Short bow

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Short bow

Short bow

A simple short selfbow made from a single piece of wood.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Weapon Class
Market Value
45 Silver
0.8 kg

Ranged Combat

11 dmg (Arrow)
Armor penetration
81 ticks (1.35 secs)
99 ticks (1.65 secs)
22.9 tile(s)
75% - 65% - 45% - 25%
44 (m/s)
Burst Count
1 (per burst)
Stopping power

Melee Combat

Melee Attack 1
9 dmg (Blunt)
13% AP
2.0 seconds cooldown
Melee Attack 2 
9 dmg (Poke)
13% AP
2.0 seconds cooldown


Crafted At
Crafting spot / Fueled smithy / Electric smithy
Skill Required
Crafting 2
Work To Make
2,400 ticks (40 secs)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Resources to make
Wood 30

The short bow is a very light, single-shot ranged weapon in RimWorld which deals a moderate amount of damage per shot; slightly longer time between shots; slightly shorter range and moderate accuracy.


Short bows can be crafted at a crafting spot, fueled smithy, or electric smithy, each requiring Wood 30 Wood, 2,400 ticks (40 secs) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter, and a crafting skill of 2.

Alternatively, short bows can be purchased from neolithic war merchants and orbital combat suppliers, tribal and outlander faction bases, and obtained from the following raider kinds:

Raider Kind Chance Average Quality Health
Archer 92.27% Poor 50-180%

You also start with two short bows in the Lost Tribe scenario.


Short bows are one of the easiest ranged weapons to create, so are an important item for the Lost Tribe and Naked Brutality scenarios. A crafting spot can be created almost anywhere, instantly, and wood is typically not hard to find. Any ranged weapon at all allows you to safely hunt animals; even 0% manhunter animals will retaliate in melee combat, but not at range. Any weapon at all also gives a basic defense against hostile wildlife and raiders.

As they are so cheap, they aren't great as actual weapons. Short bows have the 3rd lowest DPS of all player-craftable ranged weapons in the game, ahead of only the pila and incendiary launcher. Other weaknesses include low accuracy and inability to stagger humans, something all other neolithic options can do. The short bow is best suited for close-quarters engagements due to its high close accuracy and slow projectile velocity.

Naturally, a short bow will be significantly overshadowed in terms of combat performance by even the most basic of firearms such as autopistols and revolvers. Two short bows are roughly equal to one of the aforementioned firearms. New Tribes also begin with the recurve bow researched, offering an immediate upgrade, assuming someone has a Crafting skill of 5 or more. Replacing the short bow with better ranged options should thus be your second priority, only after making sure everyone has a weapon of any kind.


Against an unarmored human, a short bow can kill with 4 hits to the torso, 3 hits to the head or neck, or 1 hit to the brain; cripple or destroy limbs in 3 hits; and cripple or destroy eyes and digits with a single hit. It'll generally take around 6 hits (~28.35 seconds average) to incapacitate that human from pain shock.

Overall, the short bow is best paired with a careful shooter until level 9, and with a trigger-happy shooter beyond that point.

Attack table


  • Short bow Short bow Accuracy
    Quality Dam. AP
    Awful 9.9 14.4% 60% 52% 36% 20% 3.3 1.98 1.72 1.19 - 23 Silver
    Poor 11 16% 67.5% 58.5% 40.5% 22.5% 3.67 2.5 2.17 1.5 - 34 Silver
    Normal 11 16% 75% 65% 45% 25% 3.67 2.75 2.39 1.65 - 45 Silver
    Good 11 16% 82.5% 71.5% 49.5% 27.5% 3.67 3.05 2.64 1.84 - 56 Silver
    Excellent 11 16% 90% 78% 54% 30% 3.67 3.3 2.86 1.98 - 68 Silver
    Masterwork 13.75 20% 100% 87.75% 60.75% 33.75% 4.59 4.59 4.04 2.8 - 113 Silver
    Legendary 16.5 24% 100% 97.5% 67.5% 37.5% 5.51 5.51 5.39 3.74 - 225 Silver

    For the full effects of qualities, see Quality. Values shown in Red indicate the weapon is out of range at the reference point for this range band.
    The value is provided due to the interpolated nature of accuracy between range points.

  • Melee

    Feature Toggle
    AttacksRitual Quality Check Off.png
  • Short bow Short bow HP Value
    DPS[1] AP[1]
    Awful 3.98 11.6% 100 23 Silver
    Poor 4.08 11.85% 100 34 Silver
    Normal 4.4 12.75% 100 45 Silver
    Good 4.74 13.73% 100 56 Silver
    Excellent 5.08 14.7% 100 68 Silver
    Masterwork 5.92 17.14% 100 113 Silver
    Legendary 6.59 19.09% 100 225 Silver

    For the full effects of qualities, see Quality.

    1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Note: This is the actual base average derived from the melee verb system updated in 1.1.2610, it may sometimes disagree with the listed value in the in-game infobox.
      It may also change depending on the stats and the melee verbs available to the wielder if the weapon is wielded by some other than a baseline human.
    2. Chance for attack to be selected, assuming the weapon is wielded by a baseline human. It may change depending on the melee verbs available to the wielder

    Version history[edit]