Difference between revisions of "Version history"

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m (Alpha 13 added to "complete version table".)
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{| {{STDT|sortable c_03 align-right}}
{| {{STDT|sortable c_03 align-right}}
! Release Type !! Version Number !! Version Type !! Release Date !! Additional Comment
! Release Type !! Version Number !! Version Type !! Release Date !! Additional Comment
| Public || [[Version/0.13.1135|0.13.1135]] || Alpha || 2016.04.6 || Alpha 13
| Public || [[Version/0.12.906|0.12.906]] || Alpha || 2015.08.21 || Alpha 12
| Public || [[Version/0.12.906|0.12.906]] || Alpha || 2015.08.21 || Alpha 12

Revision as of 13:49, 20 May 2016

Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
Basics Menu Controls User Interface Save File Modding Version history

See upcoming features for future updates. Known bugs in the latest versions are listed here.
  • Public versions were announced on the Developer Blog
  • Quiet versions were recorded on the Changelog
  • Silent versions were released without record
  • Internal versions were not released to the public

Current Version : Alpha 13

Previous Version: [[Version/1.5.4136"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:
Next Version: [[Version/0.0.232"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:

"Error: Invalid time." contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

Released on: –

Here’s Alpha 13 – Trapped With Your Ex!

To get your update, you can re-download from the same link as last time. Your personal download link never changes. Update emails with your links are being sent out over the next few hours. If anyone lost their download link, they can also get it resent at the automatic link resender.

Old saved games and worlds won’t work in this update, I’m afraid. So please don’t try to load them; they’ll just generate errors.

The end-user license agreement has been fully released this time, so be sure to take a look at it before downloading. It’ll apply to you when you download the update, and is also included with the game.

Below is the video and the major additions list, including permadeath mode, which I forgot to mention before. Have fun!

Release Trailer



  • New permadeath mode. One save file, save on quit or autosave only, no take-backsies when something goes horribly, insanely, or laughably wrong. The way RimWorld was meant to be played.


  • Colonist family and social relationship system / Social relationships with friends, rivals, family, chats, arguments, and fights
  • Opinion system; pawns care about dozens of memories and situations to determine their opinions of each other
  • Family members out to cousins and beyond
  • Lovers, fiancees, marriages, ex-lovers, ex-spouses
  • Lovin’
  • People may get in social fights with those they dislike (even neutrals and enemies do this)
  • Animal bonding
  • People who leave the map while traveling, fleeing, being kidnapped, etc. can come back later as raiders, visitors, joiners, etc.
  • Marriage ceremonies and parties

Prison breaks


  • Self-reproducing, spreading underground insect hives
  • Insect hives are dangerous but produce succulent insect jelly

Animals and predators

  • Many more animals, some of which will hunt people
  • Some animals are now predators, including colony pets (e.g. cats catch squirrels)
  • Animals can gnaw corpses apart directly now

Threat response mode


  • Components’ resource used for machinery and electronics
  • Ground-traveling trade caravans from other factions
  • Deeper research tree with more low-tech options and more things to research
  • New fueled buildings: stove and generator
  • Various new lower and higher-tech production buildings
  • Two research tables: simple and hi-tech. Hi-tech is required for some projects.


  • New exotic infections: Gut worms, mechanite infections which give abilities at a cost of pain or fatigue, trauma savantism
  • New chronic diseases: Carcinoma, asthma, hearing loss
  • New “firefoam popper” provides a way to combat fire besides punching it.
  • Character records which keep stats on each character like number of kills, injuries, surgeries, etc.
  • Extreme desert biome
  • Colonists in relationships can share beds
  • New double bed; royal bed is now gold-trimmed and fancy
  • New flatscreen and megascreen TVs
  • Colonists can now visit sick people in bed to cheer them up
  • Sick people in bed can now watch TV
  • Building damage overlays
  • Days are now twice as long as before, with years being half as many days. (This means that years are exactly as long as before in actual play time, just divided into a smaller number of longer days.)
  • The year is now split into seasons instead of months.
  • Animal kibble
  • Deep rooms stay cool in the heat
  • Richer tale recording and better art descriptions
  • Hundreds of balance improvements, optimizations, tweaks and fixes

Recent Version : Alpha 11

Previous Version: [[Version/1.5.4136"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:
Next Version: [[Version/0.0.232"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:

"Error: Invalid time." contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

Released on: –

It’s here! This update includes clever new AI strategies including sappers who blast and dig around your defences and raiders who burn crops. I’ve also added a number of incidents, including several long-term atmospheric conditions like volcanic winter and toxic fallout. There is also an array of new traps for players to use, dozens of other new features and hundreds of fixes and small improvements. A full change list is at the end of this post. If you wish, you can also read my day-to-day work log here.

If you own the game, you can get the new version by re-downloading from the link you used before (it is a permanent link and always has the newest version). You should also get an update email from us. Anyone still having trouble should start at this thread. There may be a delay of some hours before your download count resets or your email arrives.


