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'''Entities''' are the major threats of the [[Anomaly DLC]]. After a colonist investigates the monolith, more frequent and more diverse anomaly incidents can occur. All entities will appear in the Entity Codex after being discovered.
'''Entities''' are the incidents and events of the [[Anomaly DLC]]. After a colonist investigates the monolith, more frequent and more diverse anomaly incidents can occur. All entities will appear in the Entity Codex after being discovered.
Entities can be studied by incapacitating them and placing them within a containment cell. Colonists will study them according to Dark Research job on the Work Tab which will advance progress in the Anomaly Tech Tree.
Entities can be studied by incapacitating them and placing them within a containment cell. Colonists will study them according to Dark Research job on the Work Tab which will advance progress in the Anomaly Tech Tree.

Revision as of 12:27, 4 July 2024

Entities are the incidents and events of the Anomaly DLC. After a colonist investigates the monolith, more frequent and more diverse anomaly incidents can occur. All entities will appear in the Entity Codex after being discovered. Entities can be studied by incapacitating them and placing them within a containment cell. Colonists will study them according to Dark Research job on the Work Tab which will advance progress in the Anomaly Tech Tree.

For more information while this page is under construction, see Anomaly


Entity List


Entity Description Research gain Containment strength requirement Bioferrite/Day Power Output (W)
Void monolith Void monolith A monolith of unknown age, purpose, and construction. Its smooth surface is etched with lines that twist and writhe in unsettling patterns. N/A N/A N/A
Harbinger tree Harbinger tree A gnarled tree that grows a flesh-like covering. Harbinger trees are capable of feeding on corpses and raw meat, and will consume those placed nearby. If well fed, the grove will continue to grow.

In a tribal myth, these trees are the emissaries of a mad, shapeless god who rules an endless black ocean. The myth ends after the shapeless god reaches up from the water and tears down the sky.
Fleshbeast Fleshbeast Hideous creatures composed of masses of cancerous flesh. Some contain multiple nervous systems, allowing them to split into smaller fleshbeasts. 20(Fingerspike)
Sightstealer Sightstealer Emaciated and misshapen humanoids. Their arms end in sharp, curled claws formed from bioferrite. Sightstealers are fragile, but use psychic influence to render themselves invisible until they get close to their victims. They are known to emit haunting screams as they gather on their terrible hunts. 30 1.6 160
Shambler Shambler Corpses reanimated by microscopic archites. Shamblers are slow, mindless, and will attack relentlessly. Unless captured, shamblers die from metabolic exhaustion after several days. 25 1 200
Ghoul Ghoul A person implanted with an archotech shard and twisted by dark psychic influences into a jittering murder machine. 30 1 200
Gorehulk Gorehulk A monstrous creature that resembles a massive, painfully swollen human with randomly reconfigured body parts. Near its top is a stretched face that watches its victim with dead eyes.

Hundreds of sharp keratin spines protrude from the gorehulk's skin. It can launch these spines to spear its victims at a distance. However, its awkward fleshy body is less effective at causing harm up close.

It's hard to know whether this is a human that was horribly distorted by the influence of the void or a poor imitation of humanity created from scratch by some evil intelligence.
60 3 400
Death pall Death pall A corpse-gray cloud composed of microscopic self-powered archites created by some unknown superintelligence. When they land on dead flesh, they enter the body and reanimate it to create a shambling imitation of life. N/A N/A N/A N/A


Entity Description Research gain Containment strength requirement Bioferrite/Day Power Output (W)
Pit gate Pit gate A massive, foreboding hole that connects the surface with a dark network of underground caves. It is possible to climb down into the caverns below. N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dreadmeld Dreadmeld A gargantuan amalgamation of dozens of smaller fleshbeasts linked together by a loosely shared central nervous system. It uses its massive claws to dig tunnels through solid rock. Fleshbeast dreadmelds are rarely seen above ground, instead sheltering in caverns built from living flesh. They share a psychic connection with the flesh used to create their burrow. N/A N/A N/A N/A
Fleshmass heart Fleshmass heart The primary organ of a fleshmass infestation. The heart gathers material through roots extended into the ground. Once it has collected enough, it spreads fleshmass around itself in a spurt of cancer-like growth. It will keep growing until it consumes everything.

