Property:Image Wanted Reason

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Main, widgets, etc  +, Section:Image of scattered (non-contiguous) bridge IED traps with roof drop  +
Section:Shows bases from A16, they have significantly changed since.  +
Colour selection  +
Section:Coverage image ala [[:File:Low_shield_pack_radius.jpg]]  +
Image of min and max teleport radii in a style similar to [[:File:Skip shield radius.jpg]].  +
Section:All valid chair placements, see [[sleep accelerator]] for example  +
Image of AoE in a style similar to [[:File:Skip shield radius.jpg]].  +
Section:1) Corrosive spray gizmo (note may be the same as acid spray?) 2) AoE of spray in standard style of [[:Category: Images - Graphics]]  +
Stun mote and electrical sparking effect  +
Section:AoE image of the standard style, Note AoE appears to be randomized  +
Images of fired AoE and one of stack AoE (1 shell and full stack designated by color) in a style similar to [[:File:Firefoam shell radius.png]]  +
Most images are from Beta 18, where deadfall/spike traps could be placed adjacent to each other.  +
New images are needed for mechanoids added in Biotech  +
See rewrite above - images of the new debug menus and the menus displaying their dev and god mode options (e.g. the +/- options on the mood bars when its activated  +
Fire burst gizmo  +
Section:1) Light radius image like [[:File:Standing_lamp_illumination_area.png]] 2) AoE image in standard style 3) Launch flare gizmo  +
1) Replacement image of radii, showing the correct number of incendiary secondaries 2) Webm of use would be instructive and allow playing on the page  +
Image from before nerfs to the doomsday- number of submunitions is wrong as might be other details  +
Gizmos for hold open and such  +
Section:Positioning  +