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These giant insect-like creatures live underground and burrow up to attack when attracted by noise or pheromone signals. Originally from the planet Sorne, interstellar entrepreneurs managed to capture, genetically-modify, and vat-grow the insect colonies for use as weapons. It's not clear who placed Sorne insects on this planet, but they are here and as dangerous as ever.

— Faction description

Insectoids are an ecosystem of genetically engineered insect-like animals that function, in part, like a permanently hostile faction. The insectoids that populate this faction are slow-moving, melee-only animals that are themselves are not always automatically hostile to colonists, but can be a serious surprise threat to any colony when encountered during an infestation.

Megascarab east.png

A large, genetically-engineered beetle. Once the worker caste of an artificial ecosystem of insectoids designed to fight mechanoid invasions, it is now often seen without its deadlier insectoid cousins. Still, its size and hard shell make it dangerous when it attacks. A eusocial creature, it cannot reproduce individually.


A stasis cocoon containing a megascarab.
When conditions are inhospitable, insects sometimes form stasis cocoons and burrow underground. These cocoons keep insects safe from fire, extreme temperatures, and other threats for years.
Pollutants can stimulate cocoons and cause them to resurface, and strong pollutants can attract cocoons from great distances.
Cocoons do nothing if they are not disturbed. If a cocoon is disturbed or destroyed, the insect within will awaken and attack, triggering other nearby cocoons in the process.

Megaspider east.png

Not actually a spider, the megaspider is a genetically-engineered giant insectoid the size of a bear. Designed for heavy work and combat, its thick chitinous armor makes it hard to kill, while its long ripper-blades make it deadly at close quarters. It is, however, quite slow in open terrain.


A stasis cocoon containing a megaspider.
When conditions are inhospitable, insects sometimes form stasis cocoons and burrow underground. These cocoons keep insects safe from fire, extreme temperatures, and other threats for years.
Pollutants can stimulate cocoons and cause them to resurface, and strong pollutants can attract cocoons from great distances.
Cocoons do nothing if they are not disturbed. If a cocoon is disturbed or destroyed, the insect within will awaken and attack, triggering other nearby cocoons in the process.

Spelopede east.png

A medium-sized bioengineered insectoid the size of a sheep. The spelopede is the middle caste of a hive, taking care of most work tasks as well as fighting with its digging claws. It's dangerous in combat, but slow on open ground.


A stasis cocoon containing a spelopede.
When conditions are inhospitable, insects sometimes form stasis cocoons and burrow underground. These cocoons keep insects safe from fire, extreme temperatures, and other threats for years.
Pollutants can stimulate cocoons and cause them to resurface, and strong pollutants can attract cocoons from great distances.
Cocoons do nothing if they are not disturbed. If a cocoon is disturbed or destroyed, the insect within will awaken and attack, triggering other nearby cocoons in the process.


Insectoids from Infestation attack after triggering old trap

Insectoids are animals. Uniquely, insectoids experience hypothermic slowdown instead of hypothermia. They have 0 Toxic Sensitivity, rendering them immune to toxic buildup from any source.

As part of an infestation, they are a "faction" that is hostile to every other faction in the world. They will mantain hives, which, if left untampered with, will produce more insectoids - as well as insect jelly. Hostile insectoids may also be found in ancient structures and the ancient cryptosleep caskets inside them.

Infestations that don't see enemies may be "triggered" via hostile actions, such as mortars or traps. Once triggered, they'll rush towards a random direction up to 100 tiles away, attempting to find other hostiles. Any tile they use to sleep will reset their range. They move slowly, attack directly and mindlessly, so are vulnerable to to more sophisticated tactics like kiting.

Megascarabs may be found in the wild in the desert or extreme desert biomes, where they are not hostile until interacted with. All insectoids may be tamed, but as they are often hostile, it is a very difficult task which often requires downing them.


Only a limited amount is known as about the origins of Insectoids, and most is provided from the faction description above. The planet Sorne was the original homeworld of the insectoids, before they were captured, genetically modified, and vat-grown by interstellar entrepreneurs for use as weapons, and exported to other worlds by parties unknown. As all seemingly-alien life is claimed to have originated on Earth,[1] it is possible that the original pre-weaponization Sorne Geneline evolved from Earth life on the planet, or were already genetically engineered for some reason before being modified again.[2]

The purpose of the modification is known however - they were intended to act as artificial ecosystem of insectoids designed to fight mechanoid invasions.[3] Given the past tense used in the source, it is possible that the current insectoid ecosystem seen on the rimworld does not function as originally designed. Notably however, mechanoids and insectoids do remain permanently hostile to each other, a fact that can occasionally be exploited.


  1. Cryptosleep Revival Briefing
  2. Insectoid Faction Description
  3. Megascarab description


Pawn Type Image Combat Power Armor (S/B/H) DPS Move speed Additional Info
Megascarab Megascarab east.png 40 72% / 18% / 0% 1.4 3.75 c/s
Megaspider Megaspider east.png 150 27% / 18% / 0% 2.52 3.6 c/s -
Spelopede Spelopede east.png 75 18% / 18% / 0% 2.02 3.65 c/s -