The heart grows fleshmass spitters. These defensive organs can spit acid long distances. The heart will also generate fleshbeast defenders to protect itself.

Ultra-rapid regeneration makes the heart nearly invulnerable. It can only be killed by analyzing samples taken from the nerve bundles that form within its growing mass.
Fleshmass nucleus Fleshmass nucleus The archotech core of a fleshmass heart. It is a chaotic lattice of fluid-smeared metal. Solid chunks of jagged metal appear here and there, packed with archotechnology. The whole structure slowly twists and bends under its own power.

It constantly grows meat on its surface, which occasionally erupts violently. If too much meat builds up, it will regrow into a fleshmass heart.
0 3 200
Chimera Chimera A huge creature that resembles a disfigured combination of a bear and other animals. It is vicious without limit.

It's not known if this is a combination of natural animals or a poor imitation of animal life created by an insane machine mind.
70 3.23 430
Devourer Devourer A massive monster with a gaping toothed maw and a stubby, snake-like body. The devourer can leap several times its body length to swallow a person whole. Powerful stomach acids rapidly digest the still-living victim. The remains are regurgitated soon after. 90 4 800
Noctolith Noctolith A twisted pillar of jagged blade-like structures made of dark, oily metal. It pulses with energy, powered by dark archotechnology at its core.

If you destroy the pillar, you can recover a shard of dark archotech.
Noctol Noctol A large, chittering creature covered with an oily black carapace and armed with claws formed from bioferrite. While it is deadly in the dark, exposure to light irritates its eyes and flesh, slowing it down considerably. 60 3 200
Revenant Revenant A spindly figure of desiccated skin stretched over an impossibly tall humanoid frame. The revenant's name comes from its pattern of returning to hypnotize new people each night.

Outlander folklore describes an invisible spectre that captures the minds of sinners, placing them in a living hell. In the story, the victims can only be returned to life by hunting the creature as it sleeps and killing it.

A hidden revenant can be revealed with disruptor flares, explosives, EMP, firefoam, or by being lit on fire.
80 4 200
Metalhorror Metalhorror A horrific shifting mass of metal filaments, blades, and instruments. This metal is maintained and regenerated by a circulating dark fluid.

While dormant, fluid metalhorrors are hidden in a host body. They use their host to infect others, creating more metalhorrors. If detected or endangered, the metalhorror will form a jagged exoskeleton and cut its way out of the host's flesh.

An emerged metalhorror will eventually enter a low-energy hibernating state if left undisturbed.
110 4.4 220
Nociosphere Nociosphere A dark metallic sphere covered with curved and jagged grooves. The sphere emanates sensations of pain. It hurts to be near it.

The sphere thrums with a mysterious energy. It appears to be increasing in activity. It's not clear what will happen when it reaches its full capacity. However, if you capture it, you can decrease its activity by suppressing it.
0 7.2 720
Blood rain Blood rain A turgid blood-like psychofluid that falls from the sky. Anyone exposed to it feels a growing anger that eventually becomes a berserk rage. N/A N/A N/A N/A
Twisted obelisk Twisted obelisk A large metallic pillar that emanates a putrid psychic energy. The pillar hums ominously and appears to be increasing in activity. It's not clear what will happen when it reaches its full capacity.

You can send colonists to suppress the obelisk to prevent it from activating. You can also mark the obelisk for study to try to learn its purpose and perhaps make use of it.

You can attack the obelisk to destroy it, but doing so may unleash unnatural and dangerous phenomena.
Corrupted obelisk Corrupted obelisk A large metallic pillar that emanates a putrid psychic energy. The pillar hums ominously and appears to be increasing in activity. It's not clear what will happen when it reaches its full capacity.

You can send colonists to suppress the obelisk to prevent it from activating. You can also mark the obelisk for study to try to learn its purpose and perhaps make use of it.