Also note that this build will not load old savegames or old worlds, so please don’t try to load these in the new version. They’ll probably just crash the game.

Release Trailer


Core Release


  • Added new raid type: sappers.
  • Sappers attempt to dig or blast their way around your hardest defensive point. The circumvent ‘killbox’-like strategies.
  • Enemies now flee things that are about to explode
  • Enemies remember trap positions that their faction has encountered before, and avoid them.
  • Raiders opportunistically ignite crops on fire.
  • Pawns can now do ‘job override’ checks to see if a new job should start before ending their current job. These are now used liberally to have pawns respond faster and more intelligently to changing conditions (especially in combat).
  • Pawns check for job override when taking damage. It will no longer be possible to bug out the centipede enemy and kill him at close range while he tries to take a firing position.
  • Enemies no longer take unpowered player turrets as primary targets.
  • Pawns choose sky-gaze, wander, eating and other positions by traversing the region graphic instead of by random coordinate scattering, which solves problems with them taking long paths around long walls.
  • Added deadfall trap: A simple rearmable trap that falls on enemies and damages them.
  • Added IED trap: An artillery shell connected to a trigger that detonates after a short delay.
  • Added incendiary IED trap: Like IED, but sets fires.
New incidents
  • New incident: Toxic fallout. A toxic cloud that lasts for days or weeks. It kills plants, rots food, and slowly poisons people outside. Toxic buildup in characters leads to vomiting, dementia, and eventually death.
  • New incident: Volcanic winter. Lasts weeks or months and significantly reduces temperatures and light levels, leading to poorer harvests.
  • New incident: Manhunter pack. A pack of deadly wargs arrives and stalks the local area for a while before moving on. Fight them or hide inside from them.
  • New incident: Chased refugee. A refugee radios and offers to join the colony if you’ll fight the raiders on his tail.
  • New incident: Psychic sooth. The opposite of a psychic drone.
Allowed areas
  • Assign colonists to allowed areas.
  • Every item and location outside the allowed area is considered forbidden.
Storyteller changes
  • Storytellers will never entirely disallow events because of population.
  • Randy’s event chances are affected by population (somewhat).
  • Re-tuned storyteller population intent based on new output tables for smoother population gain with higher maximum and better recovery at small populations
Ice sheet
  • Ice sheet biome is now playable (though perhaps not survivable).
  • Added strip designator to reduce stripping micromanagement.
  • You can toggle allowing sowing in a growing zone.
  • Doors can be held open.
  • Door locking is now door forbidding (it’s clearer).
  • Added copy/paste functionality for storage zone/building settings.
  • World data now saves into map file to prevent game state confusion with multiple saves on one world.
  • Added new joy activity: build snowman.
  • You can now remove floors to reveal the terrain underneath.
  • You can now perform surgery on guests. Violating surgery will anger their faction.
  • Guests are smarter and no longer walk out of the colony bleeding.
  • Added new hairs donated by Shinzy.
  • Slave trader changed to pirate merchant, can still show up to buy slaves even when your population is high (though they may not carry any).
  • Hundreds more bugfixes, tuning changes, optimizations, and other small improvements.

Alpha 11b

I’ve just released RimWorld Alpha11b! This is a fix-and-adjust build without crazy new features. You can still load saves from Alpha 11 (though they will report some errors on loading and have a few minor issues around load time, they should play fine in the long term).

If you own the game, you can get the new version by re-downloading from the link you used before (it is a permanent link and always has the newest version). Anyone still having trouble should start at the support page. A new email will not be sent for this update.


Mods might become incompatible. I’ve tried to keep the API the same as it was before, but a few places have necessarily changed. Also, since the DLL was recompiled, the ABI might not be identical. This means the functions and variable names are the same, but the compiler might have changed the way the bits and bytes are passed around, causing code compiled against the old DLL to not work properly when it tries to talk to the new DLL. This means:

  • Simple mods (especially those which are purely XML data, images, and sounds without any code) should still work without any changes.
  • Mods with code might work without changes, but there’s a good chance they’ll need to be recompiled against the new DLL.
  • A few mods will actually need to have code changed if they touch parts of the API that I changed.


  • Colonists will now try to avoid pathing outside their allowed area.
  • Open doors equalize temperature faster.
  • Much, much smarter sapper escort AI.
  • Sapper now avoid mining high-health ore while finding tunnelling paths.
  • Reorganized and clean up options menu and graphics settings.
  • Mods config page shows load order of mods.
  • Toxic fallout kills plants much more slowly.
  • Enemies (especially wargs) now ignore unpowered unmanned turrets and mortars.
  • We no longer allow buying back prisoners you just sold as a way to insta-recruit anyone.
  • Can no longer sell rotten items.
  • Treatment result is now indicated with a text mote, not a global message.
  • Adjusted a bunch of sound volumes.
  • Fixed pirate merchants only bringing slaves when population is high. This should be reversed.
  • Reworked how slave prices are calculated so they take injuries, capacities, and skills into account better.
  • Colonists now harvest planted trees on their own.
  • Optimizations to grower work scan algorithms.
  • Cleanup on main menu background image.
  • Smelt slag recipe can use do until you have X.
  • Siegers can never use melee weapons (too exploitable).
  • New sound: warg voices.
  • New sound: treatment.
  • New sound: medicine used successfully.
  • Player-created backstories and translations have been updated.
  • About 150-200 bugfixes – some big, some small.

