Thrumbo horn

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Thrumbo horn

Thrumbo horn

A thrumbo's horn. It's razor-sharp, rock-hard, and priceless in most markets. This is a true trophy, as well as a deadly melee weapon.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Market Value
800 Silver
Stack Limit
3 kg

Ranged Combat


Melee Combat

Melee Attack 1
28 dmg (Stab)
42% AP
2.6 seconds cooldown
Melee Attack 2 
28 dmg (Scratch)
42% AP
2.6 seconds cooldown
Melee Attack 3 
9 dmg (Blunt)
13.5% AP
2 seconds cooldown

Thrumbo horns are valuable and moderately powerful melee weapons obtained by butchering thrumbos.


Butchering an adult thrumbo will yield one thrumbo horn unless the part has been destroyed by damage. Only a full adult thrumbo will produce a horn when butchered. All wild thrumbos spawn as adults.


Thrumbo horns function identically to any other melee weapon, despite their unorthodox method of production. They do not have a quality value - all thrumbo horns are statistically identical.


The thrumbo horn has a fairly good damage output and an exceptional market value. It is one of the best melee weapons available at low technology levels. The DPS of a thrumbo horn is about the same as a Poor quality plasteel longsword, or an Excellent quality steel longsword. Whether it's worth acquiring one is very skill-dependent. A skilled player can down a thrumbo with minimal risk, making for a useful benefit in the early game, but it is not sufficiently powerful to be worth losing a colonist over. Keep in mind that it does become outmoded by crafted weapons fairly quickly. See the Thrumbo page for strategies for hunting thrumbos.

After the early game, horns can be sold for a hefty amount of silver to Exotic Goods Traders and faction bases. This makes hunting the already profitable thrumbo even more worthwhile. If a skilled crafter is available, consider selling the horn even in the early game and using the profits to buy plasteel or bioferriteContent added by the Anomaly DLC to make a better weapon.

Attack table

Feature Toggle
AttacksRitual Quality Check Off.png
  • Thrumbo horn Thrumbo horn HP Value
    DPS[1] AP[1]
    9.44 34.63% 150 800 Silver
    1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Note: This is the actual base average derived from the melee verb system updated in 1.1.2610, it may sometimes disagree with the listed value in the in-game infobox.
      It may also change depending on the stats and the melee verbs available to the wielder if the weapon is wielded by some other than a baseline human.
    2. Chance for attack to be selected, assuming the weapon is wielded by a baseline human. It may change depending on the melee verbs available to the wielder

    Version history[edit]