You can attack the obelisk to destroy it, but doing so may unleash unnatural and dangerous phenomena.
Warped obelisk Warped obelisk A large metallic pillar that emanates a putrid psychic energy. The pillar hums ominously and appears to be increasing in activity. It's not clear what will happen when it reaches its full capacity.

You can send colonists to suppress the obelisk to prevent it from activating. You can also mark the obelisk for study to try to learn its purpose and perhaps make use of it.

You can attack the obelisk to destroy it, but doing so may unleash unnatural and dangerous phenomena.
Golden cube Golden cube A cube that fits snugly in the hand. Golden in color, it is always invitingly warm to the touch, like a trusted pet or a hug from a good friend. Those that look closely are rewarded for their attention, by the delightful way light plays across its welcoming surface.

The cube seems impervious to most damage.
Unnatural corpse Unnatural corpse An odd corpse that feels waxy and warm to the touch. Something is deeply unsettling about it. N/A N/A N/A


Entity Description
Void structure Void structure A warped structure made of jagged oily metallic-like pieces. This is an element of the void itself which has manifested into our reality. It emanates a disturbing psychic throbbing and kills the plant life around it by some unnatural influence. The structure is linked to the void monolith, though the exact nature of the connection is beyond human understanding.
Void node Void node A roiling sphere of twisted psychic energy. Powered by nearby archotech machinery, it is one part of a bridge from our world into the black void.


There are two ways to secure an Entity for study once it has been downed, with a Holding Spot or with a Holding Platform. Both structures are 3x3.The Holding Spot builds instantly and costs nothing, but is less effective at restraining an Entity than a Holding Platform, at 70% efficiency. Each Entity has a Min. Containment Strength which, if not exceeded by the Containment Strength of the Holding Spot/Platform, will allow the entity to quickly break free and either attack or escape. If the Containment Strength exceeds the Min. Containment Strength of the Entity (which can be found on the Stats page of a given Entity under "Containment") the duration between break outs significantly increases. Generally, the stronger the entity the higher the Min Containment Strength of that entity.

The Holding Spot and Holding Platform do not appear to intrinsically provide any bonus to containment, but instead derive their strength from other factors. These include: - How brightly illuminated the room is - The average HP of the walls - The average HP of the door - If the floor is covered with Biorferrite Plate - If any special facilities are present, such as the Shard Inhibitor or Bioferrite Harvestor - The temperature of the room - If other Entities are also restrained in the room

Thus a Containment Cell (the room type of a room with a Holding Spots or Holding Platform in it) with only one occupant, restrained in a Holding Platform, in a brightly lit room, made with uranium doors and walls, will be much more secure than a Containment Cell with multiple occupants, restrained in Holding Spots, in an unlit room, made with wooden doors and walls. Also a badly injured entity will unable to breakout similar to prisoners or slaves.


Most entities can be studied for Anomaly research. All entities that can be studied are able to be studied on a cooldown of two days. This cooldown is unaffected by the intellectual skill of the researcher. The amount of time it takes to finish studying an entity does depend on the intellectual skill of the researcher, with a higher skill taking less time to finish[How much time?]. However, since the vast majority of time waiting for an Anomaly research project to finish is during the two day cooldown, it doesn't matter too much who is sent to research an entity.

Basic entities give basic research when studied, which can only be used for basic Anomaly research projects. Advanced entities give advanced research, which can be used for any Anomaly research project. If you don't currently have an advanced research project active, advanced research points are treated the same as basic research points and go towards unlocking basic research. You can have both a basic and an advanced research project active at the same time, and if you do, the basic points will go towards the basic project, and the advanced points will go towards the advanced project.

Creepjoiners count as advanced entities[Verify] even though they don't show up in the entity codex. You can study them as prisoners in the prisoner tab by selecting "Study" instead of similar options like "Recruit" or "Convert".

Void study

The void study precept multiplies the amount of knowledge gained from studying by 50%, 75%, 125%, or 150%, depending on which level of the precept you have. For example, a sightstealer provides 1.7 basic study every 2 days, and with a 150% study rate, that would become 2.55 basic study every 2 days.

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