Electric crematorium

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Electric crematorium

Electric crematorium

A huge stone crematorium which vaporizes corpses with extremely high temperatures.

Base Stats



3 × 2
Cover Effectiveness
Terrain Affordance
-250 W
Light Radius
Heat Per Second


Required Research
Skill Required
Construction 4
Work To Make
4,500 ticks (1.25 mins)
Stuff Tags
Resources to make
Stuff 150 + Steel 20 + Component 2
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 75 + Steel 10 + Component 1
Destroy yield
Stuff 37 - 38 + Steel 5 + Component 0 - 1

An electric crematorium is a Production appliance used to destroy corpses as well as unwanted apparel, weapons, or drugs. Despite the specificity in the name, there is no other form of crematorium.


Electric crematoriums can be constructed once the Electricity research project has been completed. Each requires Stuff 150 Stuff (Stony), Steel 20 Steel, Component 2 Components, 4,500 ticks (1.25 mins) of work modified by the construction speed of the builder and the work to build factor and offset of the material, and a construction skill of 4.

Once constructed, they cannot be re-installed, they can only be deconstructed.


Crematoria can be used to destroy corpses, apparel, weapons, or drugs by creating bills. The building itself uses 250 W of power, has -10 beauty, and a cleanliness value of -20.

Crematoria produce heat while executing bills at a rate of 12 heat per second, over half the rate of a campfire and with no maximum temperature. No heat is produced when idle, even if powered on.

It outputs light in a 6 tile radius while it is powered on, with the nearest 3.442 tiles being above 50% light level and considered lit. As the crematorium can only be used while it is powered, and it emits light when powered, this means there is no need for additional light sources to prevent work speed penalties to the operator. The light emitted by the crematorium itself is sufficient.

If the electric crematorium left is out in the rain, a short circuit can start a fire.

Each electric crematorium is considered dirty with a Cleanliness of −20, applied to the bottom-left-most tile from the player's perspective, regardless of orientation. This reduces the average cleanliness of the room it occupies.


Bills are worked by haulers. All cremation times are scaled only by the General Labor Speed of the hauler performing the bill. In all cases, the item is completely destroyed leaving nothing behind.

Cremate corpse[edit]

Cremate a corpse to completely destroy it.

— Cremate corpse description

Corpses require 180 ticks (3 secs) work to cremate (modified by the general labor speed of the hauler) and are cremated together with all of their equipped gear. By default, animal corpses will be filtered out. Mechanoid corpses cannot be burned.

Burn apparel[edit]

Burn unwanted apparel to completely destroy it.

— Burn apparel description

Apparel requires 60 ticks (1 sec) work to burn (modified by the general labor speed of the hauler), regardless of the item or material. Shield belts and smokepop packs cannot be burned (though firefoam pop packs can).

Burn weapon[edit]

Burn unwanted weapon to completely destroy it.

— Burn weapon description

Weapons require 60 ticks (1 sec) work to burn (modified by the general labor speed of the hauler), regardless of the item or material. Only flammable melee weapons, and ranged weapons made from wood (pila, short bow / recurve bow / greatbow / flamebowContent added by the Biotech DLC), can be burned.

Burn drugs[edit]

Burn unwanted drugs to completely destroy them.

— Burn drugs description

Drugs require 60 ticks (1 sec) work to burn (modified by the general labor speed of the hauler), but burns in entire stacks.


Crematoria are work intensive compared to other methods of disposing of unwanted objects, and this typically leads them to be neglected. However they do possess some advantages that can be relevant.

Molotov cocktails can dispose items with an open fire; one throw is enough to burn many objects. A safe burn area is required, such as a stone floored and walled room, though this can be cheaper than 1 crematorium. A stockpile zone can be configured to load the corpses, but the player needs to ignite it every time. Also note that the entrance must be forbidden or the Home Zone area removed to ensure no firefighters attempts to put out the cremating fire within.

However, unlike molotovs, electric crematoria don't require Machining to be researched to be be constructed, can be fully automated with bills, and do not involve open fire. In addition, many rotten corpses in a confined space can cause rot stink. This allows the player to be completely hands-off once the process is set up, which can be a significant advantage in some playstyles or colonies.

Finally, unwanted objects can instead be loaded onto transport pods, and launched to other faction's settlements, for a modest relationship gain. Using transport pods solely to dispose of weapons is costly for little gain. You can mitigate this by shipping unwanted gear with other items you would've sent as gifts, anyway (like flake or sculptures). As corpses are heavy, this method is impractical for them.

Stats table

  • Electric crematorium Electric crematorium Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Granite blocks Granite blocks -10 027,140 ticks (7.54 mins) 510 0% 335 Silver
    Limestone blocks Limestone blocks -10 027,140 ticks (7.54 mins) 465 0% 335 Silver
    Marble blocks Marble blocks -9 024,890 ticks (6.91 mins) 360 0% 325 Silver
    Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks -10 022,640 ticks (6.29 mins) 420 0% 320 Silver
    Slate blocks Slate blocks -10 027,140 ticks (7.54 mins) 390 0% 335 Silver
    Jade Jade 0 022,500 ticks (6.25 mins) 150 0% 935 Silver
  • Version history[edit]