activated by the player to target an empty space and within 22.9 tiles and line of sight.

After a 60 ticks (1 sec) warm-up, a tactical turret will be thrown towards the target tile and deploy there. Note that the warmup time before launch is affected by the Aiming Time stat of the wearer and that the turret acts as a projectile and therefore has travel time. The tactical turret thrown is almost identical to a steel mini-turret except that the range is reduced from 29 tiles to 20 and the flammability is increased from 28% to 70%. It's powered by a battery that lasts 12,500 ticks (3.47 mins), whether it's shooting or not, after which it will shut down but remain in place.

Like other turrets, tactical turret have a 50% chance to explode when damaged below 20% health. The exploding turret will spark and emit a hissing sound for 240 ticks (4 secs) before exploding, dealing 50 Bomb damage in a 3.9 tile radius centered around the lower left tile of the turret. Bomb damage is multiplied ×8 against walls, ×4 against other impassable structures and plants, and ×2 against passable buildings. All nearby raiders will attempt to move out of the blast radius before detonation. The turret does benefit from cover but cannot fire around full cover like a pawn. For further detail about the turret, see the tactical turret page.

The pack has a single use and cannot be recharged or reloaded - once the turret it launched, the pack disappears completely and no resources be salvaged from it. The turret itself can be deconstructed for Steel 20 steel, even after it shuts down. If destroyed, it leaves Steel 10 steel.

Like all utility items, a turret pack is treated largely like any piece of apparel, however some exceptions exist. Utility items are worn on the waist and are mutually exclusive only with each other, regardless of the layer or coverage of other apparel worn. Additionally, utility items never become tainted, deteriorate from being worn, or inflict a worn-out or tattered mood debuff when damaged.


The thrown turret deals damage at the same rate as a mini-turret, which is not very quickly. In most circumstances, its value comes mainly from how it attracts enemy attention:

  • When fighting in the field, every 100 damage the enemy spends destroying a thrown turret is 100 damage that didn't hit your colonists—modulo considerations like armor and positioning. Place the turrets where enemies will likely attack them first while you do your shooting; ideally put them in cover so they last longer, ideally outside your own line of fire.
  • You might get an enemy to spend their doomsday or triple rocket launchers blowing up a turret. Make sure you're outside the blast radius.
  • Throwing the turret into the middle of enemy lines might cause some disruption, especially if it explodes.
  • The turret may distract a powerful threat long enough to let an unlucky colonist flee to safety.


True DPS over Range

Version history[edit]