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Colonists can build structures of a various materials, each with different beauty, flammability, and hit-points. Enclosed areas will automatically prompt colonists to build a roof unless you apply a no roof region, or if the structure is too large (over 300 cells). Structures leave ash on the ground when burnt.


Walls are impassable structures capable of supporting a roof. Walls can be built out of any building material. Power conduits may be constructed in an existing wall without the mood penalty if the conduit is not in the wall. Smoothing natural stone walls allows conduits to be placed beneath them. Walls require 5 materials to construct.

Constructed walls

Stats table

  • Wall Wall Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 000,338 ticks (5.63 secs) 600 75% 4.95 Silver
    Gold Gold 20 000,122 ticks (2.03 secs) 180 40% 500 Silver
    Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 000,950 ticks (15.83 secs) 510 0% 7.9 Silver
    Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 000,950 ticks (15.83 secs) 465 0% 7.9 Silver
    Marble blocks Marble blocks 1 000,883 ticks (14.72 secs) 360 0% 7.7 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel 0 000,297 ticks (4.95 secs) 840 0% 46 Silver
    Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 000,815 ticks (13.58 secs) 420 0% 7.4 Silver
    Silver Silver 6 000,135 ticks (2.25 secs) 210 40% 51 Silver
    Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 000,950 ticks (15.83 secs) 390 0% 7.9 Silver
    Steel Steel 0 000,135 ticks (2.25 secs) 300 40% 10 Silver
    Jade Jade 10 000,675 ticks (11.25 secs) 150 0% 27 Silver
    Uranium Uranium 0 000,257 ticks (4.28 secs) 750 0% 31 Silver
    Wood Wood 0 000,095 ticks (1.58 secs) 195 100% 6.3 Silver
  • Natural walls

    These cannot be constructed, only mined, but act largely like walls and are provided for comparisons sake.

    Material HP Flammability Beauty Value [1]
    Plasteel Ore 8000 0% 0 0
    Silver Ore 1500 0% 0 0
    Steel Ore 1500 0% 0 0
    Uranium Ore 4000 0% 0 0
    Jade Ore 1500 0% 0 0
    Gold Ore 1500 0% 0 0
    Compacted machinery 2000 0% 0 0
    Granite 900 0% -2 0
    Limestone 700 0% -2 0
    Marble 450 0% -1 0
    Sandstone 400 0% -2 0
    Slate 500 0% -2 0
    1. Not sellable.

    Smoothed walls

    Rather than being directly constructed like other walls, these walls are created by smoothing existing rock walls.

    Material HP Work Required Flammability Beauty Value[1][2] Cover Effectiveness
    Smoothed Granite Wall 900 6,500 ticks (1.81 mins) 0% 1 1 (20) 75%
    Smoothed Limestone Wall 700 6,500 ticks (1.81 mins) 0% 1 1 (20) 75%
    Smoothed Marble Wall 450 6,500 ticks (1.81 mins) 0% 2 1 (25) 75%
    Smoothed Sandstone Wall 400 6,500 ticks (1.81 mins) 0% 1 1 (18) 75%
    Smoothed Slate Wall 500 6,500 ticks (1.81 mins) 0% 1 1 (20) 75%
    1. Not sellable.
    2. Bracketed value is that defined in the defs, however as of the time of writing in-game the wealth increase of smoothing a wall implies that they actually have a value of 1 silver. Given the disparity, this may either be a bug or oxbow code.



    Doors provide entry points through walls for colonists while still keeping out enemies and wild animals. Pawns manually open doors which causes a delay as they try to pass through, as opposed to autodoors which open on demand and allow faster passage. All doors are generally locked to hostile entities, including prisoners, raiders and mad animals. A door can be marked to "Hold open," which means the next time it is opened, it will stay open, and then all pawns can pass through. A door can also be marked "Forbid". Colonists and tamed animals don't use forbidden doors, even if they're held open. However visitors, traders, and colonists on mental breakdowns ignore the forbidden status.

    Stats table

  • Door Door Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Door
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 002,125 ticks (35.42 secs) 320 75% 100% 26 Silver
    Gold Gold 20 000,765 ticks (12.75 secs) 96 40% 100% 2,505 Silver
    Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 005,240 ticks (1.46 mins) 272 0% 45% 41 Silver
    Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 005,240 ticks (1.46 mins) 248 0% 45% 41 Silver
    Marble blocks Marble blocks 1 004,815 ticks (1.34 mins) 192 0% 45% 40 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel 0 001,870 ticks (31.17 secs) 448 0% 100% 230 Silver
    Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 004,390 ticks (1.22 mins) 224 0% 45% 38 Silver
    Silver Silver 6 000,850 ticks (14.17 secs) 112 40% 100% 255 Silver
    Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 005,240 ticks (1.46 mins) 208 0% 45% 41 Silver
    Steel Steel 0 000,850 ticks (14.17 secs) 160 40% 100% 51 Silver
    Jade Jade 10 004,250 ticks (1.18 mins) 80 0% 100% 140 Silver
    Uranium Uranium 0 001,615 ticks (26.92 secs) 400 0% 75% 156 Silver
    Wood Wood 0 000,595 ticks (9.92 secs) 104 100% 120% 32 Silver
  • Autodoor

    Autodoors are regular doors that open and close 4x as fast, but need to constantly draw 50 W of power. Lacking sufficient power, they lose the speed bonus and act like regular doors, until power is returned.

    Powered autodoors made of stone open slightly faster than regular wooden doors. Powered autodoors made of any material other than stone open fast enough that pawns are not slowed down when passing through.

    In all other aspects, an autodoor is identical to a regular door made of the same material.

