A character's capacities are determined by their health and may affect their stats. Factors that may affect capacities include artificial body parts, drugs, diseases and injuries.
Pawn capacity | Description |
Blood Filtration | A character's ability to fight off diseases. Affects consciousness and immunity gain speed. |
Blood Pumping | How well a creature can move blood around its body. Affects consciousness and moving. |
Breathing | The ability of a character to breathe. Affects consciousness and movement. |
Consciousness | The state or quality of awareness. A pawn loses consciousness when this falls below 30%, and dies when this reaches 0%. |
Digestion | How well a creature's body converts food reserves into energy to sustain life. Digestion influences the rest rate multiplier at 30% weight. |
Eating | A character's ability to eat. |
Hearing | How well a creature can detect sound waves. It improves social and trade prices. |
Manipulation | How well a character can physically interact with objects. Directly affected by consciousness and arms/hands/fingers effectiveness. |
Moving | How well a character can move around. Directly affected by consciousness. |
Pain | How much pain a person feels. |
Sight | How well a character can see. |
Talking | A character's capacity of speech. Directly affected by consciousness. |