Template:Animals/Haul Row/doc

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< Template:Animals/Haul Row
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This row template is created for the Animals page.

It's used to observe and compare the most valuable (feel free to add any) properties of the hauler-animals.


Animal Move Speed Carrying Capacity Haul Throughput Wildness Hunger Rate Filth Rate Juvenile Age Maturity Age Min Temperature Max Temperature
Arctic wolf 5 64 320 85% 0.29 2 12 30 -55 40
Carrier 2.4 50 120 0% - 1 - - -50 50
Cougar 5 75 375 80% 0.32 2 15 30 -25 40
Elephant 4.8 300 1440 75% 2.57 24 18 39.96 -12 50
Grizzly bear 4.6 161 740.6 80% 0.56 4 12 30 -40 40
Husky 5 65 325 0% 0.8 1 15 30 -50 40
Labrador retriever 5 56 280 0% 0.64 1 15 30 -30 40
Megasloth 4.8 300 1440 97% 1.6 24 19.98 40.02 -55 40
Megaspider 3.6 90 324 40% 0.56 1 1.8 12 -40 60
Panther 5 75 375 80% 0.32 2 15 30 -8 50
Polar bear 4.6 161 740.6 85% 0.56 4 12 30 -55 40
Spelopede 3.65 60 219 30% 0.4 1 1.8 12 -25 60
Thrumbo 5.5 300 1650 98.5% 2.8 8 45 79.92 -65 50
Timber wolf 5 64 320 85% 0.29 2 12 30 -40 40