    Construction requires 30% additional work, 40 steel and 2 components on top of the 25 base material for the regular door.

    For more info, see the main article Autodoor.

    Stats table

  • Autodoor Autodoor Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Door
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 002,750 ticks (45.83 secs) 320 75% 400% 169 Silver
    Gold Gold 20 000,990 ticks (16.5 secs) 96 40% 400% 2,645 Silver
    Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 006,740 ticks (1.87 mins) 272 0% 180% 187 Silver
    Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 006,740 ticks (1.87 mins) 248 0% 180% 187 Silver
    Marble blocks Marble blocks 1 006,190 ticks (1.72 mins) 192 0% 180% 185 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel 0 002,420 ticks (40.33 secs) 448 0% 400% 375 Silver
    Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 005,640 ticks (1.57 mins) 224 0% 180% 183 Silver
    Silver Silver 6 001,100 ticks (18.33 secs) 112 40% 400% 395 Silver
    Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 006,740 ticks (1.87 mins) 208 0% 180% 187 Silver
    Steel Steel 0 001,100 ticks (18.33 secs) 160 40% 400% 192 Silver
    Jade Jade 10 005,500 ticks (1.53 mins) 80 0% 400% 285 Silver
    Uranium Uranium 0 002,090 ticks (34.83 secs) 400 0% 300% 295 Silver
    Wood Wood 0 000,770 ticks (12.83 secs) 104 100% 480% 173 Silver
  • Bridge

    Bridges are structures that can be built on water. Bridges allow more rapid movement across water. Once built, they can support many structures, including wooden walls, but not particularly heavy structures including any other type of wall. Bridges allow for easier building in swampy biomes. Floors may not be built atop bridges.

    Bridges cost 12 wood each. They can be damaged or destroyed by fire or explosions, including whatever was built on top.


    Columns are passable structures which are capable of holding a roof which do not block sight, or movement and look quite nice. They have x/1.875 (.533x) of a wall's normal health, 4x the beauty, and 4x the value. They also have 25% cover effectiveness and do not slow down pawns. These were introduced in 1.1.

    Stats table

  • Column Column Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 1 001,875 ticks (31.25 secs) 320 75% 22 Silver
    Gold Gold 40 000,675 ticks (11.25 secs) 96 40% 2,000 Silver
    Granite blocks Granite blocks 5 004,640 ticks (1.29 mins) 272 0% 35 Silver
    Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 5 004,640 ticks (1.29 mins) 248 0% 35 Silver
    Marble blocks Marble blocks 8 004,265 ticks (1.18 mins) 192 0% 33 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel 5 001,650 ticks (27.5 secs) 448 0% 186 Silver
    Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 5 003,890 ticks (1.08 mins) 224 0% 32 Silver
    Silver Silver 16 000,750 ticks (12.5 secs) 112 40% 205 Silver
    Slate blocks Slate blocks 5 004,640 ticks (1.29 mins) 208 0% 35 Silver
    Steel Steel 5 000,750 ticks (12.5 secs) 160 40% 41 Silver
    Jade Jade 22 003,750 ticks (1.04 mins) 80 0% 114 Silver
    Uranium Uranium 2 001,425 ticks (23.75 secs) 400 0% 125 Silver
    Wood Wood 5 000,525 ticks (8.75 secs) 104 100% 26 Silver
  • Roof

    A single wall or column will support a roof in a roughly circular area 6 tiles around it.

    A roof is an area of cover from the elements. A roof can extend up to 6 tiles from a wall, column, rock wall, or similarly supportive structures, so roofed interiors have a maximum size of 12 cells across the shortest side. Interior areas built larger than this will remain partially unroofed without the use of additional support. Larger roofed areas can be built with the use of columns or interior walls as support pillars. Indoor roofs are automatically built by builders.

    To build or extend a roof outdoors, a "Build roof area" must first be drawn. Leaving 25% of room area or more unroofed makes the room status as "Room unroofed" which, among other effects, equalises room temperature to outside temperature.

    Drawing roof areas

    Areas can be designated to have a roof or not have a roof by drawing either a Build roof area or Remove roof area, located under the Architect/Zone tab. This can be used to create outdoor roofed areas (to prevent rain, snowfall, or item deterioration), or indoor unroofed areas (protected Solar panels, indoor growing areas). If there is no supporting wall or rock within 6 tiles, no roof will be built.

    Roof collapse

    A roof will collapse if the last supporting structure within 6 tiles is removed, whether by mining, deconstruction, or destruction. Removing the last tile of roof supporting another section of roof by deconstruction will delete the now-unsupported section but will not cause a collapse nor cause any damage.

    Roof collapses deal Crush damage to everything and everyone underneath them.

    Roof collapses cause injuries to colonists and damage items. Normal collapsed roof leaves filth. Collapsed overhead mountain will leave collapsed rocks. Pawns and objects caught under collapsed rocks will be utterly destroyed.

    Thick mountain roof deals 99,999 damage with 999% AP, obliterating anything underneath it. Constructed and thin mountain roof deal between 15 and 30 damage with 0% AP, targeted at the "outside" and "top" of a pawn i.e. the neck of a human pawn and all its external children parts including the head.

    Roof deconstruction

    Drawing a "Remove roof area" will cause colonists to remove a constructed roof. Constructors will automatically go and safely remove the roofs without risk of collapse. Overhead Mountains cannot be removed this way, only by triggering a collapse.

    Because of the collapse protection mentioned above when removing the roof, it can be expeditious to direct pawns to only remove the outside ring of roofing to allow the inner roof area to become unsupported and vanish safely.

    Version history

    • 0.3.410 - The unpowered "Simple Door" added.
    • 0.4.460 - Stone wall health raised from 400 to 650.