Alpha 11c/d

Alpha11c is a very small hotfix to Alpha11b that fixes a few serious bugs. All save games and mods should still be compatible.

Update: Now to Alpha11d. This is the same as Alpha11c, but the save game location will be correct on Macs. (I originally built Alpha11c against a slightly old version of Unity from before they changed the save game path).

There will not be a new email sent. You can download using your previous link from your last email. Your personal download link is permanent and always has the latest version. If you need help getting your link, please go to ludeon.com/support.


  • Mitigated a game-killing bug caused by corrupted pawns. The corrupted pawn will now be destroyed instead of causing broken saves and game crashes. I’m still tracing the root cause of this so I can make the game not generate corrupted pawns in the first place.
  • Fixed a stuck-pawn bug caused by wardens trying to recruit downed prisoners and immediately ending their job, over and over.
  • Fixed prisoner config resetting at inappropriate times.
  • Fixed floor smoothing speed being determined by mining skill (it’s now construction).
  • Fixed repeated EMP damage canceling stuns in progress.

Complete Version List

Release Type Version Number Version Type Release Date Additional Comment
Public 0.13.1135 Alpha 2016.04.6 Alpha 13
Public 0.12.906 Alpha 2015.08.21 Alpha 12
Public 0.11.877 Alpha 2015.06.10 Alpha 11
Public 0.10.785 Alpha 2015.04.15 Alpha 10
Public 0.9.722 Alpha 2015.02.18 Alpha 9
Public 0.8.657 Alpha 2014.12.15 Alpha 8
Public 0.7.581 Alpha 2014.10.01 Alpha 7
Public 0.6.532 Alpha 2014.08.13 Alpha 6
Silent 0.5.496B Alpha 2014.07.14 Alpha 5D
Quiet 0.5.496 Alpha 2014.07.07 Alpha 5C
Public 0.5.492B Alpha 2014.07.06 Alpha 5B
Public 0.5.492 Alpha 2014.07.04 Alpha 5
Public 0.4.460 Alpha 2014.06.01 Alpha 4
Public 0.3.410 Alpha 2014.04.11 Alpha 3
Public 0.2.363 Alpha 2014.02.26 Alpha 2
Public 0.1.334 Alpha 2014.01.27 Alpha 1
Internal Internal 0.1.334 Alpha 2014.01.26
Internal Internal 0.1.333 Alpha 2014.01.25
Internal Internal 0.1.332 Alpha 2014.01.24
Internal Internal 0.1.331 Alpha 2014.01.23
Internal Internal 0.0.330B Pre-Alpha 2014.01.22
Internal Internal 0.0.330 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.22
Internal Internal 0.0.329 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.21
Internal Internal 0.0.328 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.20
Internal Internal 0.0.327 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.19
Internal Internal 0.0.325 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.17
Internal Internal 0.0.324 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.16
Internal Internal 0.0.323 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.15
Internal Internal 0.0.322 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.14
Internal Internal 0.0.321 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.13
Internal Internal 0.0.320 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.12
Internal Internal 0.0.318 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.10
Internal Internal 0.0.317B Pre-Alpha 2014.01.09
Internal Internal 0.0.317 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.08
Internal Internal 0.0.314 Pre-Alpha 2014.01.06
Internal Internal 0.0.294 Pre-Alpha 2013.12.17
Public 0.0.254B Pre-Alpha 2013.11.07 Pre-Alpha Backer 2
Internal Internal 0.0.254 Pre-Alpha 2013.11.07
Internal Internal 0.0.253c Pre-Alpha 2013.11.06
Internal Internal 0.0.253b Pre-Alpha 2013.11.06
Internal Internal 0.0.253 Pre-Alpha 2013.11.06
Public 0.0.250 Pre-Alpha 2013.11.03 Pre-Alpha Backer 1
Internal Internal 0.0.250 Pre-Alpha 2013.11.03
Internal Internal 0.0.249a Pre-Alpha 2013.11.02
Internal Internal 0.0.248 Pre-Alpha 2013.11.01
Internal Internal 0.0.247 Pre-Alpha 2013.10.31
Public 0.0.245 Pre-Alpha 2013.10.29 Pre-Alpha Press Release 2
Internal Internal 0.0.245 Pre-Alpha 2013.10.29
Internal Internal 0.0.243 Pre-Alpha 2013.10.27
Internal Internal 0.0.241 Pre-Alpha 2013.10.25
Internal Internal 0.0.240 Pre-Alpha 2013.10.24
Public 0.0.232 Pre-Alpha 2013.10.16 Pre-Alpha Press Release 1