Property:Stub Reason

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Add consideration of how [[Ideoligion]] affects consumption of meat, insect meat, and human meat together and separately. List of factors for how yield is affected (see [[Butcher spot]]). Also general - for that see [[Insect meat]]  +
This page is included in the [[RimWorld_Wiki:To-do#Butchery project|Butchery project]] - there are a number of factors that are in need of verification and potentially addition to this section. See that page for details  +
1) Two-way links  +
1) Two-way links  +
1) Two-way links  +
1) Convert shield energy to a relevant unit of damage capacity / hp 2) Two-way links  +
1) Two-way links  +
1) Two-way links  +
what combinations are possible  +
Format standard and expansion  +
Section:See other bionics  +, Section:Missing analysis  +
Section:Compare [[low shield pack]] for adequate detail. Radius graphics similar to the low shield pack page would be nice.  +, Section:General stub - current is just a couple of very rough suggestions  +
Section:Compare [[low shield pack]] for adequate detail. Radius graphics similar to the low shield pack page would be nice.  +, Section:General stub - current is just a couple of very rough suggestions  +, Section:Research needed: can they be used to intercept projectiles from hostile raiders if the shield is kept online?  +
General. Also ensure parity with [[Large mech recharger]]  +
Section:Upon death or exceeding bandwidth, which go wild? Only enough to reduce bandwidth demand to less than current or all? If the former, is which are selected it predictable, and if so, which are selected?  +, Section:Initiating time modified by anything? What happens if the mechanitor dies mid cycle?  +
Mechanics and Analysis  +
Unique faction mechanics  +
General - detail needed, lacking analysis entirely, some analysis in summary, specifics of how hostile mechs are generated is needed  +
Section:How long until the war queen arrives. Activation method etc.  +