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Psycast are psychic powers available to pawns with Psychic amplifiers, added by the Royalty DLC.


The first psycast is gained when using a Psychic amplifier. Further psycasts can be gained by using ?Item name?


A psycaster's effectiveness is controlled by two primary factors: their Psychic entropy and the Psychic Sensitivity of their target.

A psycaster's psychic entropy limit is the primary limitation to how many psycasts they can perform in a given period of time. Each psycast gives the caster a certain amount of entropy. The more they exert themselves, the closer they get to their limit and the more powerful the debuff they receive while recovering. Should they exceed the limit (by disabling the limiter) there is even a risk of permanent damage. While the default psychic entropy limit is 30 it modified by a number of factors including psychic sensitivity, the number of psychic amplifiers. The resulting value follows the equation

Psychic Entropy Limit = 30 * Psychic Sensitivity * (0.66... + (0.33...*Number of Psychic Amplifiers))

Entropy naturally decreases over time, with faster rates provided by additional psychic amplifiers. The default rate of 5 every 30 seconds with no amplifiers (though this will only be seen when using Entropic Link as otherwise they cannot generate entropy). The first amplifier improves the rate by 4, to 9 per 30 seconds. Each additional amplifier improves it by an additional 0.5 to a limit of 11.5 at six amplifiers.

Psychic equipment such as Psyfocus shirt,vest, robe, helmet, and staff improve a psycasters abilities by providing additional psychic sensitivity and directly increasing the Entropy recovery rate.

The targets psychic sensitivity is important as well, with it acting as a modifier to the duration, and sometimes the magnitude, of the psychic effect. For example, a Psychically Hypersensitive (Sensitivity of 1.8) pawn will be affected by the Beserk psycast for 58 seconds instead of the normal 30, while a Psychically Dull (Sensitivity of 0.5) pawn would only be affected for 15 seconds, and a Psychically Deaf (Sensitivity of 0) pawn would be immune.


A psycast is the ability performed by the psycaster. A Psycaster can only perform psycasts of a level equal to or below the number of psychic amplifiers they have implanted. For example, to manifest Beckon, the psycaster would require 3 psychic amplifiers.

Psycasts performed by a pawn without the required title have a chance to incur the wrath of the Empire. This chance is determined by ? and causes the effect ?.

Name Level (Title) Description Effects Entropy Gain Casting Time Duration Range Area of Effect
Burden 1 (Yeoman) Slow the target for a short time by suppressing motor activity in the brain Psychically-induced difficulty in locomotion 8 0.25s 30s 30 tiles Target
Painblock 1 (Yeoman) Block pain pathways in the target's brain for a short time. This can allow a person to move and act even with grievous injuries which would normally incapacitate them Psychically-induced pain insensitivity.
  • Target Pain Factor x10%
10 0.25s 30s 25 tiles Target
Stun 1 (Yeoman) Momentarily disrupt motor function in target's [sic] brain, preventing any movement.


  • Stuns the target
  • -15 Faction Relations when used on allies
12 0.25s 3s 20 tiles Target
Blinding Pulse 2 (Esquire) Induce noise in the visual centers of the brain, obscuring vision of everyone near the target point. Psychically-induced partial blindness. 20 1s 30s 25 tiles 5 tiles
Entropy Link 2 (Esquire) Form a psychic link between caster and target, so that gain and loss of psychic entropy is shared between both equally. The link lasts for some time, but will break if the the two move far apart. A psychic link with another individual. Gain or loss of psychic entropy incurred by one will be shared equally between both.
  • Target and Caster share a combined Entropy Pool with combined entropy loss rate so long as both pawns stay within 10 tiles of each other. Target does not require a psychic amplifier to be linked, but does not gain any psycasts either.
  • -15 Faction Relations when used on allies
10 1s 60s 3.9 tiles Target
Beckon 3 (Knight/Dame) Psychically command the target to approach the caster. Psychically-induced.
  • Target is unable to make ranged attacks and is forced to follow the caster.
20 0.25s 10s 25 tiles Target
Chaos Skip 3 (Knight/Dame) Teleport the target to a random position near where he started. Psychically-induced.
  • Target is teleported to a random tile between 7 and 25 tiles away from its starting location
  • 1s Stun after teleporting
  • -15 Faction Relations when used on allies
18 0.25s Instantaneous 25 tiles Target
Vertigo Pulse 3 (Knight/Dame) Interfere with the spatial orientation sense of everyone near the target point, causing intermittent loss of balance. Flesh creatures will become extremely nauseous as well. Psychically-induced loss of spatial orientation. This will cause flesh creatures to vomit.
  • Targets within the radius become dizzy and wander in a 3 tile radius from their initial position
  • Living targets have a chance to vomit.
  • -15 Faction Relations when used on allies
25 1s 20s 25 tiles 5 tiles
Smokepop 4 (Praetor) Skip dust particles up from under the ground surface to form a thick cloud. This reduces the accuracy of any shot fired through it, and preventing [sic] turrets from locking on entirely. Psychically-induced.
  • Creates a 7 tile diameter smoke at the targeted location.
35 1s Instantaneous, Smoke dissipates in 30? seconds 25 tiles Tile
Skip 4 (Praetor) Teleport the target to a desired position not too far from his starting point. Psychically-induced.
  • Target is teleported to a selected tile visible to the caster.
  • 1s stun after teleporting.
25 0.25s Instantaneous 25 tiles Target/Tile
Focus 4 (Praetor) Psychically focus the target's mind, boosting their sight, hearing and moving capacities. Psychically-induced mental focus, increasing sight, hearing and movement capactities.[sic] 15 0.25s 60s 25 tiles Target
Wallraise 4 (Praetor) Form a temporary wall by skipping rubble and soil up from deep under the ground. Psychically-induced.
  • Creates a wall of ??? Size and ?? shape at the target location. Wall has ?? stats and lasts for ?? seconds.
25 1s Instantaneous, Wall disappears after ? seconds 25 tiles Tile
Berserk 5 (Baron/Baroness) Induce an angry psychosis in the target's mind, causing them to attack anyone nearby. Psychically-induced.
  • Target goes berserk, attacking the nearest creature regardless of previous affiliation.
  • -15 Faction Relations when used on allies.
35 0.25s 30s 25 tiles Target
Invisibility 5 (Baron/Baroness) Psychically manipulate the visual centers of everyone nearby, rendering them unable to perceive a particular individual for a short time. Psychically-induced invisibility. This actually affects others nearby, making their brains unable to percieve [sic] the sight of this individual, even if the eyes are unaffected.
  • Targeted creature cannot be attacked or targeted by any non-AoE psychic powers.
30 1s 15s 10 tiles Target
Berserk Pulse 6 (Count/Countess) Generate an overwhelming rush of undirected rage in everyone near the target point. Psychically-induced.
  • All creatures within the radius go berserk, attacking the nearest creature regardless of previous affiliation.
  • -75 Faction Relations when used on allies.
60 1s 60s 25 tiles 3 tiles
Mass Chaos Skip 6 (Count/Countess) Skip everyone near a target point to a random location nearby. Psychically-induced.
  • Targets within radius is teleported to a random tile between 7 and 25 tiles away from its starting location
  • 1s Stun after teleporting
  • -75 Faction Relations when used on allies.
40 1s Instantaneous 25 tiles 8 tiles
Manhunter pulse 6 (Count/Countess) Drive nearby animals into a manhunting rage using a psychic pulse Psychically-induced.
  • All animals within the radius go Manhunter, attacking the nearest human regardless of previous affiliation.
40 1s 60s 25 tiles 30 tiles